
Footnotes Chapter I.

1 Hurd, Law of Freedom and Bondage, I. 295.

2 Nation, April 18, 1889.

3 Appendix A, No. 1.

4 N. Y. Colonial Manuscripts, XIII. 211.

5 Appendix A, No. 45.

6 Hurd, Law of Freedom and Bondage, I. 295.

7 The texts will be found post, Appendix A.

8 Appendix A, No. 6.

9 Appendix A, No. 23.

10 Appendix A, No. 20.

11 Iredell, 90; Appendix A, No. 73.

12 Maryland Archives, II. 224.

13 Appendix A, No. 2.

14 Appendix A, No. 53.

15 Appendix A, No. 57; Appendix D, No. 6.

16 Boston Gazette, Jan. 1, 1770.

17 Boston Gazette, Oct. 2, 1750; G. W. Williams, History of the Negro Race in America, I. 330.

18 Liberator, March 16, 1860.

19 W. C. Nell's Address at the Nineteenth Anniversary of Boston Massacre.

20 Moore, Slavery in Massachusetts, 117.

21 Appendix A, No. 3; Appendix D, No. 10.

22 See ante, §2.

23 N.Y. Colonial Manuscripts, XIII. 238; Letter from Jacob Aldrich to Director Stuyvesant of New Netherlands, New Amstel, 14May, 1659; Documentary History of N.Y. Colony, II. 556; Appendix D, No. 2.

24 Appendix A, No. 8, Gilman, History of the American People, 605.

25 N. Y. Colonial Manuscripts, I. 342; Doyle, English in America, I. 391.

26 Maryland Archives, II. 523.

27 Appendix A, No. 37.

28 Acts and Laws of Connecticut, 229.

29 N. Y. Colonial Manuscripts, V. 637; Appendix D, No. 4.

30 N. Y. Colonial Manuscripts, V. 793.

31 Appendix A, Nos. 50, 59.

32 Giddings, Exiles of Florida, 281; Wilson, Rise and Fall of the Slave Power in America, I. 122.

33 Ante, §8.

34 Letter from William Beekman to Director Stuyvesant, in N. Y. Colonial Manuscripts, XIII. 346; Appendix D, No. 3.

35 N. Y. Colonial Manuscripts, XIII. 346.

36 Moore, Notes on the History of Slavery in Massachusetts, 28; Doyle, English in America, I. 391; compare Appendix A, No.14.

37 John Winthrop, History of New England from 1630 to 1649, p. 383; Appendix D, No. 1.

38 Archives of Maryland, Proceedings of Council, 1636-1667, pp. 134, 135.

39 Archives of Maryland, Proceedings of Council, III. 472.

40 Letter from M. de la JonquiÈre to M. de RouillÉ, in N. Y. Colonial Manuscripts, X. 209; Appendix D, No. 5.

41 Massachusetts Historical Society Collections, Third Series, IX. 2; Appendix D, No. 7.

42 J. Quincy, Reports of Cases, 96; Appendix D, No. 8.

43 Moore, Slavery in Massachusetts, 117; T. R. Cobb, Historical Sketch of Slavery, 2, Law of Negro Slavery, 164; Massachusetts Historical Society Collections, Third Series, IX. 2; Josiah Quincy, Reports of Cases, 96; Hurd, Law of Freedom and Bondage, II.

44 Appendix B, No. 1.

45 Appendix B, Nos. 3, 5.

46 Appendix B, No. 2.

47 Post, §22.

48 Randall, Jefferson, I. 397-400; Winsor, VII. 528; Journals of Congress, IX. 153-156.

49 Appendix B, No. 4; Journals of Congress, X. 79; Bancroft, History of the U. S. (last rev.), VI. 132-134; Bancroft, Constitution, I. 178-180; Hildreth, III. 458.

50 Appendix B, No. 6. On the Northwest Ordinance in general, see Winsor, VII. 538; J. H. Merriam, Legislative History of the Ordinance of 1787 (Worcester, 1888); Lalor's CyclopÆdia, III. 30-34.

51 Elliot's Debates, V. 487.

52 Ibid., V. 487.

53 Appendix B, No. 7.

54 Elliot's Debates, III. 277.

55 Ibid., III. 182.

56 Ibid., III. 401.

57 Ibid., III. 428.

58 Ibid., III. 335.

Footnotes Chapter II.

59 Statutes at Large, I. 50.

60 Appendix B, No. 8.

61 Cong. Globe, 31 Cong. 1 Sess., Appendix, 1585; Annals of Cong., 2 Cong. 1 Sess., H. of R., 147.

62 State Papers, Miscellaneous, I. 39-43.

63 House Journal, 2 Cong. 1 Sess., 444; Annals of Cong., 148.

64 House Journal, 2 Cong. 1 Sess., 454; Annals of Cong., 179.

65 Senate Journal, 170; Annals, 115.

66 2 Cong. 2 Sess., Senate Journal, 460; Annals of Cong., 616.

67 Senate Journal, 16; Annals, 622.

68 Senate Journal, 25, 26; Annals, 623.

69 Senate Journal, 28; Annals, 625.

70 Senate Journal, 35; Annals, 630.

71 Senate Journal, 34, 35; Annals, 630.

72 House Journal, 105; Annals, 861.

73 Appendix B, No. 9.

74 Ante, §8; Appendix A, No. 8.

75 Ante15.

76 For general discussions of the act, see Von Holst, Constitutional History, I. 309-315; Hildreth, History of the U. S., IV. 406-440; Lalor's CyclopÆdia, II. 315-316; Stephens, War between the States, I. 629-636, 674; Bancroft's History of the U. S. (last revision), VI. 309, 310; Goodell, Slavery and Antislavery, 227; Curtis, History of the Constitution, II. 450-467; Hurd, Law of Freedom and Bondage, II. 142; Story, Commentaries, III. 673-678; McMaster, History of the American People, I. 508, II. 356, 357; Elliott's Debates, V. 357, 487; Schouler, History of the U. S., I. 219, 220; Tucker, History of the U. S., I. 500.

77 Appendix B, No. 9.

78 Post, §27.

79 Post, §§34, 35.

80 Annals of Congress, 1796-97, p. 2015, and 1801-2, p. 343.

81 House Journal, 4 Cong. 2 Sess., 65; Annals of Cong., 1741, 1767.

82 Murray, Cooper, and Kiltera. Annals of Cong., 1767.

83 Sedgwick, Reed, and Henry. Senate Journal, 4 Cong. 2 Sess., 39; Annals of Cong., 1528.

84 Appendix B, No. 10.

85 House Journal, 6 Cong. 2 Sess., 220; Annals of Cong., 1053.

86 Nicholson, Goddard, Holland, J. Smith (Va.), Lowndes. House Journal, 7 Cong. 1 Sess., 34; Annals of Cong., 317.

87 House Journal, 7 Cong. 1 Sess., 45; Annals of Cong., 335.

88 Annals of Cong., 343.

89 House Journal, 7 Cong. 1 Sess., 125; Annals of Cong., 422, 423; Appendix B, No. 10.

90 House Journal, 7 Cong. 1 Sess., 125, 128; Annals of Cong., 423, 425.

91 Post, § 22.

92 House Journal, 15 Cong. 1 Sess., 50, 86, 182, 186, 189, 193, 198; Annals of Cong., 446, 447, 513, 819, 829, 831, 840, 1339, 1393.

93 Appendix B, No. 13.

94 Annals of Cong., 829.

95 Annals of Cong., 838.

96 Annals of Cong., 15 Cong. 1 Sess., 829, 830.

97 Annals of Cong., 838.

98 Annals of Cong., 838.

99 Annals of Cong., 838.

100 Annals of Cong., 838.

101 Appendix B, No. 13.

102 Post, §25.

103 House Journal, 15 Cong. 1 Sess., 198; Annals of Cong., 840.

104 Appendix B, No. 14.

105 Appendix B, No. 15.

106 Senate Journal, 15 Cong. 1 Sess., 128, 135, 174, 202, 227, 228, 233; House Journal, 328; Annals of Cong., 165, 210, 259, 262, 1339.

107 Annals of Cong., 1716.

108 Cf. Appendix B, No. 17.

109 House Journal, 15 Cong. 1 Sess., 188, 191; Annals of Cong., 546, 551.

110 Annals of Cong., 16 Cong. 1 Sess., 469, 1587.

111 Appendix B, No. 16.

112 Liberator, Jan. 24, 1840 (N. Y. Evening Post).

113 House Journal, 16 Cong. 1 Sess., 427; Annals of Cong., 1863.

114 Appendix B, No. 18.

115 Senate Journal, 16 Cong. 1 Sess., 319, 326; Annals of Cong., p. 618.

116 Appendix B, No. 18.

117 House Journal, 17 Cong. 1 Sess., 143; Annals of Cong., 553, 558, 710.

118 Annals of Cong, 17 Cong. 1 Sess., 1379, 1415, 1444.

119 Appendix B, No. 8.

120 Appendix B, No. 11.

121 Appendix B, No. 19.

122 Ante, §13; Appendix B, No. 2.

123 Appendix B, No. 12.

124 Am. State Papers, Foreign, IV. 106-126, VI. 346-354.

125 Annals of Cong., 16 Cong. 2 Sess., 94.

126 S. G. Howe, Refugees from Slavery in Canada, 12-14; Niles's Register, XXIII. 26, LV. 289.

127 Appendix B, No. 21; cf. No. 24.

128 Niles's Register, XXIII. 26.

129 Liberator, Dec. 31, 1860.

130 Pamphlets on Anderson case, Boston Public Library; Appendix D, No. 65.

131 Life of Gerrit Smith, 115.

132 Liberator, Jan. 22, 1861.

133 Von Holst, II. 312; Calhoun, III. 9, 464, 486; Senate Docs., 25 Cong. 3 Sess., No. 216.

134 Wilson, Slave Power, I. 439-442; Congressional Globe, XIV. 50.

135 Goodell, Slavery and Antislavery, 252, 253; Von Holst, Calhoun, 204-209.

136 House Docs., 27 Cong. 2 Sess., V., No. 242; Congressional Globe, XIV. 50.

137 Senate Docs., 26 Cong. 1 Sess., III., No. 11.

138 Congressional Globe, XIV. 80, 113-118; Calhoun, III. 462; Appendix B, No. 20.

139 Senate Docs., 27 Cong. 1 Sess., II., No. 51.

140 Cobbett's Case, 47; Dana's Wheaton, note 62; cf. Appendix B, No. 23.

141 Lawrence's Wheaton, 207, n.

142 Von Holst, I. 321, 322; Opinions of the Attorney Generals, III. 484; 15 Peters, 518.

143 R. Smedley, Underground Railroad, 26.

144 See post, §§71-76.

145 See post, §38.

146 Appendix B, No. 22; 16 Peters, 957; Report of Case of Edward Prigg, Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, 202; Bledsoe, Liberty and Slavery, 355; J. F. Clarke, Antislavery Days, 69.

147 Post, §§78, 79.

148 Post, §§34, 41, 42.

149 Senate Journal, 30 Cong., 1 Sess., 59; Congressional Globe, 51.

150 Senate Journal, 30 Cong., 1 Sess., 313; Congressional Globe, 722.

151 Senate Journal, 30 Cong., 1 Sess., 313; Congressional Globe, 722.

152 Appendix B, No. 29.

153 Appendix B, Nos. 25, 27, 28.

154 Appendix B, No. 26.

155 Appendix B, No. 30. In this number of the Appendix is a summary of the legislative history of the measure, from the introduction of Mason's bill, Jan. 4, 1850, to the signature of the act by President Fillmore, Sept. 18, 1850, with references to the records of Congress.

156 Congressional Globe, 31 Cong. 1 Sess., 236.

157 Senate Journal, 31 Cong. 1 Sess., 118.

158 Congressional Globe, 31 Cong. 1 Sess., 248; Appendix B, No. 30. The test vote in the House stood as follows:—

States. For. Against. Not
New England
7 15 10 32
9 33 21 63
Interior and
16 27 8 51
Free States
32 75 39 146
Slave States
32 0 6 38
45 0 9 54
Slave States
77 0 15 92
Total 109 75 54 238

159 Appendix B, No. 30. For general discussions of the act, see Von Holst, III. 548-557, IV. 9-12, 20-29; Wilson, Slave Power, II. 302-329; Greeley, American Conflict, I. 210-221; Cooley's Story, §1921; Lalor's CyclopÆdia, II. 315-317; Bryant and Gay, U. S., IV. 397-401.

160 For the text of the act, see Appendix B, No. 31.

161 Congressional Globe, 31 Cong. 1 Sess., Appendix, 1610.

162 Congressional Globe, 31 Cong. 1 Sess., 1583.

163 Congressional Globe, 31 Cong. 2 Sess., Appendix, 1051.

164 Congressional Globe, 31 Cong. 2 Sess., Appendix, 1622.

165 Congressional Globe, 31 Cong. 1 Sess., 79.

166 Congressional Globe, 31 Cong. 1 Sess., 78.

167 Von Holst, III. 493.

168 Congressional Globe, 31 Cong. 1 Sess., Appendix, 1597.

Footnotes Chapter III.

169 Mr. Quincy also states, that "about a fortnight elapsed, when I was called upon by Rufus Green Amory, a lawyer of eminence at the Boston bar in that day, who showed me a letter from a Southern slaveholder, directing him to prosecute Josiah Quincy for the penalty under the law of 1793, for obstructing the agent of the claimant in obtaining his slave under the process established by that law. Mr. Amory felt, no less than myself, the folly of such a pretence; and I never heard from him, or from any one, anything more upon the subject of prosecution. This fact, and the universal gratification which the fact appeared to give to the public, satisfied my mind, that, unless by accident, or stealth, or in some very thin settled part of the country, the law of 1793 would be forever inoperative, as the event has proved in Massachusetts."—Meeting at Faneuil Hall to protest against the Fugitive Slave Law, letter read from Josiah Quincy, Boston Atlas, Oct. 15, 1850; Goodell, Slavery and Antislavery, 232; Appendix D, No. 12.

170 Appendix D, No. 13.

171 Appendix D, No. 19.

172 Appendix D, No. 16.

173 Appendix D, No. 42.

174 Appendix D, No. 26.

175 Appendix D, No. 20.

176 Appendix D, No. 22.

177 Appendix D, No. 35.

178 See post, §81.

179 Ante, §25.

180 Appendix D, No. 28; see post, §81.

181 Appendix D, No. 34.

182 Ante, §25.

183 Appendix D, No. 21.

184 Appendix D, No. 24.

185 Appendix D, No. 37.

186 Appendix D, No. 25.

187 Appendix D, No. 40.

188 Appendix D, No. 31.

189 Liberator, Aug. 15, 1845, "The Branded Hand."

190 Von Holst, IV. 10, 11.

191 J. F. Clarke, Antislavery Days, 92.

192 Appendix D, No. 43.

193 Appendix D, No. 48.

194 Liberator, April 17, 1851.

195 Daily Morning Chronicle, April 26, 1851.

196 Liberator, April 17, 1851.

197 Appendix D, No. 57.

198 Boston Journal, May 29, 1854.

199 Personal statement of Mr. Elbridge Sprague, made to the writer. Col. T. W. Higginson suggests a few minor corrections in Mr. Sprague's narrative. The first person to step in was an unknown negro: the beam used was found in Court Square; none were prepared beforehand; there was but one box of axes.

200 Boston Daily Advertiser, 1854, Worcester Spy, May 31, 1854, Argument of Mr. R. H. Dana.

201 Liberator, Aug. 22, 1854.

202 Von Holst, V. 64.

203 Appendix D, No. 57.

204 Commonwealth, June 26, 1854.

205 Appendix D, No. 58.

206 See post, §81.

207 Appendix D, No. 47.

208 31 Cong. 2 Sess., Senate Journal, 187; Congressional Globe, 580.

209 Von Holst, III. 25.

210 Appendix D, No. 51.

211 Appendix D, No. 62.

212 Appendix D, No. 49.

213 Appendix D, No. 50.

214 Sanborn, Life and Letters of John Brown, 420; Douglass, Life and Times of John Brown, 279, 282.

215 Von Holst, John Brown, 104.

Footnotes Chapter IV.

216 Still, Underground Railroad, 410.

217 Ibid., 444.

218 F. L. Olmsted, Journey in the Back Country, 49.


"Gone, gone,—sold and gone
To the rice swamp dank and lone,—
Where the slave-whip ceaseless swings,
Where the noisome insect stings,
Where the fever demon strews
Poison with the falling dews,
Where the sickly sunbeams glare
Through the hot and misty air,—
Gone, gone,—sold and gone
To the rice swamp dank and lone
From Virginia's hills and waters,—
Woe is me, my stolen daughters!
"There no mother's eye is near them,
There no mother's ear can hear them;
Never, when the torturing lash
Seams their back with many a gash,
Shall a mother's kindness bless them,
Or a mother's arms caress them....
"Oh, when weary, sad, and slow
From the fields at night they go,
Faint with toil, and racked with pain,
To their cheerless homes again,—
There no brother's voice shall greet them
There no father's welcome meet them."

220 Still, Underground Railroad, 443.

221 Ibid., 448.

222 Williams, History of the Negro Race in America, 293.

223 Still, Underground Railroad, 27.

224 F. L. Olmsted, The Cotton Kingdom, 157.

225 F. L. Olmsted, Journey in the Back Country, 444.

226 W. I. Bowditch, Slavery and the Constitution; Macon (Ga.) Telegram, Nov. 27, 1838.

227 Ball, Mammoth Pictorial Tour of United States, 54; F. L. Olmsted, Journey in the Back Country, 155.

228 W. I. Bowditch, Slavery and the Constitution; Macon (Ga.) Telegram, Nov. 27, 1838.

229 Liberator, April 12, 1839.

230 Wm. Parker, Freedman's Story, in Atlantic Monthly, February and March, 1866; Letter from Gerrit Smith, in Liberator, Dec. 28, 1838.

231 J. F. Clarke, Antislavery Days, 93.

232 Life and Times of Frederick Douglass, 196.

233 Appendix D, No. 41; Antislavery Almanac, 74.

234 J. F. Clarke, Antislavery Days, 83.

235 Appendix D, No. 41.

236 Smedley, The Underground Railroad, 26.

237 Lalor's CyclopÆdia, I. 5; Williams, History of the Negro Race in America, II. 58, 59.

238 Clarke, Antislavery Days, 81.

239 Smedley, The Underground Railroad, 35.

240 Ibid., 64, 138.

241 Ibid., 568-570.

242 Ibid., 172.

243 Ibid., 34.

244 Ibid., 146.

245 Smedley, Underground Railroad, 58.

246 Harriet, the Moses of her People.

247 Clarke, Antislavery Days, 81.

248 Liberator, March 2, 1860.

249 Pamphlet proposing a Defensive League of Freedom, 6.

250 Smedley, Underground Railroad, 241.

251 Ibid., 355.

252 Douglass, My Bondage and Freedom, 323.

253 J. F. Clarke, Antislavery Days, 83.

254 Lalor's CyclopÆdia, I. 5; Congressional Globe, 36 Cong. 1 Sess., Appendix, 250.

255 Williams, History of the Negro Race in America, II. 58, 59.

Footnotes Chapter V.

256 Revised Laws of Indiana, 1824, p. 221.

257 Laws of Connecticut, 1838, p. 32.

258 Acts and Resolves of Vermont, 1840, p. 13.

259 Laws of New York, 1840, p. 174.

260 See ante, §27.

261 Laws of Massachusetts, 1843, p. 33.

262 Acts and Resolves of Vermont, 1843, p. 11.

263 Laws of Pennsylvania, 1847, p. 206.

264 Acts and Resolves of Rhode Island, 1848, p. 12.

265 Laws of Vermont, 1850, p. 9.

266 Public Acts of Connecticut, 1854, p. 80.

267 Laws of Rhode Island, 1854, p. 22.

268 Laws of Massachusetts, 1855, p. 924; 1858, p. 151.

269 Laws of Michigan, 1855, p. 415.

270 Laws of Maine, 1857, p. 38.

271 Lalor, III. 162.

272 Lalor, III. 162.

273 Laws of Ohio, 1857, p. 170; 1857, p. 10.

274 Lalor, III. 162.

275 The following tabulation shows the provisions of the personal liberty laws as distributed among the States:—
Judges and justices forbidden to take cognizance.
Massachusetts, 1843; Vermont, 1843; Connecticut, 1838; Rhode Island, 1854; Maine, 1855; Pennsylvania, 1847.
Writ of habeas corpus.
Massachusetts, 1855; Michigan, 1855; Maine, 1857; Connecticut, 1838 and 1844.
Jury trial.
Indiana, 1824; New York, 1840; Vermont, 1840, 1850, and 1858; Connecticut, 1838; Michigan, 1855; Massachusetts, 1855.
Use of jails forbidden.
Massachusetts, 1843 and 1855; Vermont, 1843 and 1858; Pennsylvania, 1847; Rhode Island, 1848; Maine, 1855; Michigan, 1855; Ohio, 1857.
Attorneys employed to defend fugitives.
New York, 1840; Vermont, 1840; Massachusetts, 1855; Maine, 1857.
False testimony punished.
Connecticut, 1838 and 1844; Michigan, 1855.
Admission of national officers.
Connecticut, 1838 and 1844; Vermont, 1844; Maine, 1855; New Hampshire, 1857.

276 See ante, §44.

277 Laws of Massachusetts, 1843, p. 33.

278 See ante, §57.

279 Parker, Personal Liberty Laws, 27.

280 See ante, §54.

281 See ante, §55.

282 Parker, Personal Liberty Laws, 27; Laws of Massachusetts, 1855, p. 924; AppendixD, No. 60, case of William Johnson.

283 Laws of Massachusetts, 1858, p. 151.

284 Acts and Resolves of Maine, 1855, p. 207.

285 Ibid., 1857, p. 38.

286 Acts and Resolves of New Hampshire, 1857, p. 1876.

287 Acts and Resolves of Vermont, 1840, p. 13.

288 Laws of Vermont, 1843, p. 11.

289 Ibid., 1850, p. 9.

290 Acts and Resolves of Rhode Island, 1848, p. 12.

291 Laws of Rhode Island, 1854, p. 22.

292 Laws of New York, 1840, p. 174.

293 Laws of Pennsylvania, 1847, p. 206.

294 Laws of Ohio, 1857, p. 170.

295 Laws of Ohio, 1858, p. 10.

296 Laws of Michigan, 1855, p. 415.

297 Lalor, III. 162.

298 Hurd, Law of Freedom and Bondage, II. 763; Von Holst, IV. 551; Parker, Personal Liberty Laws.

299 Phillips, No Slave Hunting in the Old Bay State; Phillips, Argument against repeal of Personal Liberty Law; Pierce, Personal Liberty Law, 4; Johnson, Speech on Personal Liberty Law, New York, 1861.

300 36 Cong. 2 Sess., Congressional Globe, Appendix, 2.

301 Lalor, III. 162.

Footnotes Chapter VI.

302 Ableman v. Booth, 3 Wis., 1.

303 Globe, 1860-61, p. 356, App. 197.

304 Globe, 1860-61, (Baker) 228, (Burnham) 970.

305 Senate Journal, 36 Cong. 2 Sess., p. 18. Appendix C, No. 1.

306 House Journal, 36 Cong. 2 Sess., p. 60; Congr. Globe, 36 Cong. 2 Sess., 77. AppendixC, Nos. 2-12. For a list of proposed constitutional amendments bearing on fugitive slaves, I am indebted to Mr. H. V. Ames, of the Harvard Graduate School, who has kindly furnished me transcripts from his material for a forthcoming monograph on proposed amendments to the Constitution.

307 Cong. Globe, 3 Cong. 2 Sess., 114. AppendixC, Nos. 2-12.

308 House Journal, 36 Cong. 2 Sess., 70; Cong. Globe, 36 Cong. 2 Sess., 79. AppendixC, No. 10.

309 House Journal, 36 Cong. 2 Sess., 67; Cong. Globe, 36 Cong. 2 Sess., 77. AppendixC, No. 3.

310 House Journal, 36 Cong. 2 Sess., 70; Cong. Globe, 36 Cong. 2 Sess., 78. AppendixC, No. 11.

311 Cong. Globe, 36 Cong. 2 Sess., 1328.

312 Appendix C, No. 25.

313 Liberator, Nov. 1, 1861; Edw. L. Pierce, in Atlantic Monthly, November, 1861.

314 Cong. Globe, 36 Cong. 2 Sess., 1076.

315 Cong. Globe, 36 Cong. 2 Sess., 1077.

316 Cong. Globe, 37 Cong. 1 Sess., 218. Appendix C, Nos. 30, 31.

317 Cong. Globe, 37 Cong. 1 Sess., 219.

318 Cong. Globe, 37 Cong. 1 Sess., 412.

319 House Journal, 37 Cong. 1 Sess., 197; Cong. Globe, 409, 410. Appendix C, No. 31.

320 Senate Journal, 37 Cong. 1 Sess., 178; Cong. Globe, 434. Appendix C, No. 31.

321 Cong. Globe, 37 Cong. 1 Sess., 454. Appendix C, No. 31.

322 Appendix C, Nos. 37, 40, 44.

323 Appendix C, No. 52.

324 Appendix C, No. 59. Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, and reported by them, April 16, 1862. Appendix C, No. 67.

325 Cong. Globe, 37 Cong. 2 Sess., 944.

326 Cong. Globe, 37 Cong. 2 Sess., 946.

327 Appendix C, No. 71.

328 Appendix C, No. 72.

329 Appendix C, No. 73. Previous bills introduced by Mr. Eliot had been unfavorably reported on by the Judiciary Committee. Appendix C, No. 69.

330 Appendix C, No. 75.

331 Appendix C, No. 78.

332 Appendix C, No. 78.

333 Appendix C, No. 79.

334 Appendix C, No. 79.

335 Liberator, July 19, 1861; Appendix D, No. 68.

336 Williams, History of Negro Race in America, 245; Appendix D, No. 69.

337 Appendix C, Nos. 36, 43, 44, 46-48.

338 Appendix C, No. 35.

339 Appendix C, No. 66.

340 Appendix C, No. 41.

341 Cong. Globe, 37 Cong. 2 Sess., 110; Appendix C, No. 42.

342 Cong. Globe, 37 Cong. 1 Sess, 130.

343 Cong. Globe, 37 Cong. 1 Sess., 130.

344 Appendix C, No. 47.

345 Appendix C, No. 48.

346 Appendix C, No. 58.

347 Cong. Globe, 37 Cong. 2 Sess., 955.

348 Cong. Globe, 37 Cong. 2 Sess., 956.

349 Liberator, May 1, 1863 Extract from Frankfort Commonwealth.

350 Appendix C, No. 33.

351 Cong. Globe, 37 Cong. 2 Sess., 10.

352 Appendix C, No. 33.

353 Appendix C, No. 39.

354 Appendix C, No. 38.

355 Cong. Globe, 37 Cong. 2 Sess., 182; Appendix C, No. 51.

356 Cong. Globe, 37 Cong. 2 Sess., 313.

357 Cong. Globe, 37 Cong. 2 Sess., 264.

358 Appendix C, No 51.

359 Appendix C, Nos. 42, 54, 56.

360 Wilson, Rise and Fall of the Slave Power in America, iii. 273.

361 Appendix C, Nos. 62, 65.

362 Appendix D, No. 68.

363 Appendix C, No. 49.

364 Cong. Globe, 37 Cong. 1 Sess., 1356.

365 Appendix C, No. 76.

366 Three bills were introduced in the House on the same day, December 14, 1863, by Messrs. Stevens, Julian, and Ashley. They were read twice and referred. Appendix C, No. 80. Before the final consideration of the subject, on February 8, 1864, two more bills were introduced in Congress, Mr. Sumner's in the Senate, and Mr. Spalding's in the House. The former went to the Committee on the Judiciary, the latter to the Select Committee on Slavery and Freedom. Appendix C, No. 80.

367Appendix C, No. 80.

368 Cong. Globe, 38 Cong. 1 Sess., 2774, 2775.

369 Cong. Globe, 38 Cong. 1 Sess., 2914.

370 Cong. Globe, 38 Cong. 1 Sess., 2914.

371 Cong. Globe, 38 Cong. 1 Sess., 2911.

372 Cong. Globe, 38 Cong. 1 Sess., 2913.

373 Cong. Globe, 38 Cong. 1 Sess., 2919.

374 Cong. Globe, 38 Cong. 1 Sess., 2917.

375 Cong. Globe. 38 Cong. 1 Sess., 2920.

376 Senate Journal, 38 Cong. 1 Sess., 196; Cong. Globe, 38 Cong. 1 Sess., 869; Appendix C, No. 80.

377 Cong. Globe, 38 Cong. 1 Sess., 1175.

378 Cong. Globe, 38 Cong. 1 Sess., 1710.

379 Cong. Globe, 38 Cong. 1 Sess., 1709.

380 Cong. Globe, 38 Cong. 1 Sess., 1713.

381 Senate Journal, 38 Cong. 1 Sess., 348; Cong. Globe, 38 Cong. 1 Sess., 1710, 1714.

382 Cong. Globe, 38 Cong. 1 Sess., 1752.

383 Cong. Globe, 38 Cong. 1 Sess., 3191; Appendix C, No. 83.

384 Appendix C, No. 83.

Transcriber's note: Original spelling varieties have been maintained; footnotes were renumbered. The index was changed to refer to section numbers instead of page numbers. Abbreviations and references changed for clarity: §11: o'selves—> we could not promise ourselves from you; w'ch—> which are shortly like to be nearer neighbors; O'tres—> vpon the receiving of these Outres; p'ties—> the demand of the parties interessted; p'sons—> compell such other persons.——§29, Footnotes 158, 159: "Appendix B, Nos.68.,83,84" not found; all linked to Appendix B, No.30. ——§ 84 not listed in the original.——§101., Footnote 366: "Appendix C, Nos. 104, 106" not found; both linked to Appendix C, No.80.——§103, Footnote 384: "Appendix C, No.116" not found; linked to Appendix C, No.83.——Appendix A, No. 9: appr'ntices—> apprentices; w'th—> with; fr'o—> from; pr'euenting—> preuenting.——Appendix A, 31: ag't—> against; Satisfacc'on—> Satisfaccion; reparac'on—> reparacion; Lord Prop'ry—> Lord Proprietary; publicac'on—> publicacion; Informac'on—> Informacion.——Appendix A, No. 66: goalers—> Fees of the gaolers given.——Appendix C, No.80: "See No.84" not found, linked to No.83. ——Appendix E, No. 9: reminscences—> the reminiscences of participants.


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