
The following important items do not appear under their regular alphabetical heading, but are none the less efficacious.

Blindness.A Simple Remedy That Often Will Prevent This Dreadful Misfortune.—It is distressing to learn that out of the 7,000 persons blind from their birth in this country, who owe their loss of sight to inflammation of the eyes, at least two-thirds might now have been in the enjoyment of their sight but for the ignorance or neglect of their earliest guardians. It seems that the remedies for the infantile inflammation which causes blindness are both many and simple. Thus, says the London Figaro, it cannot be too widely made known that the eyes of the newly-born child, if inflamed, should be washed with pure warm water, and that then a single drop of a 2 per cent solution of nitrate of silver should be instilled into each with a drop-tube. In Germany midwives are enjoined to adopt the above remedial treatment, under oath, and since this has been done the decrease in the number of blind children has been most appreciable.

Increase of Blindness.—Dr. Lucien Howe says blindness has increased in the State of New York during the past five years thirteen times as fast as the population; and the State Charities Commissioners state that the excess in the increase of the insane in the State over the increase in the population for the last nine years has been forty-four per cent. These figures are most startling, especially when it is considered that the modes of treating the eyes and brain are supposed to have been so much improved of late years.—Ex.

Hiccough.A Mechanical Cure.—Procure a glass of water and pour a little of it down the patient's throat. While he is drinking the water he should press a finger on the orifice of each ear. By this method you open the glottis, and in five seconds the thing is done. Should you by any chance meet with an obstinate case, you may rest assured that the throat and ears were not closed at one and the same time; either the water was swallowed before the ears were thoroughly stopped, or the water was not sufficient to fill the throat. Another precaution is to keep the chin well up. This cure was obtained by the writer from an old Indian medical officer who had experimented for some years to discover a method of relieving the terrible stage of hiccoughing in yellow fever, and this cure was the outcome.—Pharmaceutical Journal.

Hydrophobia.—Dr. Bokai, a professor at the Klausenburg University, Hungary, claims to have discovered an absolutely certain remedy for hydrophobia and for destroying the virus at the seat of the bite. The remedy consists of a solution of chlorine, bromine, sulphuric acid, and permanganate of potash, with oil of eucalyptus. The above was received in the United States as a press dispatch, from Vienna, February 3, 1890.

Intemperance.—"We believe," says the Canada Health Journal, "that there is no better direct remedy for intemperance than strict vegetarianism. Sir Charles Napier tried a vegetable diet as a cure for intemperance in twenty-seven cases, and the cure was effected in every case, the time varying from thirty-six days to twelve months."

La Grippe.How to Prevent It.—A Boston physician has a novel preventive of the influenza, which has been named la grippe. He orders a small quantity of the flour of sulphur to be put in an envelope and worn in the bottom of shoes. "Only this and nothing more." Patients who complied with the conditions laid down, escaped the influenza. This particular physician evidently has some knowledge of human nature. If he had told his patients, in a general way, to keep their feet warm, they would have paid no attention to his directions. But there was an odor of a drug store in the sulphur prescription, and they followed it. Perhaps that was the easiest way to keep the feet warm.

Teeth.Extraction Painless.—By spraying the region of the external ear with ether, Drs. Henoque and Fridel, of Paris, render the dental nerves insensible, and extract teeth without pain or general anÆsthesia.


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