Driften don de Ohio,
Oh, dat muddy ’bio,
Hearh dat boat a pufflen,
See dem darkies shufflen
Ye, dis am picnic day.
When she goes aroun’ de ben
Yo see dem darkies gin to grin
In dare hearts is powful joy,
Yo hearh dat word O, my boy,
Dis am picnic day.
Den yo hearh dem banjoes ring
Ole time darkies ’gin to sing
All dem southern melodies
Dat makes yo dance wid so much ease
OO, ah, ah, on picnic day.
Soon darh was a razor duel
Tween Willie Jackson and Coston Souel,
Den de gran master drew his sword
An’ boff dem rascals jumped overboad
On picnic day.
Den Magie Jones let a scream
Like de boat popen off steam,
Den she spoke a piece her mine,
Saen dis hapens eber time
On picnic day.
Den Parson Brown mader speech
Dat held de congregation liker leech,
All yo folkes oder be a shame
Fo tryen to spile de church’s good name
I don’t carah ef it am picnic day.
Parson wasn’t fread to say
He made his speech jist dat wah,
An’ when he’s thru, he wiped his brow,
An’ the congergation moaned liker cow
On picnic day.
Den de boat pulled into land,
Parson madum understand
Anybody not actin rite
Will walk de water back home to-night,
Dis am er church picnic day.


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