Abbott, Rev. J., on the redeeming power of common schools, page 456.
Abdominal Supporters, their use considered, 109.
Academy, New York Free, 386.
Accidents, cause and prevention of, 298.
Adams, John Q., accustomed to the daily reading of the Scriptures, 222.
Adams, Solomon, on the redeeming power of common schools, 455.
Agriculture requires education for its successful prosecution, 269.
Air, want of, causes death, 85.
Necessary to purify the blood, 89.
What composed of, 89.
Quantity respired, 91, 93.
How changed in respiration, 86, 89.
Once respired will not sustain life, 91.
Importance of to health, 98.
Abundance of for man's use, 99.
How freed from impurities, 100.
Estimated loss of money and life from breathing impure, 299, 438.
An excellent medicine, 108.
Alcott, Dr., on breathing bad air, 103.
Alphabet, how taught, 426.
A better method, 426-427.
Anecdote of the Indian, 203, 225.
Of Laura Bridgman, 157-159.
Of Dr. Franklin, 103.
Of a practical teacher, 256.
Of a German schoolmaster, 416.
Of a farmer plowing with three horses, 254.
Apoplexy, how caused, 90, 92.
Death by, 90, 93.
Apparatus and Library, 398.
May be useful to adults, 399, 400.
Appurtenances to school-houses, 401.
Arithmetic, often poorly taught, 433.
Its morals, 437.
Arts, the useful, require education, 272.
Improvements made in the, 280, 282.
How improvements are to be made in the, 285.
Astrology believed in, to what extent, 234.
Atmospheric impurities, 100, 101.
May be detected, 104.
Barnard, Hon. Henry, School Architecture by, 380.
Testimony of, in relation to school libraries, 400.
In relation to the external arrangements of school-houses, 402.
Bartlett, H., testimony of in relation to the productiveness of labor, 264.
Bathing, the importance of, 59.
The luxury of, 59.
The benefits of, 60, 62.
The time for, 61, 62.
A preservative of health, 63.
A good exercise, 80.
Beecher, Miss Catharine E., quoted, 457.
Benevolent females, means of usefulness of, 444.
Bible, its use in schools, 209.
Vote on, in the New York Legislature, 219.
What it has done for mankind, 222.
Black Hole in Calcutta referred to, 96, 97.
Blindness, hereditary, 36.
How caused in schools, 182.
Blind persons inferior, 124.
Injured by inaction, 127.
How taught, 150.
Blood, circulation of the, 82.
Bones, how injured, 68.
Lengthened by habit, 72.
Books furnished at the expense of the district, 443.
Boxing the ears injurious, 171.
Brain, the seat of the mind, 113.
Its functions the highest in the animal economy, 113.
Conditions of its healthy action, 114, 118, 121.
How affected by bad air, 118.
Requires exercise, 121.
Seclusion injurious to, 122.
Want of exercise of the, a cause of disease, 127.
Effects of excessive activity of the, 128, 129.
In childhood, 130-135.
Rules for the exercise of the, 135, 137, 140, 143.
Breath known to take fire, 86.
Bull Fights an amusement in Spain, 228.
California, state of agriculture and the arts in, 270.
Capital punishment and compulsory attendance upon school, 446, 449.
Carriage of the body important, 71.
Celebrations, common school, recommended, 364.
Character, how affected by associations, 142, 143, 405.
Chest, how developed, 69, 79, 105, 106.
Should not be compressed, 88.
Children, seats for, 69.
How deformed, 69.
Should not be confined too long, 77.
Rational treatment of, 77.
Chylification, the process and necessity of, 50.
Chymification, the second important step in digestion, 49.
Circulation of the blood, 81.
Two circulations, 83.
Clark, John, testimony of, in relation to education and labor, 267.
Cleanliness a virtue, 60.
Clergymen, their relation to the primary schools, 414, 442.
A text for, 445.
Clothing, office of, 64.
Necessity of airing and changing, 65.
Cold, how to prevent taking, 108.
Combe, Dr., on bathing, 63.
Confinement injurious to children, 77.
Conflagration, general, how it may be produced, 320, 321.
Consumption, hereditary, 87.
How death caused by, 84.
How prevented, 80, 106.
Common among the deaf and dumb, 126.
Conventions, educational, recommended, 364.
Costiveness, effects of, 53.
How prevented, 54.
Crime diminished by education, 286.
Statistics of, 295.
Expense of, 358.
Deaf and dumb, why inferior to other persons, 125.
Deafness, cause and cure of, 172.
Digestion, process of, 48.
Diseases, hereditary, 41, 114, 126.
Caused by mental inactivity, 127.
District libraries, 399, 400.
District lyceum, how rendered useful, 400.
Drawing an exercise in schools, 191.
Drunkenness becomes constitutional, 41, 42.
Dumb-bells, their use recommended, 105, 403.
Ears, how injured, 171.
Eclipses, a source of alarm to the ignorant and superstitious, 233.
Education, in what it consists, 13.
Not finished in schools, 18.
Should have reference to man's future existence, 19.
Not limited to man's physical powers, 24.
Not limited to his intellectual powers, 25.
Not limited to his moral powers, 26.
Physically considered, 28.
Intellectual and moral, 111.
Of the five senses, 146.
Necessity of moral and religious, 193.
The importance of, 225.
It dissipates the evils of ignorance, 226, 242.
It increases the productiveness of labor, 253.
Necessary for females, 268, 279.
It diminishes pauperism and crime, 286.
It improves the moral habits, 287, 288.
It increases human happiness, 311, 315.
Degree of, in the United States, 337.
Existing provisions for, 343.
The means of rendering its blessings universal, 362.
Educational department, the state should maintain an, 370.
Emerson, George B., quoted, 408.
Epidemics arrested by ventilation, 101.
Evacuation, importance of, to the preservation of health, 53.
Evening schools for adults, 453.
Exercise, effects of, 74.
When not to be taken, 75.
Other laws of, 77.
Should be taken regularly, 78.
Experiment on breathing air, 91.
In visiting a school, 96.
In plowing with three horses, 254.
Eye, description of the, 175.
Its sympathy with the other bodily organs, 184.
Rational care of the, 180-192.
See Sight.
Factories, labor in, requires education to render it productive, 261-269.
School teachers employed in, 268.
Failures in business accounted for in certain cases, 140, 141.
Farming requires knowledge, 269.
Illustrative anecdote, 254.
The condition of, 373.
The location of, 379.
Size and construction of, 382.
For country districts, 383.
For cities and villages, 385.
Plans for, 387-389.
Ventilation of, 390.
Means of warming, 392.
Appurtenances to, 401.
Influence of, 405.
Schools, the support of, 366.
The redeeming power of, 454.
Should continue through the year, 440.
Every child should attend, 442.
Compulsory attendance upon, 447.
Scrofulous children injured by study, 130.
Proper treatment of, 131, 132.
Seclusion from society injurious to both body and mind, 122.
Secret vice, how increased, 405.
How remedied, 407.
Causes idiocy, insanity, and other evils, 409.
See-saws, how rendered interesting and useful, 403.
Senses, education of the, 146.
Loss of the, impairs the health, 124, 125.
Loss of the, causes insanity, 126.
General law concerning the, 162.
Their cultivation increases human happiness, 191.
Shooting stars a source of terror to the ignorant, 234.
Shoulder braces, their use considered, 109, 110.
Sickness in school accounted for, 94, 95, 96, 119.
Sight, the sense of, 175.
Influence of tobacco and spectacles on the, 186.
How injured, and how preserved and improved, 180-186.
How persons become near or long sighted, 183, 184.
How the sight may be disciplined, 188.
Skin, functions of the, 55.
Cleanliness of, important, 59.
Skull, cases of fracture of the, 129.
Smell, the sense of, 165.
Its uses, 167.
How injured, 168.
Snuff, its influence upon the sense of smell, 169.
Spectacles, the use of, often injurious, 186.
Sports, what kinds most advantageous, 79.
State Reform School in Massachusetts, 449.
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