Life lays out its happiness and sorrows,
You’re to choose either for to-day or to-morrow,
We can be happy our whole life through
In regarding our company and the things we do.
Let the other fellow think what he will or may,
I’ll choose happiness, it really pays.
Life holds a beauty that shineth like gold,
Seek it while you’re young, don’t wait to get old.
Day by day it comes to us all,
So fly not so high, remember your fall.
One moment we’re up and the next we’re down,
Try to take the ladder without a frown.
For our lives are planned out with time and space
And we are truly guided by an unseen face.
The blossoms of life has petals so dear;
Then deal with them gently and handle with care,
There’s like the rose in the garden that blooms,
That gives to the breeze their wafted perfume,
But the way the frost makes its petals fly
This teaches us that we all must die.

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