Preface, 5
Introduction, 9
I. Born in Troublous Times, 13
II. The Wesley Family, 20
III. Wesley's Early Life, 32
IV. Epworth Rappings, 41
V. Origin of the Holy Club, 49
VI. Wesley in America, 58
VII. Wesley's Religious Experience, 71
VIII. Wesley's Multiplied Labors, 83
IX. Wesley's Domestic Relations, 93
X. Wesley's Persecutions, 101
XI. Wesley and His Theology, 115
XII. Wesley as a Man, 132
XIII. Wesley as a Preacher, 136
XIV. Wesley as a Reformer, 144
XV. Wesley and American Methodism Prior to 1766, 153
XVI. Wesley and American Methodism, 161
XVII. Wesley Approaching the Close of Life, 173
XVIII. Wesley and His Triumphant Death, 179
XIX. Wesley's Character as Estimated by Unbiased Judges, 185
XX. The Greater Wesley of the Opening Century, 193
Conclusion, 203


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