- Acrobats, or street-performers, 90
- Actors, strolling, 139
- Bagpipe-players, the, 161, 168
- Ballad-singers, street, 195
- Ballast-getters, the, 269
- Ballast-heavers, the, 272
- —— wives, meeting of, 285
- Ballast-lightermen, the, 271
- Ballast-men, the, 265
- Ballet performers, 144
- Beetle-destroyers, 40
- Billy Barlow, 138
- Birds and mice, exhibitor of, 219
- Black, Jack, statement of, 11
- Black-beetles, natural history of, 39
- Blind reader, the, 154
- —— performer on the bells, 161
- —— female violin-player, 161
- —— Scotch violoncello-player, 162
- —— Irish piper, 162
- Boy inmates of the casual wards of the London workhouses, statements of, 388
- Bug-destroyer, Her Majesty’s, 36
- Bugs and fleas, natural history of, 34
- Cabmen, character of, 351
- —— crime amongst, 356
- Cabs, introduction of, 350
- —— regulations for, 354
- Carmen and porters, 357
- Carmen, the London, 361
- Carrying trade, the, 361
- Casual wards of London workhouses, statements of boy-inmates, 388
- —— —— —— ——number of applicants, 392
- Catch-’em-alive sellers, 28
- Chalker on flag-stones, 214
- Charities, and sums given to the poor, 429
- Cheap lodging-houses, 312
- —— —— —— inmates of, 313
- Chinese shades, the, 74
- Clown, street, the, 119
- —— penny-gaff, the, 121
- —— canvas, the, 126
- Coal-backers, statements of, 243
- Coal-heavers, the, statements of, 233
- Coal-meters, the, 260
- Coal-porters, the, statements of, 261
- Concertina-player on the steamboats, 182
- Conjuror, street, the, 107
- —— —— statement of another, 110
- Crickets, natural history of, 41
- Dancing-dogs, the, 181
- Dock-labourers, the, 300
- Doll’s-eye maker, the, 231
- Dominion of fancy, or Punch’s opera,