Mutual Life Insurance Company of California, 418 CALIFORNIA ST., SAN FRANCISCO. Geo. A. Moore, President. LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE. ORGANIZED 1868. Assets, $2,250,000. Paid on Policy-Holders' Acct., $4,300,000. Policy Contracts unsurpassed. Claims paid on presentation of satisfactory proof's. For Policy Holders the best legal organization. W. W. Montague & Co. MANTELS, GRATES, TILES. BRASS, BRONZE, STEEL, AND IRON Fire Place Trimmings. Warm Air, Hot Water, and Steam Heating Apparatus For Warming Churches, Halls, School-Houses, Dwellings and Public Buildings. Wrought Steel Ranges. 309—317 MARKET STREET, SAN FRANCISCO. SHERMAN, CLAY & CO. IMPORTERS, MANUF'S AND JOBBERS. PIANOS. Weber, Estey, Emerson, SOLD ON INSTALLMENTS At Cash Prices. GUITARS. C. F. Martin, H. L. Mason. Fairbanks & Cole Banjos. Bohman Mandolines. Organs. Estey, Story & Clark, MANUFACTURERS OF CHURCH PIPE ORGANS. Band Instruments. Strings, Accordions, and MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. Sheet MUSIC, Music Books, Etc., Etc. CORNER Kearny and Sutter Sts. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Bird's-Eye View of the Celebrated Hotel Del Monte, Monterey, California. Bird's-Eye View of the Celebrated Hotel Del Monte, Monterey, California. |