Mrs. Smiley W. Greene, Wife of the Popular Undertaker, celebrates Thanksgiving by entertaining the Dancing Club [Image unavailable.]
The Dancing Club met at the home of Mrs. Smiley W. Greene on Thanksgiving evening. A full quota of our fellow townsmen attended and all agreed on parting that a most enjoyable time was had. Mrs. Greene was beautifully gowned in a blue and white creation trimmed with sprays of immortelles. Elegant refreshments were served and the occasion was rendered quite Bohemian in character by the presence of our talented local artist, E. Milton Brown of the Bird Center Tintype Studios. Rev. Walpole and family dropped in for a few moments during the early part of the festivities. ADDITIONAL SOCIETY NOTES. Chris C. Newbower was also among those present at Mrs. Smiley W. Greene’s dancing club entertainment. Chris says that he is not much of a shining light in the social whirl. Miss —— Barnard, of Xenia, Ohio, who has been visiting the Misses Niebling, has decided to remain here a week longer. Ah, there, R——y P——s. |