"SPECIMEN OF OUT TO "FLAXIE FRIZZLE SERIES." "By and by the colts came to the kitchen window, which was open, and put in their noses to ask for something to eat. Flaxie gave them pieces of bread." SPECIMEN OF OUT TO "FLAXIE FRIZZLE SERIES." LITTLE FOLKS ASTRAY."This is a book for the little ones of the nursery or play-room. It introduces all the old favorites of the Prudy and Dotty books with new characters and funny incidents. It is a charming book, wholesome and sweet in every respect, and cannot fail to interest children under twelve years of age."—Christian Register. PRUDY KEEPING HOUSE."How she kept it, why she kept it, and what a good time she had playing cook, and washerwoman, and ironer, is told as only Sophie May can tell stories. All the funny sayings and doings of the queerest and cunningest little woman ever tucked away in the covers of a book will please little folks and grown people alike."—Press. AUNT MADGE'S STORY."Tells of a little mite of a girl, who gets into every conceivable kind of scrape and out again with lightning rapidity, through the whole pretty little book. How she nearly drowns her bosom friend, and afterwards saves her by a very remarkable display of little-girl courage. How she gets left by a train of cars, and loses her kitten and finds it again, and is presented with a baby sister 'come down from heaven,' with lots of smart and funny sayings."—Boston Traveller. Any volume sold separately. DOTTY DIMPLE SERIES.—Six volumes. Illustrated.Per volume, 75 cents.Dotty Dimple at her Grandmother's. Dotty Dimple at Home. Dotty Dimple out West. Dotty Dimple at Play. Dotty Dimple at School. Dotty Dimple's Flyaway. FLAXIE FRIZZLE STORIES.—Six volumes. Illustrated. Per volume, 75 cents.Flaxie Frizzle. Little Pitchers. Flaxie's Kittyleen. Doctor Papa. The Twin Cousins. Flaxie Growing Up. LITTLE PRUDY STORIES.—Six volumes. Handsomely Illustrated. Per volume, 75 cents.Little Prudy. Little Prudy's Sister Susy. Little Prudy's Captain Horace. Little Prudy's Story Book. Little Prudy's Cousin Grace. Little Prudy's Dotty Dimple. LITTLE PRUDY'S FLYAWAY SERIES.—Six volumes. Illustrated. Per volume, 75 cents.Little Folks Astray. Little Grandmother. Prudy Keeping House. Little Grandfather. Aunt Madge's Story. Miss Thistledown. LEE AND SHEPARD, PUBLISHERS, BOSTON. |