Light the lamp.
Iau tien tung.
Call the cook.
Kyau da-s-voo le.
Call the coolie.
???? (or ??)
Kyau tsheh-tien le (or Khoo-lih).
Call a ricksha.
Kyau ih-boo toong-yang-tsho le.
Set the table.
???? (or ?????)
Iau ba de-ts (or Iau yui-be de-ts).
There are guests coming to-day for tiffin.
Kyung-tsau yeu khak-nyung le chuh tsoong van.
To-day four guests come to dinner (evening meal).
Kyung-tsau yeu s-kuh khak-nyung le chuh ya-van.
Call an extra boy to help [you.]
Iau ling-nga kyau ih-kuh si-tse le siang-paung.
Clean this room.
Di-kan vaung-ts iau seu-tsauh koen-zing.
Wash this floor.
Di-kuh di-pan iau zing.
Sweep this floor.
Di-kuh di-pan iau sau.
The door, windows, and base-board of this room I want you to wash.
Di-kan vaung-ts li-kuh mung, tshaung, lau tih-kyak-pan zen iau zing.
This is not clean; do it again.
??????, ???
Di-deu ’veh-zung koen-zing, iau tse tsoo.
Use soap and brush it.
Iau yoong bi-zau le seh.
Don’t use a brush here.
Di-deu ’veh iau yoong pan-seh.
You must scour the table.
De-ts iau tshah.
Wipe the table.
De-ts iau kha.
Bring a feather brush.
Tan kyi-mau-toen-tseu le.
Dust the pictures.
Wo-doo iau toen koen-zing.
Use a cloth to dust the room.
Di-kan vaung-ts iau yoong poo kha koen-zing.
This cloth is dirty; you must wash it.
??????, ??
Di-kuh kha-poo auh-tshauh, iau zing.
Dust (or clean) all things in this room.
????????, ?????
Di-kan vaung-ts-li kuh meh-z, zen iau kha koen-zing.
Clean the windows.
Poo-li-tshaung iau kha koen-zing.
These curtains are dirty, change to clean ones.
??????, ?????
Di-kuh tshaung-lien auh-tshauh, iau wen koen-zing-kuh.
Brush this table cover.
Di-kuh de-poo iau seh.
Put these books in order.
Di-kuh su iau pa-hau.
Put these things in their proper place.
????, ????????
Kauh-yang meh-z iau pa la iung-ke-kuh di-faung.
Please come and help me.
Tshing noong le siang-paung ngoo.
This box (trunk) I want taken over there.
Di-tsah siang-ts iau-pen tau i-deu chi.
Where are you?
Noong la ‘a-li?
If you want to go out, first tell me.
????, ????
Noong iau tsheh-chi, sien kau-soo ngoo.
Why are you so idle?
We-sa zeh-ke lan-doo?
At the end of the month you can go.
???????? (or ???)
Tsoo tau nyoeh-ti, noong khau-i ding (or khau-i chi).
If you go home, you must get me a substitute.
?????, ????
Zak-z noong kyiu-chi, iau kyau thi-koong.
[We] want to use another boy.
Tse iau yoong ih-kuh si-tse.
Can you get me a coolie?
???? (or ?) ?????
Noong khau-i zing (or kyau) ih-kuh khoo-lih va?
If you want to go (stop work) you must wait till the end of the month.
?????, ?????
Zak-z noong iau ding, iau tsoo tau nyoeh-ti.
[If] you want to go (or stop work), you must wait till I find new man.
???, ???????
Noong iau ding, tung ngoo zing-dzak sing-kuh nyung.
If you go now it is not convenient to pay your wages.
???, ??????
Yien-dze ding, ’veh bien foo noong koong-dien.
[I] will pay at the end of the month.
Tau nyoeh-ti lau foo noong.
[If you] go now I will cut your wages.
???, ??????
Yien-dze ding, ngoo iau ngah noong koong-dien.
This cook is not a very good one.
Di-kuh da-s-voo ’veh da hau.
This coolie is also very lazy.
Di-kuh khoo-lih ‘a-z lan-doo.
I want to put up the stove for this room at once.
Di-kan kuh hoo-loo zieu tsaung-chi-le.
You must first brush it.
Sien iau seh-koen-zing.
Brush these shoes.
Di-saung ‘a-ts iau seh.
Brush these clothes and hang in the sun.
I-zaung seh-ts lau so la nyih-deu li.
Be careful the wind does not blow them away.
Taung-sing ’veh iau peh foong ths-theh.
Take this out and shake it [clean].
Tan tsheh-chi teu-teu koen-zing.
Open this bundle.
Di-kuh pau iau ka-khe.
Wrap it up.
Iau pau-chi-le.
Use a rope to tie this.
Yoong zung khwung-chi-le.
Buy some strong rope.
Iau ma lau-kuh zung.
Buy a basket (with string net on top).
Ma ih-tsak maung-lan.
Put all the food into this basket.
Chuh-kuh meh-z zen pa-la di-tsak lan-li.
Buy me a foot-stove and some charcoal (balls).
Ma ih-tsak kyak-loo lau kyi-kuh than-doen.
Roll up my bedding.
Phoo-ke tang-chi-le.
Take this letter to...........
Di-foong sing soong tau.........
An answer is wanted.
Iau we-sing kuh.
Go to the Chinese Imperial Post Office.
Tau Yeu-tsung-jok chi.
Go to the Post Office for the mail.
Tau su-sing-kwen chi tan sing le.
Take this parcel to the Post Office.
Di-kuh pau, soong tau su-sing-kwen chi.
Call a wheelbarrow and take these things to the steamer.
Kyau siau-tsho soong di-kuh meh-z tau zen laung chi.
Put camphor with the clothes.
I-zaung-li iau faung tsaung-nau.
The answer says there are two books; why is there only one here?
???????, ??????, ???
We-sing wo yeu liang-pung su; yien-dze tsuh-yeu ih-pung, sa yoen-koo?
The chit book says there is an answer; where is it?
?????????, ???
Soong-sing-boo laung sia-ming yeu we-sing, la ‘a-li?
This letter is not mine; have you any other?
???????, ?????
Di-fong sing ’veh-z ngoo-kuh; wan yeu bih-kuh va?
This is for the next house.
Di-kuh meh-z z kah-pih nyung-ka-kuh.
Call a man to put a new cover on this chair.
Di-tsak iui-ts, kyau nyung le wen sing-kuh iui poo.
Get a new glass for this broken window.
Tshaung-laung-kuh se poo-li iau phe sing-kuh.
Take this pass-book to the store and bring the things.
?????????, ????
Tan di-pung boo-ts tau tien-li chi, nau meh-z le.
Go and buy some bread tickets.
Chi ma men-deu phiau-ts le.
Take these tickets and exchange for bread.
Tan di-kuh phiau-ts chi wen men-deu.
Go and buy biscuits.
Chi ma tien ping-koen le.
I want a ricksha to go to the French Concession.
Iau ih-boo toong-yang-tsho tau Fah-tsoo-ka chi.
I want a carriage for half a day.
Ngoo iau ih-boo mo-tsho yoong pen-nyih.
I want it again to-morrow.
Ming-tsau ngoo tse iau.
He asks too much money.
Yi thau-kuh ka-dien thuh doo.
Three Dollars are enough.
San-khwe yang-dien keu-tse.
This carriage is not good; get another.
??????, ????
Di-boo mo-tsho ’veh-hau; iau wen hau-kuh.
I am not very well to-day (or am ill).
??????? (or ???)
Kyung-tsau ngoo ’veh da saung-khwa (or yeu mau-bing).
What is the matter?
Sa-kuh mau-bing?
I don’t know what it is.
Ngoo ’veh hyau-tuh z sa mau-bing.
I’ve got fever and ague.
???? (or ??)
Ngoo yeu ngauh-ts (or nyak-dzih).
I’ve got fever.
Ngoo yeu ‘oen-nyih.
I’ll give you a dose of medicine.
Ngoo peh noong tien yak.
You had better see the doctor.
Noong iau tshing i-sang khoen.
I must go to the hospital.
Ngoo iau dzu-la i-yoen-li.
I want to go home.
???? or ????
Ngoo iau kyui-chi (or tau ok-li chi).
You can return home for a short time.
Noong dzan-z khau-i kyui-chi.
You are still not fit for work.
Noong yien-dze wan ’veh nung tsoo sang-weh.
Come again when you are stronger.
Noong hau-tien lau tse le.
Cook is sick and can’t get up.
??????, ????
Da-s-voo la sang-bing, ’veh-nung chi-le.
Why do you work so very slowly?
Noong tsoo sang-weh we-sa man-le-si?
Because I am tired.
We-ts ngoo sa-doo.
Perhaps you go out too much at night.
Khoong-pho noong ya-deu tsheh-chi thuh too.
I think you smoke opium (or drink wine.)
??????? (or ??)
Ngoo siang noong chuh ia-phien-ien (or chuh tsieu).
Your clothes and hat are untidy.
Noong-kuh i-mau ’veh tsung-zi.
Don’t have your shoes down at the heel.
Noong ’veh iau thoo ‘a-bi.
Have you not combed your hair to-day?
Noong kyung-tsau ’veh-zung s-deu va?
This is not proper (respectful.)
Di-kuh z m kwe-kyui-kuh.
Call amah to come.
Kyau A-ma le.