
Wagtail, Forest, 668
Gray, 665
Siberian Yellow, 667
Streak-eyed, 664

waldeni, Craniorrhinus, 339, 731

Warbler, Cebu Flycatcher, 474
Chinese Bush, 587
Gray’s Grasshopper, 567
Green Flycatcher, 475
Little Bush, 587
Little Reed, 570
Luzon Tailor, 589
Malindang Flycatcher, 734
Mindanao Flycatcher, 476
Mindanao Tailor, 589
Mourning Willow, 586
Northern Willow, 584
Olivaceous Flycatcher, 474
Oriental Reed, 571
Palawan Flycatcher, 476
Philippine Bush, 588
Seebohm’s Grass, 572
Streaked Grasshopper, 569
Striated Marsh, 582
Tweeddale’s Marsh, 583
Yellow Grasshopper, 568
Yellow Willow, 585

Watercock, 79

Waterhen, Philippine, 75
White-breasted, 76

waterstradti, Prioniturus, 279

wattersi, Alauda, 674

Weaver, Bamboo, 693
Cabanis’s, 690
Chocolate, 692
Everett’s, 691
Formosan, 690
Philippine, 689

westermanni, Muscicapula, 442, 733

Wheatear, 565

Whimbrel, Eastern, 117

whiteheadi, Cinnyris, 653
Collocalia, 353
Dicrurus leucophÆus var., 709
Hyloterpe, 602
Otus, 256
Salangana, 353
Scops, 256
Strix, 270
Syrnium, 270
Turnix, 20
Zosterops, 615
Zosterornis, 528

Wigeon, European, 192

wiglesworthi, Anthreptes, 660

winchelli, Halcyon, 322, 730
Hyloterpe, 603

woodi, Cyrtostomus jugularis, 656
Leonardia, 538
Leonardina, 538
Mixornis, 533

Woodpecker, Basilan Black, 408
Everett’s Three-toed, 398
Funereal, 403
Great Slaty, 404
Hargitt’s Black, 409
Hargitt’s Pygmy, 396
Large-billed Pygmy, 393
Leyte Pygmy, 396
Malay Black, 406
Menage’s Pygmy, 395
Mindoro Black, 408
Ramsay’s Pygmy, 397
Siasi Pygmy, 732
Sooty, 404
Spotted Pygmy, 394
Tweeddale’s Black, 407

worcesteri, Chibia, 707
Loriculus, 293
Turnix, 23



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