- Articles for amusement, second-hand sellers of, 16
- Bear-baiting, 54
- Bedding, &c., second-hand sellers of, 15
- Bird-catchers who are street sellers, 64
- —— duffers, tricks of, 69
- —— street-seller, the crippled, 66
- Birds’-nests, sellers of, 72
- —— —— —— life of a, 74
- Birds, stuffed, sellers of, 23
- —— live, sellers of, 58
- —— foreign, sellers of, 70
- Bone-grubbers, 139
- —— —— narrative of a, 141
- Boots and shoes, second-hand, sellers of, 42
- Boy crossing-sweepers’ room, 504
- Brisk and slack seasons, 297
- Brushes, second-hand, sellers of, 22
- Burnt linen or calico, 13
- Cabinet-ware, second-hand, sellers of, 22
- Casual labour in general, 297
- —— —— brisk and slack seasons, 297
- —— —— among the chimney-sweeps, 374
- Carpeting, &c., second-hand, sellers of, 14
- Cesspool emptying by trunk and hose, 447
- Cesspool system of London, 437
- —— —— of Paris, 438
- Cesspool-sewerman, statement of a, 448
- Cesspoolage and nightmen, 433
- Chimney-sweepers, the London, 339
- —— —— of old, and climbing-boys, 346
- —— —— stealing children, 347
- —— —— sores and diseases, 350
- —— —— accidents, 351
- —— —— cruelties towards, 352
- —— —— of the present day, 354
- —— —— work and wages, 357
- —— —— general characteristics of, 365
- —— —— dress and diet, 366
- —— —— abodes, 367
- —— —— festival at May-day, 371
- —— —— “leeks”, 375
- —— —— knullers and queriers, 376
- Cigar-end finders, 145
- Clocks, second-hand, sellers of, 23
- Clothes worn in town and country, table showing comparative cost of, 192
- Coal, consumption of, 169
- —— sellers of, 81
- Coke, sellers of, 85
- Commissioners of Sewers, powers of, 416
- “Coshar” meat killed for the Jews, 121
- Criminals, number of, in England and Wales, 106
- “Ramoneur Company,” the, 373
- Rat-killing, 56
- River beer-sellers, 93
- River finders, 147
- Rosemary-lane, street sellers of, 39
- Rubbish-carters, the, 281, 289
- —— —— wages and perquisites of, 292
- —— —— social characteristics of, 295
- —— —— casual labourers among, 323
- —— —— scurf trade among, 327
- Salt, sellers of, 89
- Sand, sellers of, 90
- Scavenger, statement of a “regular”, 224
- Scavengers, master, of former times, 205
- —— —— oath of, 206
- —— working, 216
- —— labour and rates of payment, 219
- —— “casual hands”, 220
- —— habits and diet, 226
- —— influence of free trade on their earnings, 228
- —— worse paid, the, 232
- Scavengery, contractors for, 210
- —— contractors, regulations of, 211
- —— contractors, premises of, 216
- Scavenging, jet and hose system of, 275
- Scurf-labourers, 236
- Second-hand apparel, sellers of, 25
- —— —— articles, sellers of, 5
- —— —— —— experience of a dealer in, 11
- —— —— live animals, productions, &c., street-sellers of, their numbers, capital, and income, 97
- —— —— garments, uses of, 29
- —— —— varieties of, 32
- —— —— store-shops, 24
- Seven-dials, Dickens’s description of, 35
- Sewage, metropolitan, quantity of, 387
- —— qualities and uses of, 407
- Sewerage, the City, 403
- —— new plan of, 411
- Sewerage and scavengery, London, history of, 179
- Sewers, ancient, 388
- —— kinds and characteristics of, 390
- —— subterranean character of, 394
- —— house-drainage in connection with, 395
- —— ventilation of, 423
- —— flushing and plunging, 424
- —— rats in the, 431
- —— management of the, and the late Commission, 414
- —— Commissioners, powers of, 416
- —— rate, 420
- Sewer-hunters,