
I want a (Chinese) teacher.
Ngoo iau tshing ih-we sien-sang.

I want to learn Mandarin.
Ngoo iau ’auh Kwen-wo.

I want to learn the Shanghai dialect.
Ngoo iau ’auh Zaung-he thoo-bak.

Good morning, teacher.
Sien-sang tsau ’a.

My Chinese words are few.
Ngoo-kuh Tsoong-kok seh-wo ’veh-too.

I want to study in the morning.
Ngoo iau la tsau-zung dok-su.

What hour in the morning to begin?
Tsau-zung kyi tien-tsoong chi-deu?

From seven to eight o’clock.
Tshih tien-tsoong tau pah tien-tsoong.

Can you come earlier?
Noong nung-keu tsau-tien le va?

What hour is most convenient?
Sa z-’eu ting bien-taung.

How much a month do you wish?
’Me nyoeh noong iau kyi-kau sing-soe?

If each day [we] study one hour [I] want eight dollars.
Zak-z ’me nyih dok ih tien-tsoong iau pah-khwe yang-dien.

What book do you think I should study?
Noong siang dok sa-kuh su?

To aspirate is important.
Tsheh-foong z iau-kyung kuh.

Read it over again.
Tse dok ih-pien.

[To teacher] Should I learn to write the characters?
Noong siang ngoo iau ’auh sia Tsoong-kok z va?

[To teacher] Do I speak correctly?
Ngoo wo le te va?

[To student] You do not speak distinctly.
Noong wo le ’veh tshing-saung.

Speak more quickly.
Wo-le khwa-tien.

Speak more slowly.
Wo-le man-tien.

You speak too quick.
Noong wo le thuh-khwa.

To listen to other people’s idiom is important.
Thing bih-nyung-kuh wo-fah z iau-kyung-kuh.

[We have] finished the study of this book; may [we] study Yates’ Lessons?
Di pung su dok-wen-ts, khau-i dok Tsoong-kok Yuk Nyui Miau Fah va?
* Since writing these Sentences new Lessons on the Shanghai Dialect have been prepared by Rev. L. Hawks Pott, D.D.(???)

Sir, please write a letter for me.
Sien-sang, tshing noong thi ngoo sia ih foong sing.

[To teacher] To-morrow I have matters [to attend to] and will not be able to study.
??????, ????
Ming-tsau ngoo yeu z-thi, ’veh nung dok-su.

[To student] The day after to-morrow I go from home and cannot come to teach.
??????, ?????
‘Eu-nyih ngoo iau tsheh-mung, ’veh nung le kau su.

At the beginning, of next week I want to go to the hills for a summer holiday, so in the meantime we will stop for a week.
????, ??????, ????????
‘Au li-pa chi, ngoo iau zaung san hyih ‘au, soo-i dzan z ding ih-kuh nyoeh.


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