
Civilization, autonomy of, 176*-177*
Clams, Seri method of taking and eating, 195*
Clan organization, Seri, 10-11, 166*-167*, 168*-169*, 269*-274*
CLark, W. P. on Kiowa divisions, 22
Classification, of Serian stock, 127-128, 300*, 344*
Clavijero, F. J., on Californian food habits, 209*, 212*
Climate of Sonoran Province, 23-25
Clothing, genesis of, 231*-232*
, Seri, 10, 224*-232*
, Seri, decoration of, 171*-173*
Cloud, Serian and Yuman words meaning, 340*-341*
Cobbles, Seri use of, as tools and weapons, 234*-246*, 248*, 255*
Cocomaques, classification of, 102, 103, 104, 130*
Color of Seri, 137*-138*
Conceptual terms, Serian and Yuman, comparative analysis of, 321*-344*
Conde, Alejo Garcia, expedition sent against Seri by, 83
Conjugal conation, law of, as applied to Seri, 162*-163*
Consag, Ferdinando, explorations and map by, 65
Contrares, JosÉ, aid rendered by, 14
Cords, Seri, 227*-230*
Coronado, F. V., explorations by, 53-55
Corral, RamÓn, acknowledgments to, 12, 14, 20
Cortez, JosÉ, on Seri, 83-84
Costa Rica, establishment of, 109
Coues, Elliott, on Kino's route, 60
on massacre at Caborca, 77
Covens, Jean, maps published by, 63-64
Coyote, Serian, Piman, and Yuman names for, 342*-343*
Crab, place of, in Seri dietary, 195*
Cradles, Seri, 226*, 227*
Cuervo, JosÉ Tienda de, campaign against Seri by, 75
Cunningham, ——, aid rendered by, 13
Cups, Seri, 185*-186*
Currents of Seri waters, Fort-sense, Seri lack of, 265*
Franciscan friars, advent into Sonora of, 79
, foundation of mission in Seriland by, 80-82
, records of Seri by, 82
Fronani, Emanuele, acknowledgments to, 21
Fruit, Seri consumption of, 206*-208*
Functional peculiarities of Seri body, 148*-163*
Gales of Seri waters, 47-49
Gallardo, JosÉ, on Seri language, 78
Game, Seri methods of killing, 196*-205*
Games, Seri, 10
Gatschet, A. S., classification of Serian family by, 108
on Pinart's visit to Seri, 106
Geology of Sonoran province, 26, 30-31
Gilg, Adan, shriving of Seri captives by, 60
Gillen, F. J., on Australian marriage customs, 285*
Good, Serian and Yuman words meaning, 337*-338*
Goode, G. B., acknowledgments to, 20
Government, Seri, 275*-277*
Grasses, of Seriland, 36
Great, Serian and Yuman words meaning, 337*-338*
Green, Serian and Yuman words meaning, 335*-336*
Guaymas, establishment of, 74
Guayma tribe, language and classification of, 96, 98, 99, 101, 102, 103, 104, 108, 130*
, synonymy of, 129*
Gulf of California, tides and currents of, 45-49
Guzman, NuÑo de, explorations by, 51
Gyles, John, on Abnaki marriage customs, 282*
Habitat, Seri, 22-50
Hair, Seri, 139*-140*
, Serian and Yuman names for, 324*-327*
, Seri use of, in making cord, 227*-229*
Hair-dressing, Seri, 220*-227*
Hakluyt, R., on Ulloa's explorations, 52, 53
"Half-marriage", characters of, 285*
Hand, Serian and Yuman names for, 260*
on Seri fishing devices, 193*-194*
on Seri neglect of dead, 287*
Norris, Hugh, aid rendered by, 14
Nose, Serian and Yuman names for, 324*-327*
Numerals, importance of, in linguistic classification, 300*-301*
, Serian and Yuman, comparative lists and analyses of, 303*-321*
Ober, F. A., photograph furnished by, 115
Och, Joseph, on Seri decoration, 78, 170*
Okatilla, Seri use of, in jacal-building, 221*
Old, Serian and Yuman words meaning, 336*-337*
Ollas, Indian, table of relative capacity of, 183*
, Seri, adaptation to function of, 184*
, Seri, character and capacity of, 182*-183*
, Seri, decoration of, 173*-175*
, Seri, method of manufacture of, 183*-184*
, Seri, method of using, 184*
Omada, Jesus, denunciation of Seri by, 116
Omaha, marriage customs of, 286*
Opata, swiftness of, 125
Orientation of Seri jacales, 222*
Orozco y Berra, Manuel, classification of Serian family by, 102-103
, map by, 103
, notes on Seri by, 103
Ortega, JosÉ, on Kino's explorations, 57
Ortiz, Anton, aid rendered by, 14
Otondo y Antillon, Isidro, expedition of, 57
, mountain named by, 63
Outlawry among Seri, 273*
Oyster, place of, in Seri dietary, 195*
Pajeken, Clemens A., notes on Seri by, 100-101
Paleolithic class of artifacts, discussion of, 252*
Papago, feeling of, concerning invasion of Seriland, 130*-131*
, installment of, as guards of Costa Rica, 120-121
, swiftness of, 126
, woman, capture and enslavement of, by Seri, 278*-279*
Papagueria, exploration in, 12
Parilla, Diego Ortiz, "extermination" of Seri by, 73-74
Pebbles, Seri, use of, as tools and weapons, 234*-246*, 248*, 255*
Pedestrian habit of Seri, 149*-152*, Shellfish, place of, in Seri dietary, 195*
Shells, Seri use of, as cups, 185*-186*
, Seri use of, as tools, 233*-234*
Sierra Kunkaak, features of, 23, 42
Sierra Menor, features of, 23, 43
Sierra Seri, features of, 23, 41-42
Silsbee, T. H., on Porter-Johnson episode, 122
SimÉon, RÉmi, classification of Serian family by, 104
Skeleton, Seri, characteristics of, 140*-147*
Skin-dressing, Seri methods of, 227*
Skin-tint, Seri, 137*-138*
Skull, Seri, 141*, 142*-144*
Sky, Serian and Yuman names for, 340*-341*
Small, Serian and Yuman words meaning, 337*-338*
Smith, Buckingham, identification by, 51
, notes on Seri by, 101
Social development, stages of, 293*
Social organization of Seri, 10-11, 269*-295*
Socialry, Seri, place of, 293*-295*
Somatic characters of Seri, 9, 136*-163*
Sonora, Juan Maria de, on Seri, 66-67
Sonoran province, climate of, 23-25
, definition of, 22
, fauna of, 36-39
, flora of, 31-36
, geology of, 26, 30-31
, hydrography of, 25-28, 31
, physical characteristics of, 22-31
, precipitation in, 24-25
, sheetflood erosion in, 25-26
, temperature of, 23-24
Southworth, J. R., on concession for exploration of Tiburon, 122
Spencer, Herbert, on primitive marriage, 284*, 285*
Sponge, use of, as jacal covering, 222*
Squirrel, Seri tabu of, 203*
Standard markings, definition of, 168*
Stature of Seri, 136*-137*
Stirpiculture among Seri, 158*, 284*
Stock, S

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