Selected Bibliography of Technical Reports |
The technical reports listed below are available for sale by contacting: National Technical Information Service (NTIS) 5285 Port Royal Rd Springfield, VA 22161 (703) 487-4650 Publication | NTIS Report Number | Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories. “Report on Research, for the Period July 1965-June 1967”, AFCRL TR-68-0039, 1968. | AD 666484 | Air Force Missile Development Center. Man High III, MDC-TR-60-16, 1960. | AD 259635 | ——. Man-High I, MDC-TR-59-24, 1959. | ADA 215867 | Air Research and Development Command. History of Flight Support Holloman Air Development Center, 1946–1957, 1957. | ADA 323526 | Bartol, Aileen M., et al.. Advanced Dynamic Anthropomorphic Manikin (ADAM) Final Design Report, AAMRL TR-90-023, 1990. | AD 234761 | Bushnell, David. Contributions of Balloon Operations to Research and Development at the Air Force Missile Development Center Holloman AFB, N. Mex. 1947–1958, 1958. | ADA 323109 | ——. History of Research in Space Biology and Biodynamics at the Air Force Missile Development Center, Holloman AFB, New Mexico, 1946–1958, 1958. | ADA 323170 | ——. History of Research in Subgravity and Zero-G at the Air Force Missile Development Center, Holloman AFB, New Mexico, 1948–1958, 1958. | ADA 323144 | ——. Major Achievements in Biodynamics: Escape Physiology at the Air Force Missile Development Center, Holloman AFB, New Mexico, 1953–1958, 1958. | ADA 323127 | ——. Origin and Operation of the First Holloman Track, 1949–1956, 1956. | ADA 323573 | ——. Research Accomplishments in Biodynamics: Deceleration and Impact at the Air Force Missile Development Center, Holloman AFB, New Mexico, 1955–1958, 1958. | ADA 323097 | ——. The Aeromedical Field Laboratory: Mission, Organization, and Track Test Programs, 1958–1960, 1960. | ADA 323166 | ——. The Beginnings of Research in Space Biology at the Air Force Missile Development Center, Holloman AFB, New Mexico, 1946–1952, 1958. | ADA 323167 | Cobb, D. B. and Waters, M.H.L. Royal Aircraft Establishment Farnborough. The Behavior of Dummy Men During Long Free Falls, Mechanical Engineering Note 179, 1954. | AD 060052 | Firestone, James R. and Patterson, Jack H. Recovery of Parachute-Borne Packages by Helicopter, TDR 62-6, 1962. | AD 276477 | Flight Summary, Non-Extensible Balloon Operations, 6580th Test Squadron (Special), June 1950 to October 1954. | ADA 323108 | Gildenberg, Bernard G. “General Philosophy and Techniques of Balloon Control”, in Lewis A. Grass, ed., Proceedings, Sixth AFCRL Scientific Balloon Symposium, AFCRL-70-0543, 1970. | AD 717149 | ——. Capacity and Fatigue Tests on Three Mil Polyethylene Balloons, HADC TN-55-4, 1955. | AD 066092 | ——. Crane Launch Techniques for Polyethylene Balloons, HADC TN 57-3, 1957. | AD 123732 | ——. Development of Shroud Inflation Techniques for Plastic Balloons, HADC TN-54-4, 1954. | AD 039440 | ——. Investigation of Inflation Techniques for Nonextensible Balloons, HADC TN 54-7, 1954. | AD 067595 | ——. Meteorological Aspects of Constant-Level Balloon Operations in the Southwestern United States, AFCRL-66-706, 1966. | AD 644895 | ——. Summary Report Project Moby Dick: Covered Wagon Balloon Launcher Development and Test Results, HDT-21, 1952. | AD 001124 | ——. Techniques Developed for Heavy Load Non-Extensible Balloon Flights, Report No. HADC-TN-54-3, 1954. | ADA 030902 | Greer, R.J., et al. Development of a Balloon-Borne Manned Vehicle, WADC TR-59-226, 1959. | AD 227244 | Hertzberg, H.T.E. The Anthropology of Anthropomorphic Dummies, AMRL TR-69-61, 1969. | AD 706411 | Hess, Joseph. Determination of Parachute Descent Times and Impact Locations for High Altitude Balloon Payloads, AFCRL 63-885, 1963. | AD 421021 | Holloman Air Development Center, Weekly Test Status Reports, Project MX-1450B/7218 (High Dive), June 1954 to January 1956. | ADA 323823 | Madson, Raymond A., 1st Lt. High Altitude Balloon Dummy Drops, II. The Stabilized Dummy Drops, WADC TR 57-477 (II), 1961. | AD 270880 | ——. High Altitude Balloon Dummy Drops, Part I. The Unstabilized Dummy Drops, WADC TR 57-477, 1957. | AD 130965 | Mazza, Vincent and Wheeler, R.V. High Altitude Bailouts, MCREXD-695-66M, 1950. | ADA 323449 | Nolan, George F. Balloon Ascent Trajectory Dispersion Over the United States at 60,000 and 100,000 ft, AFCRL-66-98, 1966. | AD 631502 | Redmond, Kent C. Integration of the Holloman-White Sands Ranges, 1947–1952, 1957. | ADA 323574 | Ruffner, Kevin C. (ed). Corona: America’s First Satellite Program, 1995. | PB 95928007 | Simons, David G., Lt. Col., (MC) Stratosphere Balloon Techniques for Exposing Living Specimens to Primary Cosmic Ray Particles, MDC TR 54-16, 1954. | AD 075812 | ——. Man High II, MDC TR 59-28, 1959. | ADA 230805 | Stapp, John P., Maj., (MC) Human Tolerance to Linear Deceleration, Part I. Preliminary Survey of the Aft Facing Seated Position, Air Force Technical Report 5915, 1949. | PB 100871* | ——. Part II. The Aft Facing Position and the Development of a Crash Harness, Air Force Technical Report 5915, 1951. | PB 106572 | | | | | * Available from: Library of Congress Photoduplicating Service Washington, D.C. 20540 (202) 707-5640