Above my bed Hangs eight noble heads, With love, might and grace, They brought honor to their race. Dunbar could take you To a land of beauty; it seems And shine the light upon nature To let you read his poetical dreams. Douglass as a statesman Thronged the whole wide world, And always in our memory He’ll shine just like a pearl. Attuck’s patriotism For the land of the noble and free, God bless him on his way, And strengthen his mind with such decree. Taylor, the lovely musician, Rhythmically to you could bring The sweetness in his music Was like the bird that sings. Tanner showed his art, When fate painted his heart. He traveled in a whirl And works exhibited to the world. Dumas, The author, Showed his fame, And down the honor roll We should always find his name. Washington, the humble but famous Booker T. Had many ups and downs, Though hardship he never feared, And from the cruel world he gained a crown. |