
Babbler, Ashy-headed Wood, 525
Basilan Ground, 523
Basilan Tit, 535
Black-crowned Tree, 531
Cagayan Sulu Tit, 534
Kettlewell’s Tit, 537
Lesser Ground, 524
Mindanao Ground, 523
Mindanao Tit, 535
Mountain Tit, 536
Palawan Ground, 522
Palawan Tit, 533
Platen’s Tree, 530
Pygmy Tree, 529
Rufous-chinned Tree, 532
Rufous-crowned Tree, 530
Rufous-headed, 521
Striped Tree, 527
Whitehead’s Tree, 528
Yellow Tree, 529

bacha, Falco, 227
Spilornis, 227

balicassius, Corvus, 703
Dicrurus, 703

bangueyensis, Ptilopus, 41
Spilotreron, 41

bankiva, Gallus, 14

banyumas, Cyornis, 437
Muscicapa, 437
Siphia, 437

Barbet, Rose-throated, 391
Yellow-chinned, 390

bartletti, Phlogoenas, 61

basilanica, Ceyx, 312
Dendrobiastes, 444
Hyloterpe apoensis, 600
Muscicapula, 444
Penelopides, 337
Ptiocichla (?), 528
Zosterops, 618

basilanicus, Oriolus, 699
Poliolophus, 512
Yungipicus, 396

batanensis, Hypsipetes, 503

batanis, Zosterops, 616

Batrachostomus, 296
affinis, 301
javensis, 300
menagei, 298
microrhynchus, 297
septimus, 296
sp. inc, 298

baueri, Limosa, 120

Baza, 236
leucopais, 237
magnirostris, 236

Baza, Large-billed, 236
Whitehead’s, 237

Beebird, Chestnut-headed, 340
Green-headed, 341

belgica, Limosa, 121

bella, Æthopyga, 647
Cyanoptila, 450
Muscicapa, 450

bengalensis, Alcedo, 306, 730

bergii, Sterna, 90

besti, DicÆum, 632

Bhuchanga, 708
palawanensis, 709

bicolor, Carpophaga, 50
Chaimarrornis, 557
Chimarrhornis, 557
Columba, 50
Merops, 340
Myristicivora, 50, 727
Prionochilus, 640

Bird, Greater Man-O’-War, 206
Lesser Man-O’-War, 207
Wood’s Bagobo, 538

Bittern, Black, 182
Cinnamon, 179
Common, 183
Japanese, 174
Little Yellow, 178
Malay, 172
Schrenck’s, 181

Bluebird, Black-mantled Fairy, 501
Ella’s Fairy, 500
Luzon Fairy, 500
Tweeddale’s Fairy, 502

boholensis, Otus, 260
Zosterops, 617

Bolbopsittacus, 284
intermedius, 285
lunulatus, 285
mindanensis, 286

boltoni, Æthopyga, 645

bonapartei, Loriculus, 294, 730

bonga, DicÆum, 627

bonita, Æthopyga, 648

Booby, Brown, 205
Red-legged, 204

borealis, Acanthopneuste, 584
Phyllopneuste, 584
Phylloscopus, 584

boreotis, Sterna, 90, 727

borneensis, Chibia, 707

Botaurus, 183
stellaris, 183

bournsi, Ceyx, 316, 730
Loriculus, 289

BrachypteryginÆ, 538

Brachypteryx, 538
brunneiceps, 539
malindangensis, 540
mindanensis, 540
poliogyna, 539

Brachypus cinereifrons, 517
urostictus, 512

Brachyurus mulleri, 419
propinquus, 416
steerii, 420

Brambling, 679

brevipes, Heteractitis, 125, 727
Totanus, 125

brevirostris, Phabotreron, 35, 36
Phapitreron, 35, 725

Broadbill, Samar, 411
Steere’s, 410

Broderipus acrorhynchus, 695

brunneiceps, Brachypteryx, 539
Munia, 689
Phabotreron, 32
Phapitreron, 32

brunneiventris, Chlorura, 693
Reichenowia, 693

BuboninÆ, 249

Bubo philippensis, 250
philippinensis, 250

Bubulcus, 177
coromandus, 177, 728

Bucco hÆmacephalus, 390
roseus, 391

Buceros hydrocorax, 327
leucocephalus, 338
manillÆ, 333
mindanensis, 328
montani, 330
panini, 332
semigaleatus, 329

Bucerotes, 326

BucerotidÆ, 326

Buchanga leucophÆa, 709
palawanensis, 709

Budytes, 666
leucostriatus, 667

Bulbul, Ashy-fronted, 517
Ashy-headed, 511
Batan Red-eared, 503
Camiguin Red-eared, 504
Everett’s Yellow, 506
Fuga Red-eared, 503
Gray-throated Hairy, 514
Guava, 516
Haynald’s Yellow, 506
Mindoro, 509
Mountain, 511
Palawan 505
Palawan Hairy, 515
Philippine, 507
Rufous-throated, 507
Siquijor, 510
Steere’s 508
Wattled, 512

Bullfinch, Philippine, 678
Steere’s, 678

Bunting, Black-faced, 684
Japanese Yellow, 685
Little, 683

burbidgei, Tanygnathus, 284

Butalis latirostris, 435

Butastur, 230
indicus, 230, 728

Buteo holospilus, 228

Butorides 174
amurensis, 176
javanica, 174, 728
spodiogaster, 176

Buzzard, Crested Honey, 235
Tic-wee, 230



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