In offering this volume to the public the author has but one wish—namely, that it may supply a want in time of need and help some one over a difficult place. Most of the subject-matter in Parts One, Two, Three, and Four was written for and has been previously published in the Atlantic Educational Journal, with a view to assisting the rural teacher. The present volume comprises a revision of the articles published, together with a short account of one season's work in a school garden, and has the same object—that of aiding the rural teacher by means of a few simple suggestions. The work is divided into five parts—"Cord Construction," "Paper Construction," "Wood Construction," "Basketry," and "The School Garden." No subject is dealt with at length. The aim has been to give simple models that may be made without elaborate preparation or special material. Believing that a child is most likely to appreciate his tools when he realizes their value or knows their history, a brief introduction to each part is given, and wherever possible, the place of the occupation in race history is dealt with, and an account of the culture and habitat of the material is given. As clear a statement as is possible is made of how the model is constructed, and in most cases both a working drawing and a picture are given. Baltimore, Maryland, |