Addams—The Spirit of Youth and the City Streets. Bailey—The Country Life Movement in the United States. Bailey & Hunn—The Practical Garden Book. Campbell—The New Theology. Clark—The Care of a House. Conyngton—How to Help: A Manual of Practical Charity. Coolidge—The United States as a World Power. Croly—The Promise of American Life. Devine—Misery and Its Causes. Earle—Home Life in Colonial Days. Ely—Evolution of Industrial Society. ELY—Monopolies and Trusts. French—How to Grow Vegetables. Goodyear—Renaissance and Modern Art. Hapgood—Lincoln, Abraham, The Man of the People. Haultain—The Mystery of Golf. Hearn—Japan: An Attempt at Interpretation. Hillis—The Quest of Happiness. Hillquit—Socialism in Theory and Practice. Hodges—Everyman's Religion. Horne—David Livingstone. Hunter—Poverty. Hunter—Socialists at Work. Jefferson—The Building of the Church. King—The Ethics of Jesus. King—Rational Living London—The War of the Classes. London—Revolution and Other Essays. Lyon—How to Keep Bees for Profit. McLennan—A Manual of Practical Farming. Mabie—William Shakespeare: Poet, Dramatist, and Man. Mahaffy—Rambles and Studies in Greece. Mathews—The Church and the Changing Order. Mathews—The Gospel and the Modern Man. Patten—The Social Basis of Religion. Peabody—The Approach to the Social Question. Pierce—The Tariff and the Trusts. Rauschenbusch—Christianity and the Social Crisis. Riis—The Making of an American Citizen. Riis—Theodore Roosevelt, the Citizen. Ryan—A Living Wage: Its Ethical and Economic Aspects. St. Maur—A Self-supporting Home. Sherman—What is Shakespeare? Sidgwick—Home Life in Germany. Smith—The Spirit of the American Government. Spargo—Socialism. Tarbell—History of Greek Art. Valentine—How to Keep Hens for Profit. Van Dyke—The Gospel for a World of Sin. Van Dyke—The Spirit of America. Veblen—The Theory of the Leisure Class. Wells—New Worlds for Old. White—The Old Order Changeth.