——— I rise up in de mornin’ Early in de spring, And hear de bees a hummin’ An’ hear de robbins sing; Th’re com’ o’er me a feelin’ So queer I know not why. I jus’ sit down an’ listen, It seem I ’most could cry; The win’ has lost its biting, Aroun’ de vine de bees, The air is full o’ fragrance, From blossom of the trees. I stroll out in de garden, An’ take a look about, I see de ground’ a crackin’, The seed has ’gun to sprout. Beneath de vine a blossom, All dried and curled it lies, A striped little melon, Is hangin’ ’fore my eyes. Its den I ’gin a hummin’ And join de birds and sing, My heart is full o’ rapture, And grandeur of the spring. |