
keayi, Phlegoenas, 62
Phlogoenas, 62

kelleri, Merula, 545
Planesticus, 545

Kestrel, 244

kettlewelli, Macronous, 537
Macronus, 537

kienerii, Astur, 223

kieneri, Lophotriorchis, 233

Kingfisher, Asiatic, 306
Black-billed, 311
Black-capped, 321
Blue-breasted, 308
Bornean Stork-billed, 303
Bourns’s, 316
Goodfellow’s, 318
Gould’s Stork-billed, 304
Hombron’s, 324
Kaup’s, 312
Lindsay’s, 325
Malayan, 307
Mindanao, 312
Moseley’s, 326
Philippine Stork-billed, 305
Red-backed, 314
Ruddy, 319
Samar, 313
Steere’s River, 310
Silvery, 309
White-collared, 323
White-throated, 320
Winchell’s, 322

Kite, Malayan Brahminy, 233
Philippine Black-winged, 234

Kittacincla, 560
cebuensis, 563
luzoniensis, 560
nigra, 562
superciliaris, 561

Knot, Asiatic, 141

kochi, Artamides, 482, 735
Erythropitta, 417
Pitta, 417

Koel, Allied, 379
Indian, 378
Philippine, 379

Kurukuru temminckii, 40



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