Take baby out.
Ling siau-noen tau nga-deu chi.
Go to the Gardens.
Ling siau-noen tau hwo-yoen-li chi.
If it is too cold, come home.
????, ???
Zak-z thuh lang, zieu tsen-le.
Don’t sit in the wind.
’Veh iau zoo la foong-li.
Don’t get in the sun.
’Veh iau tau nyih-deu-li chi.
Baby’s clothes you can wash.
Siau-noen-kuh i-zaung iau noong zing.
[You can] also iron them.
‘A iau thaung.
This you can give to the washerman.
Di-kuh khau-i peh da-i-zaung-kuh nyung zing.
Use hot water to wash flannel.
Fah-lan-nyoong yoong nyih-s zing.
This water is too cold.
Di-kuh s thuh lang.
Wring dry.
Iau kau le koen tien.
Hang them up (as on a line to dry or air).
Iau laung-chi-le.
Shake well and hang up in the sun.
Iau teu-teu lau so la nyih-deu-li.
[When] ironing clothes, do not have them too dry.
????, ????
I-zaung iau thaung, ’veh iau thuh koen.
Mend this.
Di-kuh iau poo.
Mend these stockings.
Di-saung mah iau poo.
[I] want you to knit stockings.
Iau noong kyih ih-saung mah.
I want you to sew this.
???? (or ?) ??
Ngoo iau noong tsoo (or voong) di-kuh.
I cannot sew.
Ngoo voong-’veh-le-kuh.
Then you must learn.
Keh-meh noong iau ‘auh.
My children are not very small; so, therefore, I want you to sew and knit and help me (lit., help in hand work).
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Ngoo-kuh siau-noen ’veh soen ting siau, soo-i iau noong siang-paung ngoo tsoo seu-li sang-weh.
Put on (baby’s) outdoor clothes and take him out.
Tsak-ts nga-tsau-i-zaung lau ling yi tau nga-deu chi.
Don’t buy anything and give her to eat.
’Veh iau ma sa meh-z peh yi chuh.
Don’t give him anything to eat unless I say so.
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Zak-z ngoo ’veh kau-soo noong meh, noong ’veh iau peh sa yi chuh.
Because she is sick she cannot eat this.
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We-ts yi yeu mau-bing, soo-i ’veh nung chuh di-kuh.
My wages are too small, please increase them.
??????, ????
Ngoo-kuh koong-dien ’veh keu, tshing noong ka-tien.
Just now I cannot increase; afterwards I will give you more.
??????, ?????
Yien-dze ngoo ’veh nung ka, ‘eu-seu lau ka noong.
If you cannot give more now, I must leave you.
????????, ???? (or ???)
Zah-z noong yien-dze ’veh nung ka, ngoo tsuh-tuh ding (or li-khe noong).
Beginning with next month I promise to increase one dollar; next year I will again raise you one dollar.
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‘Au-kuh-nyoeh chi-deu ngoo iung-hyui ka noong ih-khwe, tau khe-nien ngoo tse ka noong ih-khwe.