Hush your mouth, don’t say a word,
Let me tell the good news I heard.
There’s going to be an outing soon
Down where folks spend their honeymoon.
Its given by the Dark Town club,
And they serve chicken by the tub;
Another thing their music’s grand,
Drums, piano, and old tin pans,
Get your ticket and don’t be late,
Be at the landing prompt at eight.
Listen! listen! what’s all that noise
Everybody’s going to Ginger Bay.
There’s old Raz Jones with his slide trombone
And you can hear him play it for miles away.
Come on boy we’ll have some time,
There’ll be lots of swell dancing,
And they’ll serve you wine,
And if the boat begins to rock
Keep right on dancing, if you lose your frock,
Be careful what you do
When you get a drink or two.
And when the boat pulls into land
Take your partner by the hand
And waltz her off at Ginger Bay.

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