Your smiles have faded into frowns, Your eyes have lost their glow of brown, Your lips are numb, hides your teeth of pearl, Why lose this beauty, my little girl? The roses in the garden, are drooping and dying Since they know of your tears and sighing, This puts a crape o’er the whole wide world Bring back this beauty, my little girl. I listen to the birds when I’m alone And they have lost their silver tone; Sometimes they’re mute, and feathers all curled, There’s another beauty lost, my little girl. Now the sun came up but refused to shine, It was lost from your presence and love divine, The clouds drifted by, fastly in a whirl, I want you and the sunshine, my little girl. There was a day that was dear to me When we sailed across loves bright sea, There we saw only water, sky and love And this was a blessing from our God above But soon our boat ran into a snirl, And gone was our beauty, my little girl. |