During the Halt for Dinner. 20
'Don't Call Me Your Gran'pap.' 35
Here Goes, Mebbe to Libbey Prison. 55
I'm All on Fire 77
Si and Shorty Were the First to Mount The Parapet. 91
The Bluff Worked 107
She Ran Like a Deer, But si Cut Her off 123
You Must'nt Kill a Wounded Man 143
"Father, There's a Couple of Soldiers out There." 159
The First Wad Came out Easily and All Right. 165
'Annabel, How Purty You Look.' 173
The Recruits Lined up on the Platform. 186
They Posted the Men Behind The Trees. 197
They Had a Delirious Remembrance of the Mad Whirl. 211
The Dead Being Collected After the Battle. 220
"Pap, is That You?" Said a Weak Voice. 238
"He Took Another Look at his Heavy Revolver." 254
"If You Don't Skip out O' Here This Minute I'll Bust Your Head As I Would a Punkin." 264