'JEVER SEE Foley with his tooth brush? Thompson wearing his Croix de Guerre? Marsh overcoming his inertia at first call? Cath without his winsome smile? Nutile rendering "Rolling Stones"? Russ in an argument? Vaugh in the same argument? "Duke" Rowley without Nutile? Duggan's pipe? Donovan giving out seconds? A day without Bill Bell's whistle? Scandore without a French girl? Charlie O'Laughna without some "inside dope"? Hodge losing at blackjack? A better "non-com" than Whitten? McKiernan knocking Shorty on his ear? Stevens with something to give out? Kondrat in dancing pumps? Hine doing anything at all? Berryman without his puttees shined? McMahon in the kitchen? Watrous rendering "Captain Simms"? Dockendorff and his forty pipes? "Biscuits" Malone eating salmon? Hogan with anything in his medicine kit? Shemitz reviewing headquarters? Fitch without an appetite? Johnson without two? Hunihan without a mustache? Shanley writing a letter? Throckmorton's grab bags? A furlough? McCarthy in a hurry? Anyone gassed at the Border? Lieut. Condren getting a haircut or two? Water for the mess kits? Miner drilling? The Y. M. C. A. on the front line? Boots "APPLE KNOCKER" (GIVING OFFICER'S BOOTS THE O. O.): "GEE, THAT FELLOW MUST STAND IN WITH STEVE, LOOK AT THE HOBS I GOT." "Pinky" Brush, during the company's stay in the Toul sector, had the unenviable task of carting rations from battalion headquarters to the kitchen in the line. On this hazardous trip "Pinky" had to follow the road from Mandres to Beaumont along the stretch commonly known as "Dead Man's Curve." One night the military police stationed at Mandres stopped him and said: "They're shelling the curve every few minutes, you better be careful." "Waal," said the Vermonter, "I ain't goin' to use it but a few minutes. Giddap." Tension "'TENSION!!!" 1st Sgt.—"Fall in according to rank. Are you a first class private, Molloy?" Molloy—"Not yet, Sarge." Won WHO WON THE WAR? FAMILIAR SAYINGS. Lieutenant Nelson—"By cripes." Lieutenant Carroll—"Make it snappy." Lieutenant Keenan—"Right by twos! Ho!" Sergeant Reilly—"Holy Moses! Good Lord!" Sergeant Guerrant—"Rest, men, rest." Sergeant Dowers—"Grave-yard. Row-de-dow." Sergeant Stevens—"Haven't got a thing." Sergeant Foley—"No rations to-day to speak of." Sergeant Dockendorff—"Headquarters present or accounted for." Cook Jacobs—"Get out of this kitchen." Sergeant Kondrat—"Rapidly, rapidly." Russ—"Kid, how are ya?" Cath—"What's the chow?" Scheffler—"It's a great army." Sergeant Klaussner—"Another inspection to-day ——." Maiden—"Quality not quantity." Rube Martin—"Oh Fanny!" Scandore—"Where's the band?" Delano—"Let's have a fire." Keane, C. R.—"Blame the man that did it." Rowley—"All right, you know." Quinn—"You win I guess." O'Dell—"I bet two." Thompson—"I'll call you." Cramer, Wm.—"The bigger they are the harder they fall." Barry—"North Bend—that's me." Ackerman—"Crullers to-morrow." Bassett—"You stupid fool." Sergeant Krakovec—"Hrazions detail, fall in." Clark, E. F.—"Let's have a song." Lewis, Edward—"A member of the old school." Kelley, E. F.—"Centreville for mine." Nutile—"Where's Duke?" Duggan—"Don't bother me." Sergeant Curtiss—"Well, let's go." Standen—"Oh, the wise guy." Karlson—"Somebody had to be the last man drafted, why couldn't it be me?" Sergeant Bell—One long and one short (whistle). Sergeant McLaughlin—"When I was on the Border." Kiernan—"Oooh, la, la!" Watrous—"No kith or kin, thank God for that." Hogan—"That gets a laugh out of me." Sergeant Shea—"——." Marsh—"I stick up for the Y. M." Culver—"Elsie Janis and me." Nutt, Charles—"There'll be a radical change in the morning." Brush—"That's some more of my business." Welch—"Join the army and see the world." Foster—"When I played the horses." Foehr—"Oh, hell!" Kelley, Charles—"Oh, razz." Sergeant Garrity—"I stand for dissipline and democrassy." Lieutenant Condren—"Good business." Lieutenant Paton—"Huh?" Lieutenant Bacharach—"I love to sit and look at me and think how wonderful I am." Sergeant Hunihan—"Well dis Jane is ——." Messer—"Is there any drill to-day?" Brown, Jim—"Dead men, tons of dead men." Poirier—"General Pershing gave me this Croix de Guerre." Lindsey—"If I could only get back to the outfit." West—"When the bells." Hine—"Has sick call gone yet?" Miner—"Do I look like an officer now?" Sullivan, Temp—"Qu'est ce qu'il dit?" Sergeant Malone—"How d'ya get that way?" Sergeant McKiernan—"Did you ever get hit by a train of cars?" Bartlette—"Just had SOME feed." Battye—"Pull that pack off my wagon." Berryman—"Ha, ha, I knowed I had her." Carroll, Henry—"My petit boilermaker." Carton—"Brrrrrage." Cheever, T.—"There's three of us here now." Cheever, Hal—"I'm going to wash to-morrow." Cheever, Ira—"Whoauuuuu—let the Cheevers roar." Brown, Royden—"If I ever get rid of these coots." Cohen—"How 'bout it?" Conroy—"Youse guys don't eat." Daley, Vincent—"No mail to-day—sorry." Farnsworth—"Let me tell 'bout Arabelle." Fitch—"How long before reveille." Garrity, Tom—"They cut me OOh Day shirt." Hobart—"I'll contribute." Kastner—"Well, up in Mankato." Keehan, Jim—"Any drill to-morrow." Kremper—"Where's my massket, where's my massket?" Lafayette—"Shoot the five." Moses—"Comment, comment." Robinson—First Call. Stearns—Retreat. Spinal—"Giddap." Sutter—103. Shanley—"Nothing doing." Coady—"No be 'shamed." Tent ROSTER OF CO. A, 101st MACHINE GUN BATTALION, OCT. 9, Captain Frank E. Wolf First Lieutenant George D. Condren Second Lieutenants John A. Paton, Gustaf A. Nelson, John C. Carroll, Sidney Bacharach First Sergeant William E. Bell Mess Sergeant Albert W. Smith Supply Sergeant Robert J. McCarthy Stable Sergeant Frederick M. Klaussner Sergeants Thomas H. O'Donnell Corporals Arthur H. Viebranz Cooks George F. Lynch Horseshoer Lockhart R. Stewart Saddler Angus W. Thompson Mechanics Chauncey H. Curtiss Buglers Raymond R. Robinson Privates First Class Barrett, David J. Privates Ackerman, William H. |