

Illustrations are indicated by a prefixed asterisk (*). For botanical names, see page 239.

Acorn, beginning of, 27.
Alligator tree, 221.
Amelanchier, 205.
American trees in Europe, 133.
Apple blossoms, 75, 80.
Apple, beauty of fruiting branch, 91
Apple, Chinese flowering, 90.
Apple, Crab, 80.
Apple trees, fruiting, 93; in blossom, *81.
Apples, 73.
Apples, Ben Davis, Bellefleur, Baldwin, Early Harvest, Red Astrachan, 93;
Rhode Island Greening, 76;
Winesap, fruit, *75.
Apple orchard in winter, *78.
Apples, Crab, fruit-cluster, *73.
Apples, propagation of, 88.
Arnold Arboretum, 57, 89.
Aspen, American, 121.
Aspen, Large-toothed, 121.
Aspen, Trembling (poplar), 121.
Bailey, Prof. L. H., quoted, 125.
Balm of Gilead, 118.
Beech, American, *177, 178.
Beech, birth of leaves, 179.
Bill-boards, 179.
Birch-bark for fuel, 190.
Birch, Paper, 190.
Birch, Sweet, 188, *185, *191.
Birch, White, 193.
Birch, Yellow, 189, *192.
Butternut, 164.
Buttonball, *215.
Buttonwood, 214.
Cathedral Woods (pines), 68.
Cedar, White, 71.
Cherry, Wild, 176.
Chestnut, American Sweet, 166, *165.
Chestnut burs, *157.
Chestnut grove in fall, 168.
Chestnut, Sweet, blossoms, *167.
Chinquapin, 169, *170.
Cocoanut, 182.
Common names, 146.
Cones of the pines, 64.
Cornus sericea, 200.
Cottonwood (poplar), 125.
Crab-apple, 80; Floribunda, 92;
Parkman's, 88;
Siberian, 89;
Spectabilis, *84.
Crab-apple, Wild, 85.
Crab-apples, Chinese and Japanese, 88;
Ringo, Kaido, Toringo, 93.
Crab, Wild, 83.
Crab, Soulard, 86.
Crab, Wild, fruit, *87.
Cypress, 72.
Diospyros, 229.
Dogwood berries, *187.
Dogwood, Blue-berried, 200.
Dogwood, White, 197, *199.
Elkwood, 20.
Elm and the Tulip, 131.
Elm, American, *ix, 134, *136, 137, 139.
Elm at Capitol Park, 141.
Elm, English, 142; *143.
Elm lawn, 138.
Elm, Slippery, 142; seed-pods, *131.
Elm, Wahoo or Winged, 144.
Elms, Paul and Virginia, 141.
Fence-post tree (locust), 210.
Fernow, Dr., on pines, 52.
Filbert, 181.
Fir, Balsam, 70.
Fir, Nordmann's, 65.
Firs, 65.
Fruit trees for beauty, 82.
Goat Island, plants on, 113.
Habenaria, Round-leaved, 54.
Hazelnut, 181.
Hemlock, 55.
Hemlock Hill, *56.
Hickory, False Shagbark, 176.
Hickory, Mockernut, 176.
Hickory, Pignut, 176.
Hickory, Shagbark, 171, *173.
Hollies, Japanese, English, Himalayan, 195.
Holly, American, 194, *196.
Holly, leaves and berries, *195.
Johnny Appleseed, 87.
Judas-tree, 201.
Judas-tree, Eastern, 202.
June-berry, 205.
Juniper, Common, 71.
Kaki, 233.
Keeler, Miss, quoted, 117.
Linden, American, 206; flowers, *207, *209.
Linden, European, 208.
Liquidambar, 219, *220; fruits, *222.
Liriodendron, 145;
candlesticks, 147;
buds opening, 149;
flowers of, *150, 153.
Liriodendrons in Washington, 152.
Locust, Black, 210; flowers, *211.
Locust, young trees, *212.
Maple, Ash-leaved, Box-elder, or Negundo, 17;
flowers, *17;
in bloom, *19.
Maple, Black, 22.
Maple, Japanese, 23.
Maple, Large-leaved, 22.
Maple, Mountain, 21.
Maple, Norway, 8; bloom, *9;
samaras, *1.
Maple, Red, Scarlet or Swamp, 6;
young leaves, *7.
Maple, Silver, 4; flowers, *4;
samaras, *3.
Maple, Striped, 20, *21.
Maple, Sugar, 10;
samaras, *11.
Maple, Sycamore, *13, 15;
blossoms, *15.
Maples, A Story of Some, 1.
Moosewood, 20.
Niagara, plants and trees, 111.
Nut-bearing Trees, 157.
Oak, Chestnut, 42; flowers, *25.
Oak, English, 33, 46; acorns, *47.
Oak, The Growth of the, 25.
Oak, Laurel, 43.
Oak, Live, 45.
Oak, Mossy Cup or Bur, 38.
Oak, Pin, 30; acorns, *27;
flowers, *31.
Oak, Post, *39, 40.
Oak, Swamp White, 38;
flowers, *41;
in early spring, *36;
in winter, *29.
Oak, White, 33.
Oak, Willow, 42.
Oaks, blooming of, 28.
Oaks in Georgia, 44.
Oaks, Red, Black, Scarlet, 46.
Orchard, apple, 77.
Papaw, 225; flowers, *227;
in bloom, *226.
Paxtang walnut, 160.
Pecan, 176; nuts, *159.
Persimmons, American, 229.
Persimmon, Japanese, *v, 232.
Persimmon tree in fruit, *231.
Pine, Austrian, 64.
Pine, Jack, 64.
Pine, Long-leaved or Southern, 63;
forest, *61;
young trees, *62.
Pine on Indian River, *53.
Pine, Pitch, 64.
Pine, Red, 59.
Pine, Scrub, 64.
Pine, White, *vii, 59; cone, *51.
Pines of America, 58.
Pines, The, 49.
Pines, White, avenue of, *67.
P lane, Oriental, 213.
Plane-tree, 213.
Poplar, Aspen, 121.
Poplar, Balsam, or Balm of Gilead, 118.
Poplar, Carolina, 122;
as street tree, *123;
blooming of, 124;
flowers, *95.
Poplar, Cottonwood, 125; in winter, *126.
Poplar, Lombardy, 128, *129.
Poplar, White or Silver-leaved, 125.
Poplar, Yellow, 145.
Poplars (and Willows), 95, 118.
Poplars for pulp-making, 128.
Poplars, White, in spring, *119.
Pyrus family, 89.
Rain, flowers in, 203.
Red-bud, 201; in bloom, *201.
Red-woods, 72.
Salicylic acid from willows, 99.
Salix, genus (Willows), 117.
Sargent, Prof. Charles S., 92.
Sequoias, 72.
Service-berry, 205.
Shad-bush, 205;
flowers, *206.
Skunk-cabbage, 188.
Some Other Trees, 185.
Spice-bush, 193; flowers, *194;
berries, 234.
Spruce, Colorado Blue, 65.
Spruce, Norway, 69;
cones, *49.
Spruce, White, cones, *71.
Spruces, 65.
Squirrels as nut-eaters, *179.
Strobiles (cones) of spruce, 69.
Sweet-gum, 219.
Sycamore, 214, *215;
fruits, *217.
Tree-warden law, 35.
Tropical trees, 225.
Tulip (and Elm), 131, 145.
Tulip flowers, *133;
structure of, 148.
Tulip tree in winter, *148.
Walnut, Black, 160;
in winter, *162.
Walnut, English or Persian,


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