This eBook is produced by the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at Scans for this book are available online in the Internet Archive (copy 1, 2, 3). The cover of the ebook edition was prepared by Jeroen Hellingman and contains a photograph of a Philippine Frogmouth (Batrachostomus septimus) with young, he took on 28 July 2011 in Bohol, the Philippines. This cover design, including the photograph, is hereby dedicated to the Public Domain. Encoding This two-volume work has been merged into a single ebook. The titlepage and table of contents have also been merged. Revision History External References The following corrections have been applied to the text: Page | Source | Correction | | [Not in source] | ) | | Seyls-Longchamps | Selys-Longchamps | | [Not in source] | , | | Procellariformes | Procellariiformes | | chesnut | chestnut | | Traite | TraitÉ | | not | nor | | , | . | | Lempiere | Lempriere | | disection | dissection | | GeopelinÆ | GeopeliinÆ | | . | , | | 154 | 15 | | converts | coverts | | [Not in source] | ; | | , | to | | . | [Deleted] | | [Not in source] | ” | | [Not in source] | “ | | , | [Deleted] | | Enomously | Enormously | | [Not in source] | . | | .) | ). | | , | ; | | north-eastern | northeastern | | LempriÉre | Lempriere | | edged | edges | | Lenth | Length | | Bolonga | Bologna | | tail- | tail-feathers | | feathers | [Deleted] | | contries | countries | | conditions | condition | | ; | , | | decidely | decidedly | | vermiculatious | vermiculations | | tail-covers | tail-coverts | | ellipical | elliptical | | Netion | Nettion | | ; | . | | considerable | considerably | | back; primaries and secondaries blackish brown-tipped with white; tail | [Deleted] | | creast | crest | | laceolate | lanceolate | | feather | feathers | | unifrom | uniform | | . | ; | | boldy | boldly | | plumge | plumage | | ony | only | | wih | with | | Wocester | Worcester | | that | than | | immediatemen | immÉdiatement | | traversely | transversely | | and | und | | Viellot | Vieillot | | megalorhychos | megalorhynchos | | M. S. | MS. | | persuit | pursuit | | [Not in source] | ’ | | Averge | Average | | or | of | | Ried | Reid | | it | its | | Wrocester | Worcester | | 20 | 200 | | metalic | metallic | | abomen | abdomen | | sterii | steerii | | father | feather | | others | other | | edeged | edged | | Guillermard | Guillemard | | occured | occurred | | asigns | assigns | | sligthly | slightly | | : | ; | | Mizornis | Mixornis | | bedentend | bedeutend | | bsitzt | besitzt | | [Not in source] | und | | Aussenfahen | Aussenfahne | | Flugeldeckfedern | FlÜgeldeckfedern | | E. | B. | | Kulh | Kuhl | | Iris | iris | | Sanar | Samar | | suprising | surprising | | narow | narrow | | PalÆartic | PalÆarctic | | nuch | much | | ligher | lighter | | yelow | yellow | | ubergehend | Übergehend | | yith | with | | Loboratories | laboratories | | thicky | thickly | | ( | [Deleted] | | Culayan | Calayan | | ochreous-buff | ochraceous-buff | | refescent | rufescent | | preocupied | preoccupied | | notril | nostril | | Wing | wing | | secondary-coversts | secondary-coverts | | habist | habits | | Halycon | Halcyon | | botton | bottom | | [Not in source] | ( | | barletti | bartletti | | menalops | melanops | | jeffereyi | jefferyi | | erythogenys | erythrogenys | | Musicapa | Muscicapa | | Musicapula | Muscicapula | | Japanense | Japanese | | Muscadevora | Muscadivora | | occipitalis, | [Deleted] | | Calisitta | Callisitta | | Cumming’s | Cuming’s | | Nectarina | Nectarinia | | midanensis | mindanensis |