Raifield, yo aks like a ole time barh
Round heah a studen al in despah;
No Ise humin tu de air.
Stah clean awafum dat pot uv mine,
Caus when dah’s wok yo’s hard tu find.
Well, sur; ef he ain’t eten my pie I du declah,
I ges yo call dat a humin tu de air.
Yes, I members de uder dah
When Lindy Jones wus don dis wah
An yo all had a powful lot tu say,
Caus I no’s she am purty an mity fair,
But yo’ll lose yo home ef dats humin tu de air.
Now I want yo tu tucker an lef me go,
An don’t yo nebber cros my doah.
Yawll goner make one hungry pair
Caus yo can’t make a libben humin tu de air.

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