Abolitionists, {17}, {29}, {32}.
Anderson, Robert, Maj., moves to Fort Sumter, {23}.
Andrews, G. L., at Wilson's Creek, {165}.
Arsenals, St. Louis, {35} et seq., {37}, {44}; Liberty, {35}.
Asboth, Alexander, Gen., sketch of ; {222} et seq. ; arrives at Lebanon, {304}; at Pea Ridge, {325}; writes Curtis, {333}; promoted, ail.
Atchison, D. R., defeats Col. Scott, {209}.
Bates, Edward, Attorney- General, helps to restore Harney, {96}.
Bell, John, {21}.
Bell, Wm. Haywood, Maj., in command at arsenal, {36}; understanding with Frost, {37}; relieved from com- mand, {40}.
Belmont, battle of, {264} et seq.
Benton, Thos. H., sketch of, {20}.
Bingham, Geo. A., elected Treasurer of State, {136}.
Black, John Charles, receives praise for gallantry at Pea Ridge, {341}.
Blair, Chas. W., at Wilson's Creek, {165}.
Blair, Frank P., sketch of, {19} et seq. ; thwartx Frost's plans, {39} et seq.; activity of, {43}; secures Lyon's as- signment to command, {57}; procures arms from War Department, {64} ; marches to Camp Jackson, {75}; dis- trusts Harney's agreement with Price, {98}, {99}; pres- ent at interview at Plant- er's House, {109} et seq.
Blair, Montgomery, {40}.
Blandowski, C, mortally wounded by rioters, {78}.
Bowen, John S., {62} et seq.
Boonville, Mo., {121}; skirmish at, {124} et seq.
Breckinridge, John C, {21}.
Brown, Gratz B., Col., {65}.
Buchanan, President, on seces- sion, {23}.
Buell, Don Carlos, in command of Department of the Ohio, {298}.
Bussey, Cyrus, Col., at Pea Ridge, {325} et seq.; takes cavalry to Leetown Road, {333}; Assistant Secretary of the Interior, {340}.
Campbell, Robert, {33}.
Carlin, W. P., Col., {33}d {111}., {245}; at Big River Bridge, {247}; insists upon com- mand, {249} ; Frederick- town, {250} et seq..
Carr, E. A., Col., at Cross Hol- lows, {316}; SSkhorn Tav- ern, {322}; sends to Curtis for reinforcements, {324} ; wounded, {325} ; promoted, {341}.
Census, {185}0, {14}.
Champion, Brock, {38}.
Cherokee Indians, {280}.
Choctaw Indians, {279} et seq.
Clayton, Powell, at Wilson's Creek, {165}.
Committee of Safety, {43} et seq., {53}; meets Lyon at arsenal, {72}.
Cole Camp, skirmish, {131} et seq.
Cole, Nelson, at Wilson's Creek, {165}.
Commissioner from Mississippi» {34}.
Convention, State, meets at Jefferson City, Feb. {28}, {49}; adopts Union report and adjourns, {50}.
Cook, A. H. W., organizes Home Guards, {131} ; cap- tures supplies, {132}.
Cooper, Douglas H., Col., at- tacks Hopoeitihleyohola, {283}; retreats to Fort Gib- son, {283}; joined by Col. James Mcintosh, {283}; at- tacks Indians at Shoal Creek, {284}.
Cotton States, secession of, {23}.
Crawford, Sam*l J., at Wilson's Creek, {165}.
Croghan, St. George, visits; Sweeny, {45} ; death, {46}.
Curtis, Sam'l B., sketch of, {198}; assigned to command Army of the Southwest, {302}; selects Davis and Carr for commands, {302}; base at Lebanon, {303} ; marches against Price, {305}; captures Springfield, {305}; forces evacuation of Cross Hollows, {308}; es- tablishes himself at Cross Hollows, {309} ; Organiza- tion of army, {314}; de- cides to make stand at Pea Ridge, {316}; position of army, {316}; battle of Pea Ridge, {322} et seq.; sends Bussey with cavalry to Leetown Road. {333} ; re- port of losses, {335} ; pro- moted, {341}.
Davis, Jeffebson, {49} ; sends ar- tillery for attack on arse- nal, {70}; army record, {289}; dislikes Price, {290} ; the 5th U. S. Oav., {311}.
Davis, Jeff. C, in the Lex- ington campaign, {208} ; forces surrender at Mil- ford, {291}; joins Curtis at Lebanon, {304}; goes to Os- terhaus's assistance, {327} ; promoted, {341}.
Democrats, {14}, {20}.
Dietzler, Geo. W., at Wilson's Creek, {165}.
Dodge, Col., at Pea Ridge, {325}.
Doniphan, Alex., Gen., stands by the Union, {94}.
Douglas, Stephan A., {14}, {21}.
Dug Springs, engagement at, {153}.
Duke, Basil Wilson, {38}, {42}; matures plot, {56} et seq. ; burns Osage River bridge, {90}.
Flags, secession, {39}; Union flag torn down, {39}.
Fredericktown, skirmish at, {250} et seq.
Freesoilism, {57}.
Fremont, Gen., sketch of, {133} et seq. ; comes into colli- * sion with Gen. Kearny, {135}; nominated for Presi- dent, {135}; takes command of Department of the West, {136} ; establishes Court at St. Louis, {148}; reinforces Cairo, {149}; asks for men and supplies, {194} ; testifies with regard to Lyon, {194} et seq. r declares martial law, {197} et seq.; topples to his fall, {216}; moves to Jefferson City, {220} et seq. ; forms Army of the West, {221} et seq.; pursues Price, {224}; Fre- mont body guard, {227} et seq.; at Springfield, {229}; issues joint proclamation with Price, {230}; relieved from command, {233}; takes leave of troops, {234}; given command of Moun- tain Department, {235}; put on retired list, {236}. Frost, Daniel M., Maj.-Gen., sketch of, {36} et seq. ; is- sues secret circular, {39} ; recommendation to Gov. Jackson, {62} ; establishes Camp Jackson, {68} et seq. ; writes to Lyon, {73} et seq. ; surrenders Oamp Jackson, {76} et seq. ; protests to Harney against Lyon's at- tack, {82} et seq.
Gamble, Hamilton R., {33},49, {84}; elected Governor, {136}.
Germans dn Missouri, {14} et seq.; {33}, {39}, {44}, {80}, {142}; resent Halleck's order, {259} et seq.
Gilbert, C. C, Oapt., at Wil- son's Creek, {167}.
Granger, Gordon, Capt., record of, {164} ; at Wilson's Creek, {174}.
Giant, U. S., sketch of, {198} et seq. ; commissioned Brig- adier-General, {244}; at Cape Girardeau, {244} et seq.; orders Carlin and Plummer to attack Thomp- son, {247}; headquarters at Cairo, {262}; starts for Pa- ducah, {262}; activity of, {263}; at Belmont, {264} et seq.
Greeley, Horace, views on co- ercion, {33}.
Greene, Colton, Capt., {38}.
Green, James S., U. S. Sena- tor, sketch of, {27} et seq.; defeated for Senate, {47}.
Hagner, Peter B., Maj., suc- ceeds Bell in command of arsenal, {41} ; comes into col- lision with Lyon, {54}.
Halderman, John A., record of, {164}.
Halleck, Henry Wager, suc- ceeds Fremont, {253} : sketch of, {253} et seq. ; checks se- cession insolence, {258} ; slaves debarred from camp, {259}; explains order, {260}; Department of Kansas consolidated with his, {297}; constructs fleet of gun- boats, {297}; institutes mil- itary commission to pun- ish bridge-burners, {298} et seq.; writes Price, {299}; commended by Stanton, {300} ; telegraphs Curtis, {300}; plans for crushing Price, {301}; forms Army of the Southwest, {302}; orders Hunter to reinforce Curtis, {313}.
Hardee, Gen., asked to join Price and McCuIloch, {196}.
Harding, Chester, Col., {104}, {120}; applies to Fremont for supplies for Lyon, {148}.
Harney, William Selby, sketch of, {29} et seq.; sustains Hagner, {55}; attitude to- ward Lyon, {59}; removed from command, {65}; re- turns to St. Louis and re- sumes command, {81}; issues proclamation, {81}; puts re- striction on Home Guards, {82} ; approves Lyon's course and issues proclamation, {84} et seq. ; telegraphs Ad- jutant-General for arms, {96}; enters into agreement with Price and Jackson. {97} ; issues proclamation, {97}; calls Price's attention to secession outrages, {98} et seq. ; relieved from com- mand, {101}; writes letter to Adjutant-General, {101} et seq. ; death, {102}.
Herron, Francis J., at Wilson's Creek, {165}.
Holt, Willard P., elected Lieu- tenant-Governor of Mis- souri, {136}.
Home Guards, {59}, {65}, {99}, {108}.
Hopoeithieyohola, sketch of, {282} et seq. ; defeats Coop- er at Chusto-Talasah, {283} ; Shoal Creek, {284}; retreats to Kansas, {284} ; death, {284}.
Hunter, David, Gen., succeeds Fremont, {233}; sketch of, {237} et seq.; gives up pur- suit of Price, {240} et seq. ; assigned to 'Department of Kansas, {271} et seq.; trou- ble with Lane, {276} et seq. ; assigned to duty in South Carolina, {278}.
Illinois, forays from, {39}.
Immigration to Missouri, {10}.
Indian Territory, tribes gath- ered there, {279}; op- posed to war, {280}; effect of war storm on, {284}.
Irish in Missouri, {14}, {38}, {40}.
Jackson, Claiborne F., sketch of, {20}; Inaugural Address, {25}; resents removal of gold, {41}; reply to Presi- dent Lincoln's call for troops, {62} et seq.; applies to Jefferson Davis for ar- tillery for attack on ar- senal, {69}; receives letter from Davis, {69} et seq. ; is- sues proclamation calling militia into service, {119} et seq. ; attacks Boonville, {121}; establishes capital at Lamar, {137}; hears of Si- gel's advance, {138}; joins McCullodh at Neosho, {141}; sets up capital at Lexing- ton, {207}; calls Legislature at Neosho, {225}; death, {27}.
Jackson, Camp, is established, {68} et seq.; visited by Lyon, {72}; surrounded by Lyon's troops, {75} et seq.; surrender, {77}; in charge of Sweeny, {79}; account of stock taken, {86} et seq. "Jaybawkers," {274} et seq.
Jefferson City, Capital of Mis- souri, {26}.
Johnson, Waldo P., succeeds Senator Green, {47}.
Johnston, Albert Sydney, as- signed to command Con- federate army in the West, {243}.
Lane, James H., recruits Kan- sas regiments, {201}; skir- mish at Dry Wood, {202}; crosses the Osage and throws up fortifications, {202}; marches to Osceola, {219} et seq.; burns town, {219}; sketch of, {273} et seq. ; elected U. S. Senate. {275} ; commissioned Briga- dier-General of Volunteers, {276}; plans Southern expe- dition, {276} et seq.; death, {278}.
Legislature of Missouri meets Dec. {31}, {186}0, {24} ; political complexion, {24} ; secession bills introduced, {32}; de- clare against coercion, {35}; calls convention, {48}; panic after Camp Jackson, {89}.
Lexington, description of, {206} et seq. ; Six Days' Battle, {210} et seq. ; garrison sur- renders, {214}.
Liberty, M
berg@html@files@31770@31770-h@31770-h-4.htm.html#link154" class="pginternal">{154}; reinforces Raines, {168} ; opens on Union front, {174}; battle of Wilson's Creek, {174} et seq.; reports of battle, {181} et seq ; sore- ness between him and Mc- Culloch, {191} et seq. ; urges McCulloch forward, {193}; advances to the Mis- souri, {202}; at Lex- ington, {207} ; reports as to battle, {215}; crosses Osage, {224}; starts for Missouri River, {286} et seq. ; appeal to the people, {287} et seq.; establishes headquarters at Osceola, {289}; burns Warsaw, {290}; falls back to Springfield, {291}; protests against Halleck's order, {298}; evacu- ates Springfield, {305}; re- ports to Gov. Jackson, {307}; strength of force, {318}; at Pea Ridge, {322} et seq.; reports of battle, ; farewell to troops, {339} et seq. Pro-Slavery doctrine, {7}.
Raines; James S., Gen., {61}; commands Second Division, M. S. G., {138}; discovers enemy, {166}; at Wilson's Creek, {168}.
Republican Party, {17}, {25}.
Reynolds, Thos. C, Lieut.-Gov-, sketch of, {27}; letter to General Assembly, {31} et seq.; plans for reception of Mississippi Commission, {34}, {42}; assumes guberna- torial powers, {201}; estab- lishes military despotism, {204} et seq.
Ross, Chief John, {282}.
St. Louis, monster mass meet- ing called by Gamble and others, {33}; archbishop of, {40}; U. S. troops pro- tect U. S. Sub-treasury, {41}; secession flag hoisted, {37}; riots and panic after capture of Camp Jackson, {81} et seq.
Saxton, Rufus, Gen., {53}.
Schofield, John M., Gen., {65}; sketch of, {104} et seq., {106} ; professor of physics, {107}; offers services, {107}; Major Home Guards, {108}; at Wilson's Greek, {164}, {171}; letter to Balleck opposing Sigel's promotion, {184} ct seq. ; Brigadier-General, {261}; organizes Missouri Militia, {292}.
Scott, Winfield, Lieut-Gen., {31}, {60}, {108}.
Secession, {18} et seq. ; States secede, {23}.
Secessionists, U. S. forts, etc., seized, {24}; zeal of, {38} et seq., {34}; Union men per- secuted by, {39}; score point,