.html#Page_113" class="pginternal">113. FouchÉ, 173, 188, 266, 271, 326, 329. Francis, Sir Philip, 147. Franklin at Passy, 48. Friedland, The Battle of, 247. Fructidor, the coup d’État of, 153-5, 195-8. Gagern, Baron von, 196, 213, 241, 246. Galiffet, The Hotel, 164, 210. Gallicanism, 200. Gambling before the Revolution, 26. Gambling, Talleyrand’s Confession of, 95. Gazette, Talleyrand’s Letter to the, 129. General Assembly of the Clergy, The, 19, 40-42. Genlis, Mme. de, 7, 11, 29, 131. Gentz, 306, 307. George III, 113, 182. Georges, 216. Ghent, Louis XVIII at, 321. Gobel, Bishop, 97. Goderich, Lord, 360. Goethe, 264, 265. Godoy, 182, 252. Gohier, 171, 173. Gramont, The Duchesse de, 33. Grand, Mme., 147-9, 209, 212. Grand Chamberlain, Talleyrand as, 221. Grand Elector, 179. Gratuitous Gifts of the Clergy, 20, 40. Gregory XVI, 369. Grenville, 114, 118, 183. Grimaldi, Mgr. de, 56. Guizot, 350. Gustavus IV, 230. Hamburg, Talleyrand at, 141-2. Hamilton, Colonel Alex., 135. Hanover, 236. Hardenberg, Prince, 304, 308. Haugewitz, 234. Hauterive, M. d’, 205. Helvetian Republic, Formation of the, 156, 197. Heydecooper, 136. Hohenlinden, 188. Holland, Lord, 26, 53. Noel, 125. Nonconformists, 103. Non-swearing Priests, Talleyrand protects, 110. Ollivier, M., 302. “Orange-War,” The, 191. Ordination of Talleyrand, 39. OrlÉans, The Duc d’, 64, 131. Palais Royal, The, 33, 63. Palmerston, 355, 357. Panchaud, 32. Pasquier, Charges of, 155, 161, 188, 331. Paul I, Death of, 192. Pauline, 342, 365, 369. Peel, Sir Robert, 365. PÉrier, Casimir, 332, 359, 361. PÉrigord, Cardinal HÉlie de, 12. Perrey, 217, 218. PÉtion, 121. Philadelphia, Talleyrand at, 135. Pichegru, General, 153. Pitt, 113. Pi”tt,Talleyrand meets, 49. Piedmont, Annexation of, 224. Pius VII, 10, 200, 221. Poland, Talleyrand’s Work in, 245. Polignac, Prince de, 349. Poniatowski, Princess, 247. Portugal, Affairs of, 191. Pozzo di Borgo, 43, 328. Pradt, Archbishop de, 288. Press, Talleyrand defends Liberty of the, 345. Provincial Assemblies, 54. Prussia, Alliance of, with Russia, 22. Pru”sia,declares War on France, 243. Pultusk, The Battle of, 224. Quelen, Mgr., 366. Rastadt, Congress of, 156. Reinhard, 117, 142. RÉmusat, Mme., 149, 212. Renan, 108. Renaudes, The AbbÉ des, 45, 58. ReveillÈre, 149. Revolution, Causes of the, 49, 53, 109. Revolution, Paris during the, 111. Revolution of 1830, The, |