Page | 6, | line | 17, | for time read service. | — | 9, | — | 6, | for Ghenna read GhennÉ. | — | 15, | — | 3, | from bottom, for Ghiza read Damietta. | — | 23, | — | 1, | et passim, for Thiza read Ghiza. | — | 26, | last line, | for typhaid read typhoid. | — | 47, | — | 11, | for prevent read prevents. | — | 48, | — | 7, | for Hepiopolis read Heliopolis. | — | 48, | — | 7, | for B El Hadje read Birket El Hadje. | — | 50, | — | 12, | dele the. | — | 73, | — | 14, | for the matter read it. | — | 73, | — | 15, | for quantity read piece. | — | 83, | — | 12, | dele where. | — | 86, | — | 12, | for gums read germs. | — | 94, | — | 4, | for inspired read imposed. | — | 101, | — | 3, | from bottom, for prevent read preventing. | — | 103, | — | 4, | from bottom, for goal read jail. | — | 122, | — | 12, | from bottom, for appears read appear. | — | 128, | — | 6, | from bottom, for viluces read vibices. | — | 129, | — | 5, | after often a comma. | — | 129, | — | 6, | after perceptible a comma. | — | 133, | — | 13, | for patient read patients. | — | 137, | — | 9, | dele the first as. | — | 151, | — | 11, | after flowed insert down. | — | 166, | — | 5, | for healthiness read unhealthiness. | — | 171, | — | 7, | for decubities read decubitus. | — | 190, | — | 8, | from bottom, note, for instantly read constantly. | — | 191, | — | 10, | for man read men. | Transcriber’s Note: the above errata have been corrected, and in addition, those listed below. Where there were two spelling variants in use in equal measure (e.g. diarrhoea/diarrhÆa; Signior Positti/Posetti), both are left as printed. Page | | 22 | “conside-derable” changed to “considerable” (mortality of the month was very considerable). | 23 | “fumegation” changed to “fumigation” (regarding cleanliness and fumigation). | 44 | “O’Farrol” changed to “O’Farrel” (Mr O’Farrel, who had charge of the pest-house). | 45 | “O’Farrol” changed to “O’Farrel” (went to Aboukir to relieve Mr O’Farrel). | 98 | “medidicine” changed to “medicine” (the practice of medidicine is more simple). | 99 | “occured” changed to “occurred” (cases of the plague, which occurred). | 103 | “diminsh” changed to “diminish” (will tend to diminish). | 113 | “fom” changed to “from” (some matter from the bubo). | 117 | “medecine” changed to “medicine” (he could not get him to swallow any medicine). | 117 | “inflamation” changed to “inflammation” (I discovered some inflammation of the glands). | 122 | “prevost’s” changed to “provost’s” (The provost’s guard and his prisoners). | 126 | “abcess” changed to “abscess” (an abscess, of the size of a pigeon’s egg). | 130 | “succeded” changed to “succeeded” (that he had never succeeded in exciting sweating). | 136 | “medecine” changed to “medicine” (a morsel of food nor any medicine). | 137 | “spunging” changed to “sponging” (washing their patients with vinegar and sponging them with it). | 138 | “possesion” changed to “possession” and “infalliable” changed to “infallible” (I am in possession of an infallible remedy). | 139 | “veneral” changed to “venereal” (an old venereal complaint). | 145 | “nitrie” changed to “nitric” (When our stock of nitric was at length exhausted). | 153 | “camphir” changed to “camphor” (a weak solution of sugar of lead, or of camphor). | 158 | “medecine” changed to “medicine” (Mr Paton, previously to embracing the military profession, had studied medicine). | 160 | “GENERAL REMARKS ON THE DISEASES.” Heading added. | 161 | “convalecents” changed to “convalescents” (convalescents would frequently suffer a relapse). | 223 | “GENERAL REMARKS ON THE YELLOW FEVER, AND THE RESEMBLANCE WHICH THIS DISEASE BEARS TO THE PLAGUE.” Heading added. | Footnote | | 5 | duplicated word “down” removed (On being brought down to Rosetta). |