- Abbot, E. Stanley, 248
- Abraham, Karl, 419
- Abrahamson, Isador, 341
- Acute chorea, 338
- Acute hemorrhagic polioencephalitis superior, 356, 357
- Administration and legislation, 50
- Adrenal diseases, 214
- Adrenal stigmata, 204
- Adrenals, lesions of, 214
- Agnew, D. Hayes, 34
- Albany Hospital, 107
- Albrecht, 436
- Alcoholic psychoses, 344
- acute hallucinosis, 356
- acute intoxication, 348
- alcoholic deterioration, 350, 351
- alcoholic paralysis, 357
- chronic hallucinosis, 357
- chronic intoxication, 349
- delirium tremens, 352
- delimitation, 358
- history, 344
- Korsakow's psychosis, 354
- pathological intoxication, 349
- pathology, 356
- statistics, 360, 361
- Aliens in hospitals, 160
- Alzheimer, A., 225, 286, 302, 303, 304, 325, 354, 356, 485, 486, 536
- Alzheimer's disease, 479, 480
- Classification of mental diseases, 234
- American Psychiatric Association, 248, 249, 250
- Aretaeus, 234
- Aurelianus, 235
- British Association, 240
- Celsus, 234
- Cullen, 235
- Esquirol, 236
- Flemming, 236, 237, 238
- Galen, 235
- Griesinger, 239
- Hippocrates, 234
- Kraepelin, 242
- Krafft-Ebing, 240
- Linnaeus, 235
- Maudsley, 239
- Pinel, 236
- Plater, 235
- Pritchard, 236, 239
- RÉgis, 240
- Roman, 235
- Sauvages, 235
- Vogel, 235
- Clouston, T. S., 7, 8, 140, 144, 266, 304, 346, 508
- Cobb, Stanley, 133
- Cocaine psychoses, 367
- Colajanni, 178
- Collapse delirium, 400
- Columbia State Hospital, 41
- Columbus State Hospital, 43
- Commitment, methods of, 58
- Communicable diseases, 23
- Compression of brain, 253
- Concord State Hospital, 43
- Concussion of brain, 253
- Continuous baths, 98
- Copp, Owen, 67, 81, 131
- Cramer, 463
- Criminal responsibility, 169
- Criminal responsibility, laws relating to, 172
- Criminals, psychoses in, 180, 181, 182
- Crowbar case, 254
- Cullen, William, 235, 490
- Curtin, Roland G., 35
- Cushing, Harvey, 326, 327
- DaCosta, J. C., 253
- Davenport, Chas. B., 146
- Davis, Thom
-h@54611-h-18.htm.html#Page_301" class="pginternal">301
- statistics, 306, 323, 335, 338
- McLean Hospital, 39
- McNaughton case, 171
- Melancholia, involution, 427
- delimitation, 438
- history, 427
- statistics, 439
- Mendel, E., 463
- Mendel, G., 145
- Mendelian heredity, 145
- Meningitis, tubercular, 336
- Mental cases in jails, 63
- Mental deficiency, 524
- criminals, 179
- etiology, 525
- history, 524
- institutions for, 29
- pfropfhebephrenia, 535
- statistics, 536
- types, 526, 527
- Mental diseases:
- appropriations for, 26
- classification, 234
- criminal responsibility, 169, 172
- death rate, 19
- economic loss, 28
- expenditures for, 26
- heredity in, 145, 150
- history-taking, 85
- hospital treatment, 84
- incidence of, 25
- institutional care of, 25
- laws relating to, 57, 61
- mental examination, 93
- military problems, 188
- physical examination, 88
- social and economic importance, 15
- state care of, 79
- Mental hygiene movement, the, 121
- Canadian committee, 128
- French society, 129
- history, 122, 123, 124, 125
- National Committee, 124
- objects and purposes, 127
- state societies, 126
- Mercury psychoses, 374
- Methods of commitment, 67
- Methods of control, 67
- Metropolitan Life Insurance statistics, 21
- Meyer, Adolf, 84, 106, 115, 116, 122, 130, 251, 346, 461
- psychoneuroses and neuroses, 489
- senile, 266
- traumatic, 253
- with brain tumor, 326
- with cerebral syphilis, 308
- with Huntington's chorea, 323
- with mental deficiency, 524
- with other brain and nervous diseases, 332
- with other somatic diseases, 392
- with pellagra, 378
- with psychopathic personality, 504
- Races of patients, 162
- Races, psychoses of, 163
- Raeder, O. J., 209, 319
- Ray, Isaac, 169, 170
- Rayner, H., 373
- RÉgis, E., 240, 266, 296, 384, 506, 507
- Rehm, 435
- Richards, R. L., 187
- Roberts, S. R., 382
- Roman classification, 235
- Rosanoff, A. J., 147, 148
- Rush, Benjamin, 141, 218, 219, 220
- Russell, Wm. L., 127
- Sachs, 337
- Salmon, Thos. W., 54, 124, 156, 157, 160, 165, 192, 193, 194, 195, 201
- Salvarsan therapy, 319
- Sandy, Wm. A., 388, 389
- Sankey, W. H., 414
- Sauvages, 235
- Savage, G. H., 240, 241
- Schaudinn, 218
- Schizophrenia, 444, 445, 446, 447
- SchlÄger, 260
- Scholz, 105
- SchÜle, H., 415, 442, 480
- Schuster, 329
- Seelert, [1] Cabot, Richard C.: Diagnostic Pitfalls Identified During a Study of 3000 Autopsies. Journal of the American Medical Association. December 28, 1912.
[147] DaCosta, J. C.: Modern Surgery. Seventh edition. 1918. [296] Ibid.