The Man who had no Right to Talk [Image unavailable.] At Eight O’Clock—“Why, take a night like this, with the thermometer below zero, the suffering among the poor is simply terrible. Somebody ought to take them coal barons out and string ’em up to the nearest lamp-post.” [Image unavailable.] At Eleven O’Clock—“I tell you, gentlemen, it’s an infamous outrage. Just think of the suffering among the helpless poor. It makes me mad to think of it. I wish I was President for about fifteen minutes—you’d see some of them villains in the coal trust pay for their confounded heartlessness.” [Image unavailable.]
At Twelve O’Clock—“Well, I’ve got to be going, for I’ve got a twelve-mile drive and it’s bitter cold to-night. I pity the poor people who have no coal on a night like this. |