——— Just a few miles from Manila Bay, Near the close of a summer’s day, When the sun was flooding with gold the west, Our fleet was ordered to stop and rest, After the regular meal was served, And the code of evening was observed, Each retired to his usual place, And gazed into the dome of space. With awe they watched the steady blaze, As down on us they seemed to gaze. I never shall forget the night, The silvery stars were shining bright, A full-orbed moon hung in the west, As if to see the great contest. The wind was of a peaceful gale. It was a pleasant night to sail. The ocean waves were rolling ’long, A pealing forth a mournful song, But soon from the sea a mist arose, That caused the starry book to close. When sable night had reigned her last, The rosy morn was coming fast. Within the glimmer of the day, We sailed to take Manila Bay. Soon the fort revealed in sight, From out the windows gleamed a light. And then when we saw the deadly gun, A glistening in the rising sun, Like tigers by our guns we stood, It seemed our souls would burst with ire, While waiting the command to fire. In perfect silence, not a breath, An instant could have brought us death. The mist that from the ocean rose, Had hid us from our Spanish foes. And when the enemy sent no sound, A whisper ’mong us passed around. “Fortune’s with us,” our Captain cried, “We’ve entered in and are not spied.” By the fort we ’gan to start, A distance though we sailed a port. One by one our ships stole by, As wolves before a shepherd’s eye. All of our fleet had safely passed, Except McCullough, which fortune blessed, Within its furnace cured a rick, And sparks went flying from its stack. The sparks that from the ship did fly, Met all at once the fort men’s eye. Through glasses they began to peep, Their glasses raised the cause to greet. To their surprise they spied our fleet. A cry of terror, a dash, a run, The shells came blazing from each gun, Before an instant hardly passed, Around us shells were falling fast. Their mines in vain they did explode, But we were safe in our abode. Our captain gave command to fire, Before the words he could repeat, The shells went blazing from our fleet, Our hearts were burned with hatred ire, We filled the air with shell and fire. While the battle was raging high, And glowing shells were falling nigh, Dewey back through memory gazed, Saw the Maine, became enraged. And with his dazzling sword in hand, He whirled it high and gave command, With fury blazing from his eye, With thundering voice was heard to cry, “Remember the Maine! Speed! Haste! Be careful, boys, no shells to waste.” Remembered we our blood did run, And sent shells flying from our gun. Our boats, like burning Vesuvius seemed, From out our guns shells poured and streamed. Directed by an immortal eye, For not a strayward shell did fly. But each of the shells from the guns that went, Performed the mission on which ’twas sent. Our captain took his glass in hand, And o’er the battle quickly scanned. “Stop the guns,” he quickly cried, “Fortune now is on our side; The Spanish fleet is in a blaze, And sinking fast before my gaze.” When this command to us was given, And when the sun sent down her sheen, Not a Spanish boat was to be seen. The valiant fleet of tyrant Spain, Beneath the mighty deep was slain. |