Ricksha, come!
??? (or) ????
Toong-yang-tsho (or) toong-yang-tsho le!
Go ahead.
?? (or) ???
Dzau-zien (or) tseu-zaung chi.
Go to the right.
Tau yeu-pien chi.
Go to the left.
Tau tsi-pien chi.
Go back.
We-tsen chi.
Wait here.
?? (or) ????
Tung la (or) tung la di-deu.
I want to go to the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank.
Ngoo iau tau We-foong nyung-‘aung chi.
I want to go to the German Bank.
Ngoo iau tau Tuh-wo nyung-‘aung chi.
I want to go to the Imperial Customs.
Ngoo iau tau Sing-kwan chi.
I want to go to the Astor House.
Ngoo iau tau Li-dzo chi.
I want to go to the Club.
Ngoo iau tau Tsoong-we chi.
I want to go to the Railway Station.
Ngoo iau tau hoo-tsho dzan chi.
I want to go to the Steamer Jetty.
Ngoo iau tau lung-zen mo-deu chi.
I do not know the way; take me to the Police Office.
?????; ????????
Ngoo ’veh nyung-tuh loo; noong tsho ngoo tau Dzing-boo-vaung chi.
[I have paid] enough.
?? (or) ??
Yeu-tse (or) Keu-tse.
[What I have paid you is] not too little.
’Veh sau la tse.
I have already paid you according to custom.
Ngoo i-kyung tsau kwe-kyui foo noong.
Go quicker.
Bau-le khwa-tien.
Go slower.
Bau-le man-tien.
? (or) ???
Ding (or) Ding-‘au-le.
Stop for a little while.
[Because of rain] put up the hood.
[????] ?????
[We-ts lauh-yui] boong-poo tshang-chi-le.
Put the hood back.
Boong-poo faung-‘au-chi.
Have you a waterproof apron?
Yeu-poo yeu va?
Please tell me where the bank is?
Tshing kau-soo ngoo nyung-‘aung la ‘a-li?
Please tell me where Chinese books can be bought.
Tshing kau-soo ngoo ‘a-li khau-i ma Tsoong-kok su.
Please tell me where Foreign books can be bought.
Tshing kau-soo ngoo nga-kok su ‘a-li hau ma?
Please tell me where foreign clothes can be bought.
Tshing kau-soo ngoo nga-kok i-zaung ‘a-li hau ma?
Please tell me where there is an eating house or (hotel).
??????????? (or ??)
Tshing kau-soo ngoo ‘a-li yeu nga-kok van-tien (or khak-nyui).
Take me to the British Consulate.
Tsho ngoo tau Da-Iung koong-kwen chi.
Take me to the American Consulate.
Tsho ngoo tau Hwo-ji koong-kwen chi.
Take me to the Cathedral.
Tsho ngoo tau ‘Oong-li-pa-daung chi.
Take me to Union Church.
Tsho ngoo tau Soo-tseu-‘oo li-pa-daung chi.
Still another (ricksha) is wanted.
wan iau ih boo.
Can this parcel go into the ricksha?
Di-kuh pau-ts tsho-ts laung pa-tuh-lauh va?
For other useful directions see section on “Direction.”