It is always a pleasure to avoid responsibility and it gives me a feeling of relief to be able to announce that I am not wholly responsible for this collection of sketches. When it was suggested that I should put together the articles dealing with the Red Cow, and the other farm animals, I felt reluctant to trouble the public with a somewhat frivolous book at the present time. It seemed as if Fate were with me for when it was decided to go on with the book it was found that my file of clippings had been lost. But the matter was still urged and, remembering that at different times readers had written to me saying that they were in the habit of clipping the articles for future reference, I published a paragraph telling of my predicament. The result was that I received clippings from all parts of Canada and some were even sent from neighbouring States. Through the kindness of my unknown friends I am able to offer a book which they have really edited. Some of the sketches used would have been rejected had I relied on my own judgment, but finding that they had pleased some readers I decided that they might please others. Having the chance to shift the responsibility for the book from my own shoulders, I accepted it joyously. The unknown friends who did me the honour of preserving these articles as they appeared are the real editors. I can further plead in extenuation that the clippings I have used were all sent to me by people who are familiar with the domestic animals and their habits. This should protect me from any charge of farm-faking. Ekfrid, Ontario, January, 1919. CONTENTS | COWS | | | PAGE | I. | A Sick Cow | 15 | II. | Cow Troubles | 22 | III. | Fly Time | 26 | IV. | The Red Cow's Calves | 29 | V. | Insurgent Cows | 31 | VI. | Cow Troubles | 36 | VII. | The Bran Habit | 42 | VIII. | The Farrow Cow and Others | 43 | IX. | Cow Enjoyment | 50 | X. | Cow Kaiserism | 52 | XI. | A Night Session | 55 | XII. | A Calf Puzzle | 58 | XIII. | Cow Character | 61 | XIV. | Calf Feeding | 63 | XV. | A Cow Trick | 66 | XVI. | Cow Cussedness | 72 | XVII. | Teaching a Calf | 75 | XVIII. | Calf Exuberance | 77 | | | SHEEP | XIX. | Our First Sheep | 83 | XX. | The First Lamb | 90 | XXI. | Sheep Surgery | 93 | XXII. | The Patient | 98 | XXIII. | Shearing | 100 | XXIV. | Vain Regrets | 104 | XXV. | Sheep Sculpture | 106 | XXVI. | Our Lawn Mower | 113 | | | PIGS | XXVII. | Clementine | 117 | XXVIII. | Feeding Pigs | 121 | XXIX. | Beatrice | 124 | XXX. | Pig Frightfulness | 128 | XXXI. | A Pig Bath | 130 | XXXII. | In Extenuation | 132 | XXXIII. | Beatrice Announces | 134 | XXXIV. | Receiving | 137 | XXXV. | Feeding Time | 140 | XXXVI. | Beatrice Belligerent | 144 | | | HORSES | XXXVII. | Dolly's Day Off | 147 | XXXVIII. | The Colt | 154 | XXXIX. | Horse Contrariness | 156 | XL. | A Great Scheme | 158 | | | TURKEYS | XLI. | The Gobbler | 163 | XLII. | His Troubles | 167 | XLIII. | His Desertion | 169 | XLIV. | His Belligerency | 171 | XLV. | His Cares | 173 | XLVI. | His Prussianism | 175 | | | DOGS | XLVII. | A Moral Tale | 179 | XLVIII. | Sheppy's First Coon Hunt | 181 | XLIX. | A Rabbit Chase | 189 | L. | Fights and Feuds | 192 | | | CATS | LI. | A Page of High History | 197 | LII. | A Spring Orgy | 200 | | | BIRDS | LIII. | A Disgusted Blackbird | 205 | LIV. | A Visitor | 209 | LV. | A Farewell | 211 | | | GENERAL | LVI. | The Whole Bunch | 215 | LVII. | Human Nature in Dumb Creatures | 221 | LVIII. | Early Observations | 227 | LIX. | Bantams | 232 | LX. | A Little Tragedy | 234 | LXI. | A Scientific Query | 236 | LXII. | A Poultry Note | 238 | LXIII. | Spring and the Livestock | 240 | LXIV. | First Snow | 242 | LXV. | A "Skift" of Snow | 244 | LXVI. | A Spring Shower | 247 | LXVII. | Doing Chores | 249 | LXVIII. | Fishing | 251 | LXIX. | A Lonesome Squirrel | 255 | LXX. | Fall Poultry Troubles | 258 | LXXI. | Thanksgiving Day | 263 | LXXII. | September Notes | 270 | LXXIII. | The Demon Rabbit | 273 | LXXIV. | The Fate of "The Demon Rabbit" | 278 | LXXV. | My Friends, the Trees | 282 |