Git outer heah an goter wok,
Uv all men’s yo lobes tu shirk.
Don dan woken fo a dollah a dah,
Don hard wok an’ git good pah.
Sie, what’s de use larg or small,
Yo de kinder umman gonner spend it all.
Lizz, bleav me man, yo needs som pride.
Sie, hum, yo shud worrah ef um satisfied.
Lizz, sumer des dahs I’ll lost my mind,
Den you’ll leff dis hos liker a bird a flyen,
Cus I’ll be a devil an dat untied,
I’ll sees how much den you am satisfied.
Lizz, mussey me, dis world am ruff,
An’ marrahed life I goter nuff.
To don rite I really tried,
Den gwon an leah me, um satisfied.
Lizz, I’ll nuckel to yo nebber no mo,
Cus I kin clean cars fo de ole Big Fo,
I told um I’s coming, dey thinks I’s lied,
Cus de wah yo acten man, I ain’t satisfied.
Sie, somer des dahs I’ll slep a neaf de cool
An’ yo’ll hab tu hich, drove, an’ cur dem mules
Holin woe haw gee, come heah clide,
I gus den honey yo’ll be satisfied.
Lizz, tain’t no use in talkin to me,
I’s made up my mind to let yo be.
Whever yo sleep neaf de cool wom or hot
I’ll took dis brom an broke yo not.
Sie, den do it umman I aniter goner hide,
Any ole thing soes yo satisfied.
Lizz, dah yo am a giten all good
Den com na kiss me, hum, I wish I wood
Cus yo kinder mens I’s laid aside.
Sie, ef dey all no yo like me, dey woun be satisfied.

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