Colophon Availability


This eBook is produced by the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at

Scans for this book are available online in the Internet Archive (copy 1, 2, 3).

The cover of the ebook edition was prepared by Jeroen Hellingman and contains a photograph of a Philippine Frogmouth (Batrachostomus septimus) with young, he took on 28 July 2011 in Bohol, the Philippines. This cover design, including the photograph, is hereby dedicated to the Public Domain.


This two-volume work has been merged into a single ebook. The titlepage and table of contents have also been merged.

Revision History

  • 2014-04-14 Started.

External References

The following corrections have been applied to the text:

Page Source Correction
XIII, 454 [Not in source] )
XIV Seyls-Longchamps Selys-Longchamps
3, 80, 103, 104, 123, 151, 177, 218, 234, 266, 281, 344, 379, 408, 514, 594, 600, 618, 656, 721, 731 [Not in source] ,
7 Procellariformes Procellariiformes
12, 534 chesnut chestnut
16, 227 Traite TraitÉ
29 not nor
34, 533 , .
41 Lempiere Lempriere
53 disection dissection
54 GeopelinÆ GeopeliinÆ
55, 183, 256, 274, 617 . ,
55 154 15
58 converts coverts
69, 512, 602, 603, 620, 650, 700, 715 [Not in source] ;
69 , to
73, 523 . [Deleted]
73, 376 [Not in source]
77, 206, 397, 407, 524, 530, 536, 551, 655 [Not in source]
79, 283, 355, 457, 509, 543, 553 , [Deleted]
81 Enomously Enormously
86, 91, 112, 154, 268, 402, 447, 456, 460, 501, 503, 518, 620, 629, 635 [Not in source] .
87 .) ).
92, 200, 588, 640 , ;
101 north-eastern northeastern
106 LempriÉre Lempriere
125 edged edges
135 Lenth Length
144 Bolonga Bologna
150 tail- tail-feathers
150 feathers [Deleted]
150 contries countries
156 conditions condition
170, 199, 457 ; ,
173 decidely decidedly
174 vermiculatious vermiculations
183 tail-covers tail-coverts
186 ellipical elliptical
196 Netion Nettion
217, 284, 376 ; .
220 considerable considerably
223 back; primaries and secondaries blackish brown-tipped with white; tail [Deleted]
224 creast crest
224 laceolate lanceolate
237 feather feathers
245 unifrom uniform
252 . ;
255 boldy boldly
255 plumge plumage
256 ony only
260 wih with
264, 281 Wocester Worcester
264, 398 that than
267 immediatemen immÉdiatement
268 traversely transversely
269 and und
274, 277 Viellot Vieillot
281 megalorhychos megalorhynchos
284 M. S. MS.
302 persuit pursuit
304, 371 [Not in source]
311 Averge Average
317 or of
319, 340 Ried Reid
323 it its
355 Wrocester Worcester
378 20 200
387 metalic metallic
397 abomen abdomen
412 sterii steerii
421 father feather
440 others other
443 edeged edged
448 Guillermard Guillemard
452 occured occurred
474 asigns assigns
517 sligthly slightly
522, 537, 677, 702 : ;
530 Mizornis Mixornis
530 bedentend bedeutend
530 bsitzt besitzt
530 [Not in source] und
530 Aussenfahen Aussenfahne
530 Flugeldeckfedern FlÜgeldeckfedern
539 E. B.
553 Kulh Kuhl
575 Iris iris
581 Sanar Samar
593 suprising surprising
596 narow narrow
598 PalÆartic PalÆarctic
604 nuch much
609 ligher lighter
614 yelow yellow
633 ubergehend Übergehend
636 yith with
649 Loboratories laboratories
650 thicky thickly
667 ( [Deleted]
671 Culayan Calayan
683, 684 ochreous-buff ochraceous-buff
687 refescent rufescent
692 preocupied preoccupied
704 notril nostril
705 Wing wing
711 secondary-coversts secondary-coverts
722 habist habits
730 Halycon Halcyon
730 botton bottom
731 [Not in source] (
739, 760 barletti bartletti
741 menalops melanops
746 jeffereyi jefferyi
754 erythogenys erythrogenys
756 Musicapa Muscicapa
756 Musicapula Muscicapula
756 Japanense Japanese
757 Muscadevora Muscadivora
757 occipitalis, [Deleted]
757 Calisitta Callisitta
758 Cumming’s Cuming’s
762 Nectarina Nectarinia
762 midanensis mindanensis

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