God help a people that really has no flag, For on their present and future seems to heavily swag, ’Tis that awful burden of mystery, And oh! how painful that their heroism’s ne’er mentioned in history. Then go my brave people and make one of your own, It will show our mighty love and that we’re learning to stand alone. For years and years you’ve given your sons to this land of the noble and free, But maybe it’ll go down in this last war, though others we’ve failed to see, Now we have men among us, men of brain and might, Don’t dream of difficulty a few years back, for then all newspapers were white. Now why not send our reporters on to the battlefield And let them follow our comrades so their great deeds cannot be shield, And when the shots and shells are flying Into the hearts of our loved ones dying Then God helps a people that try to help themselves That has the right love for each other laid on memory’s golden shelves. Just think of our great heroes that died that we may live, And think what it’s stealing from our children because history fails to give. I’ve even spoke of Honorable Douglass to boys of my race, Why they would ask me who was Douglass and amazingly look into my face, Oh! this would break my heart to think of that noble man, And there are others that should be in all history of the land. |