
The asterisk (*) indicates an illustration or a footnote to an illustration.

Aberdeen, Lord, *39, 74, *78, 79.

Abyssinia, War with, 133.

Adelaide, *128.

Adelaide, Queen, *30.

Aden, *20.

Adullam, Cave of, 128.

Afghanistan, affairs of, 31, *98, 147, 154–6, 167.

Africa, British, 71, *133, *134, 156.

Agra, Taj Mahal, *105;
mutiny at, *98.

Akbar Khan, 32.

Alabama Claims, 120.

Albany, Duke of. See Leopold, Prince.

Albert, Prince, portraits of, *26, *37, *40, *49, *61, *79, *107, *120;
betrothal, 26;
character, 26, 120;
landing of, *27;
marriage, *28;
grant to, 27;
prejudice against, 27;
opposition to duelling, 27;
his industry, 55;
projects the Great Exhibition, 55, *60;
on Russo-Turkish War, 76;
efforts for national defence, 78;
official title, 95;
at Aldershot, *116;
in the Highlands, *117;
death, 119;
memorial, *121.

Albert Memorial, *121;
Hall, *121;
Chapel, *178.

Alexandria, bombardment of, 159.

Alfred, Prince, *49, *107, *175;
marriage, *142.

Alice, Princess, *49, *107, *124;
marriage, *122.

Aliwal, Battle of, 44.

Allegiance, Act of, 6.

Alma, Battle of, 81, 82.

America. See Canada, United States.

AnÆsthetics, introduction of, 54.

Anti-Corn Law League, 35.

Arabi Pasha, 158, 160.

Architecture, Victorian, 188.

Arms, Small, *94, *95, *96.

Army, purchase, 136;
uniforms of, *76, *77.

Arnold, Dr., *92.

Arthur, Prince, portraits, *107, *124, *175;
presentation to, by his god-father, *59;
marriage, *151;
at Tel-el-Kebir, *160.

Ashanti War, 140, *141.

Ashley, Lord. See Shaftesbury, Earl of.

Atlantic Cable, *38, 130.

Atrocities, Turkish, in Bulgaria, 144;
in Armenia, 180, *182.

Auckland, Lord, *32.

Australia, 70, *119, *125, *126, *128.

Awkward Situation, an, *39.

Balaklava, Battle of, 83, *84, *85.

Balfour, Rt. Hon. A. J., 157.

Ballot Bill, the, 17, 137;
effect of, 140.

Balmoral, *73, *108.

Bank Charter Act, suspension of, 108, 130.

Barings, failure of, 177.

Beaconsfield, Earl of. See Disraeli.

Beales, Mr., 129.

Beatrice, Princess (Princess Henry of Battenberg), *124, *139, *175;
marriage, *168.

Bedchamber Question, 22.

Belgians, King of, *25, *107.

Belle Alliance, La, *10.

Benares, *102.

Bentinck, Lord G., *48.

Berlin Congress and Treaty, 146.

Bessemer, Sir H., *165.

Bicycle, early, *184.

Bogue Forts, bombardment of, 29.

Bombay, views in, *101.

Bottle-holder, the Judicious, *64, 65.

Bowl, silver gilt, used at christening of Prince of Wales, *36.

Bowring, Sir J., 92.

Boxer, H.M.S., *65.

Boycotting, 157.

Bread, scarcity of, 19.

Bright, John, *35, 110, *112;
included in Cabinet, 134.

Brisbane, *126.

Britannia Bridge, *170.

Britannia, H.M.S., *64.

Britannia Yacht, *184.

Brougham, Lord, *17;
attacks Melbourne’s Government, *14;
motion on the Corn Duties, 21.

Browning, Robert, *111.

Brunel, I. K., *38, *186.

Brydon, Dr., *33, 105.

Buckingham Palace, *63;
State Dining-Room, *182.

Burnes, Capt., at Cabul, 31.

Butt, Mr., 154.

Cabul, *32;
Burnes at, 31;
retreat from, 33;
massacre at, 147;
evacuation of, 154–6.

Calcutta, Government House, *100.

Caledonia Steamship, *21.

Cambridge, Duke of, *36, *107;
Duchess of, *36, *107.

Canada, Constitution of, 14;
rebellion in, 15;
attempted invasions of, 15, 132;
growth of, 72;
views in, and statistics, *114, *115, *116.

Candahar, march to, *155;
victory at, *156.

Canning, Viscount, *99.

Cape Colony, 71, *133, *134.

Cardwell, Rt. Hon. E., *112, 136.

Carlyle, Thomas, *58.

Carnarvon, Lord, 141, 145.

Cartridges, greased, in the Indian Mutiny, 97.

Cavendish, Lord Frederick, 161, 162, 173.

Cawnpore, mutiny at, 101–103;
views in, *102.

Ceylon, *109.

Chalmers, Dr. Thos., *42.

Channel Tunnel, 185.

Charge of the Heavy Brigade, *84;
of the Light Brigade, *85.

Charter, the people’s, 20.

Chartist movement, 19, 50.

Chelmsford, Lord, 149.

Chilianwalla, Battle of, *46.

China, Wars with, 28, *29, *92, 113–116.

Chinese Jugglers, *29.

Chloroform, introduction of, 54.

Church of England, religious movements in, 41.

Church of Scotland, secession from, 42.

Churchill, Lord Randolph, 157, 168, 171.

Chusan, capture of, 29.

Civis Romanus Sum, 54.

Clarence, Duke of, *175;
death of, 177, *178.

Closure, the, 158, 172, 178.

Clyde, Lord (Sir Colin Campbell), *103, 104, 105.

Coach, State, *14.

Coaches, Mail, 24.

Coalition Government, 87.

Coats’s, J. and P., carding room, *152.

Cobden, Richard, *35, *36, 94, *112.

Coins, *169.

Colonial Troops, *130.

Colonies, the, expansion of, 70;
views in. See Canada, Australia, &c.

Commerce, British, growth of, *38, *52.

Commons, House of, in Committee, *53;
new building, *66;
pictures of, *112, *179.

Connaught, Duke of. See Arthur, Prince.

Conservatives, origin of name, 12.

Conyngham, Marquis of, *18.

Coomassie, *141.

Cordite, manufacture of, *95.

Cormack, Widow, her cabbage garden, 49.

Corn Laws, 21, 35.

Coronation, the, 10, *11.

Corrupt Practices Act, 164.

Cotton Imports, *152.

Council, the Queen’s first, *5.

County Councils Bill, 177.

Crete, insurrection in, 182.

Cricket, *136, *137.

Crimean War, 77, 79–91.

Critics, *139.

Cruisers, armed, *62.

Crystal Palace, the, 56.

Cunard fleet, *39.

Cyclist corps, *97.

Cyprus occupied, 146.

Czar of Russia (Nicholas I.), 73–76, 87;
(Nicholas II.), *181, *191;
marriage of, *190.

Dalhousie, Lord, his policy, 96, 98, 99, 101.

Dardanelles, fleet ordered to, 145.

Darwin, Charles, *143.

Delhi, mutiny at, 99;
siege of, 103;
Cashmere gate of, *103.

Denison, Speaker, 19.

Denmark, popular feeling regarding, 122, 125;
War with Prussia and Austria, 124.

Derby, 14th Earl, *68;
forms a Ministry, 67;
second Administration, 109;
Reform Bill, 110, 130;
last Administration, 128;
“leap in the dark,” 130;
retires, 134;
death, 135.

Derby, 15th Earl, secedes from Beaconsfield’s Cabinet, 145;
joins Liberal Party, 146.

Devonshire, Duke of, 180. See also Hartington, Marquis of.

Dickens, Charles, *46.

Disraeli, Benjamin, portraits, *48, *68, *112, *139, *146;
statue, *158;
maiden speech of, 13;
speaks on Corn Laws, 39;
Chancellor of Exchequer, 67, 69;
on the Chinese War, 94;
on Conspiracy to Murder Bill, 109;
on Palmerston’s Domestic Policy, 109;
Reform Bill, 110, 130;
educates his party, 131;
attacks Gladstone’s Government, 139;
declines office, 139;
third Administration, 141;
purchases Suez Canal shares, 143;
refuses to coerce Turkey, 144;
accepts the Earldom of Beaconsfield, 145;
at Berlin Congress, 146;
appeals to the country, 152;
death of, 158.

Diving Helmet, *47.

Dost Mohamed Khan, 31.

Dublin, *148.

Durban, *134.

Durham, Earl of, 16.

Dynamite Conspiracy, 163.

Dynamos, *188.

Ecclesiastical Titles Bill, 58.

Edinburgh, *148;
Duke of. See Alfred, Prince.

Education, National, 136, 188;
free, 177.

Egypt, proposed annexation of, 74;
condition of, 150, 160;
Arabi’s revolt, 158;
British occupation, 160;
War medals, *162;
annihilation of Col. Hicks’ army, 164.

Elections, General, 13.

Electric Telegraph, 9.

Electricity, 186, *188.

Elephants of the Viceroy, *100.

Elgin, Lord, 113, 116.

Ellenborough, Lord, *17, *33, 34.

Elswick Works, *74, *78.

Emerald Lake, Canada, *115.

Empire, the British, map of, *71.

Employers’ Liability Bill, 178.

Engines, locomotive, *9;
marine, *164.

Exhibition, the Great, *55, *60, 62.

Exports from United Kingdom, 52.

Faraday, Michael, *188.

Fashions, *52, *136, *137.

Fenians, 131, 132, 135, 153.

Ferozeshah, Battle of, 44.

Fiji annexed, 71, 142.

“Floreat Etona,” 157.

Forster, Rt. Hon. W. E., 136, 158, 163.

Forth Bridge, *170.

Fourth Party, the, 157.

France, revolutions in, 51, 66;
threatened rupture with, 53, 66, 111.

Franchise. See Reform Bill.

Franco-German War, 138.

Franklin, Sir John, *46.

Free Trade, 35.

Geneva Arbitration Award, 121.

Germany, unfriendly action of, 183.

Gladstone, Rt. Hon. W. E., portrait, *139;
speech on Canadian Constitutions Bills, 16;
enters Peel’s Cabinet, 39;
on Maynooth Grants, 40;
attacks Disraeli’s Budget, 69;
War Budget, 79;
sympathy with Italy, 110;
on Paper Duty, 111;
unseated for Oxford, 125;
“unmuzzled,” 126;
Leader of House, 127;
Franchise Bill, 127;
first Administration, 134–139;
defeat, 139;
resumes office, 139;
appeals to country, 140;
retires, 141;
first Midlothian campaign, 152;
second ditto, 153;
second Administration, 153;
defeat, 168;
third Midlothian campaign, 169;
third Administration, 169;
accepts Home Rule, 169, 170;
appoints Parnell Commission, 174;
fourth Midlothian campaign, 177;
second Home Rule Bill, 178, *179, 190;
retirement, 179;
on Armenia, 181, 182.

Goojerat, Battle of, 46.

Gordon, General, 164.

Gough, Sir Hugh (Lord), *45;
in China, 29;
in India, 45.

Goulbourne, Mr., *48.

Grant, Sir Hope, *104, 105, 114.

Granville, Lord, 139, 153.

Great Eastern Steamship, *38, 130.

Greece, difficulty with, 53;
War with Turkey, 182.

Greville, Chas., 5, *7;
quotations from, 4, 8, 17, 21, 25, 54.

Grey, Sir George, *112.

Gun-cotton factory, *94, *95.

Guns, heavy, *74, *75, *78;
machine, *95.

Hanover, King of, 4, *5, 6;
severance of Crown of from that of Great Britain, 6.

Harcourt, Sir W., Home Secretary, 163;
Leader of House, 179;
defeat at Derby, 180.

Hardinge, Viscount, *44, 45.

Hartington, Marquis of, 110, 153. See also Devonshire, Duke of.

Havelock, Sir Henry, 102, 103, *104, *105.

Haynau, General, mobbed, 68.

Head, Sir F., 16.

Helena, Princess, *49, *107, *124, *127;
marriage, *129.

Henry, Prince, of Battenberg, marriage, *168;
death, *178.

Herschel, Sir John F. W., *91.

Hill, Lord, *10, *25.

Hill, Sir Rowland, *23.

Hobart Town, *131.

Holy Land, Turkish position in, 75.

Home Rule movement, 153, 169, 177, 178.

Hongkong, *113.

Hyde Park, riot in, 129.

Hyderabad, attack on, 44.

Imperial Institute, 173, *174.

Imports of United Kingdom, 52.

India, affairs of, 43;
expansion of British dominion in, 71;
Mutiny, 95–106;
government passes to Crown, 106;
population, *100, 144;
views in, *100-*103;
Queen proclaimed Empress, 144, *145.

Indian Cavalry, Types of, *99.

Influenza, 177.

Inkermann, Battle of, 85, *86.

Ireland, Famine in, 36, 47, 131;
Queen’s visit to, 52;
discontent in, 131;
crime in, 158, 162.
See also under Home Rule.

Irish Church, disestablishment of, 134, 135.

Irish Land League, 157.

Irish Land Legislation, 135, 158.

Irish Members, imprisonment of, 161.

Irish Party, split in, 176.

Irish University Bill, 139.

Ironclads. See Navy.

Irving, Sir Henry, *146.

Isandhlana, 149.

Jameson, Dr., 182, *183.

Jellalabad, Brydon’s arrival at, *33.

“Jingo,” origin of the term, 146.

Jowett, Benjamin, *152.

Jubilee procession, *172;
service, *173.

Junks, engagements with, *29, *92.

Jupiter, H.M.S., *64.

Justice, Royal Courts of, *147.

Kandy Lake, Ceylon, *109.

Kassassin, Battle of, *159.

Keble, Rev. J., *42.

Kensington Palace, 3, *5, *6.

Kent, Duchess of, *4, 12, *30, *37, *107, *118;
Duke of, 4, 6, *118.

Khartoum, siege of, 164;
expedition to relieve, *166.

Kimberley diamond mine, *134.

Knollys, General, *116.

Kooshab, Battle of, *98.

Laing’s Nek, 156, *157.

Landseer, Sir E., *135.

Lantern, Dioptric, *51.

Launceston, Tasmania, *131.

Launch of a Liner, *165.

Leighton, Lord, *176.

Leopold, Prince, Duke of Albany, *107;
marriage, *163, *175.

Lewis, Sir G. Cornewall, *112.

Liberals, first mention of, 31.

Lifeboats, *54, *55.

Lighthouses, *50, *51.

Lightship, the Spurn, *50.

Lincoln, Abraham, 117, 118, 119.

Lincoln, Lord, *48.

Lister, Sir J., *191.

Literature, Victorian, 189.

Livingstone, David, *135.

Locomotion, modern, 8, 184, *185.

Lords, the House of, disagreement with Commons on Paper Duty, 112;
on Home Rule, 178.

Lorne, Marquis of, *138;
Marchioness. See Louise, Princess.

Louis Philippe visits Windsor, *41;
abdication, 51.

Louise, Princess, Marchioness of Lorne, *107, *127, *138, *175.

Lowe, Robert, Viscount Sherbrooke, 128.

Lucknow, relief of, *104;
ruins of Residency, *105.

Lyndhurst, Lord, *5, 14, 112.

Lytton, Sir Edward Bulwer, *112.

Lytton, Lord, *144, *145.

Macaulay, Lord, *109;
on his own writings, 25.

Macnaghten, Sir W., 32.

Magdala, capture of, 134.

Mahdi, the, 164, 165, 167.

Maiwand, action at, *154, 155.

Majuba Hill, 157.

Malabar frigate, wreck of, 114.

Manchester Ship Canal, *171;
Town Hall, *189.

Mansfield, Earl of, 17.

Marines, Royal, uniforms of, *81.

Mary, Princess of Cambridge, *107.

Maud of Wales, Princess, marriage of, *182.

May, First of, *59.

May of Teck, Princess, *175, 177, *181.

Meeanee, Battle of, 44.

Meerut, rising at, 97.

Melbourne, Lord, 4, *5, 12, *18;
character of, 18;
attacked by Brougham, 22;
fall of his Ministry, 31.

Melbourne, views in, *125.

Menschikoff, Prince, 75.

Militia, plans for, 66, 67.

Millais, Sir J. Everett, *176.

Monarch, telegraph ship, *31.

Monroe Doctrine, the, 183.

Montgomery, Mr. Robert, action at Meean Meer, 100.

Montreal, *114.

Moodkee, Battle of, 44.

Mooltan, siege of, 46.

Motor Carriages, 185.

Nana Sahib, 101–103.

Nankin, Treaty of, 29.

Napier, Sir Charles, *43, 77, 82.

Napier, Lord, of Magdala, *133.

Napoleon, Louis, coup d’État, 63;
visit to England, *88;
plot against, 108;
seeks British aid for deliverance of Italy, 110.

Napoleon, Prince, death of, 149.

Natal, *134.

Natural History Museum, *143.

Naval Actions, *29, *92, *113.

Naval Reviews, *47, *78.

Navy Island seized by Americans, 16.

Newman, John Henry, Cardinal, *41.

Newport, riot at, 20.

New South Wales, views in, and statistics of, *119.

New Zealand, 70;
views in, and statistics of, *132.

Nightingale, Miss Florence, 86, *87.

Northcote, Sir Stafford, 157, 168.

“North Star” railway engine, *9.

Oath on Accession, 4, 7;
at Coronation, *8.

O’Brien, W. Smith, 48, 49.

O’Connell, Daniel, 12, *20, *36.

O’Connor, Feargus, 48, 50.

Operating Room at Central Telegraph Office, *31.

Opium War, 28.

Orsini Plot, 108.

Osborne House, *150, *151.

Ottawa, Houses of Parliament, *114.

Outram, Sir J., *104, *105.

Overend and Gurney, failure of, 130.

Owen, Sir Richard, *143.

Pacifico, the Jew of Athens, 53.

Palmerston, Lord, *5, *39, *112;
on action of Chinese Government, 28;
rises to fame, 53, 54;
indiscretions, 63, 64, 65;
resignation of, 65, 77;
again Prime Minister, 87;
defeat of, on Chinese War, 94;
returns to office, 95;
defeat, 108;
second Administration, 110;
action respecting Schleswig-Holstein, 125;
why supported, 125;
death, 126;
character of, 126.

Papal Titles, 57.

Paper, the duty on, 111.

Parish Councils Bill, 178.

Parliament, Houses of, *66.

Parnell, Charles S., 153, 155, 157, *158, 169;
imprisoned, 161;
fall of, 176;
death, 176.

Parnell Commission, 173, 176.

Party Government, evils arising from, 17.

Pas-de-deux, Beaconsfield and Salisbury, *146.

Peel, Sir Robert, *5, *12, *48;
resigns on the Bedchamber Question, 22;
on grant to Prince Albert, 27;
forms a Cabinet, 31;
accepts Free Trade, 35, *36;
resumes office, 39;
defeat of, 40;
last speech of, 54;
death, 54.

Peel, Capt. Sir W., *104.

Pei-ho Forts, attack on, *113.

Pekin, capitulation of, 115.

P. and O. Steamers, *21.

Perth, West Australia, *128.

Petition, monster, 51.

Phoenix Park murders, 161, 173.

Phonograph, the, 186.

Photography, 187, *192.

Plates, Royal, *153.

Police, origin of the nickname “Peelers,” 10.

Poll Tarff, fording the, *117.

Poor Law, detestation of, 19.

Post, the Penny, 23.

Post Office, 9, *23, *24, *25, *26, *31, *190.

Postal Vans, *22.

Potato Famine in Ireland, 36, 47.

Press, the, 190.

Primrose Day, *158.

Prince Consort. See Albert, Prince.

Princess Royal, portraits of, *40, *49, *106, *124, *175;
christening of, *30;
marriage, 106, *107.

Probyn, Capt. Dighton, *98.

Proclamation of Queen as Empress of India, 144, *145.

Prussia, King of, *37;
Queen of, *107;
Crown Prince of, 106, *107.

Pusey, Dr. E. B., *41.

Quebec, *114.

Queen, Her Majesty the. See Victoria, Queen.

Queen’s name, story of the, 7;
speech, 7.

Queensland, views in, and statistics of, *126.

Raglan, Lord, 80, 84, *88.

Railway Carriage, the Queen’s, *16.

Railways, early, 8, *9, *15, *16, *22.

Ramnuggur, Battle of, 45.

Reform Bills, 12, 129, 167;
League, 129.

Regalia, the, *106.

Remnant of an army, *33.

Repeal of Corn Laws, 38, 40.

Repulse, H.M.S., *69, *75.

Rice, Rt. Hon. Spring, 24.

Rifles, examples of, *96;
manufacture, *94.

Roberts, General Lord, 147, 154, *155, 156.

“Rocket,” the, *9.

RÖntgen Rays, *192.

Rorke’s Drift, *149.

Rosebery, Lord, premiership of, 179;
resigns office, 180;
resigns leadership of party, 182.

Round Table Conference, 171.

Royal Family, portraits of, *49, *175.

Royal Sovereign, H.M.S., *69.

Runjeet Singh, 31.

Ruskin, Professor, 188, *191.

Russell, Lord John, *5, *12, 14, *112;
moves grant to Prince Albert, 27;
proposes fixed Duty on Corn, 36;
attempts to form a Ministry, 39;
action respecting Papal Titles, 58;
defeat of, 59;
resumes office, 60;
defeated on Militia Bill, 67;
on Conspiracy to Murder Bill, 109;
on Disraeli’s Reform Bill, 110;
action respecting Schleswig-Holstein, 125;
raised to peerage, *127;
becomes Premier, 127.

Russell, Sir W. H., *83.

Russia, political action of Czar, 73, 74, *75, 76;
invasion of Turkey, 75;
death of Nicholas I., 87;
repudiates Treaty of Berlin, 138;
invades Turkey, 145;
anticipated War with, 167.

Sacrament, Queen receiving, *10.

Sale, General, 34.

Salisbury, Lord, portrait, *146;
in Disraeli’s third Administration, 141;
at Berlin Congress, 146;
on Redistribution Bill, 167;
first Administration, 168;
second, 177;
third, 180.

Saloon, the Queen’s, *16.

Sanitation, 192.

Schleswig-Holstein, War in, 124.

Science, advances in, 190–192.

Seamen, landing party of, *72.

Sebastopol, siege of, 80, 81, *83, 86, 88, 89.

Self-Denying Policy, *159.

Shaftesbury, Earl of, *40.

Shah Soojah-ool-Moolk, 31, 34.

Shears for cutting steel, *165.

Sibthorpe, Colonel, 27, 57.

Sick Man of Europe, the, 73.

Signal Cabins, *13.

Sikh Wars, 43, 45;
Sikh loyalty, 98.

Smallpox, decline of, 191.

Smith, Mr. W. H., 134, 171;
death, 176.

Sobraon, Battle of, *43, 44.

Soudan, War in, 164, 167.

Soult, Marshal, *10, 12.

South Australia, statistics of, *128.

Southey, Robert, *111.

Speaker, the, *112, *176.

Spencer, Herbert, *161.

Sports, Royal, *73, *79.

State Coach, the, *14.

Steam-hammer, *70.

Steamships, *21, *31, *38, *39, *62, *165, 185. See also Navy.

Stephens, James, 131.

Stephenson, George, *185.

Stewart, General, 147.

Suez Canal Shares, purchase of, 143.

Summer Palace, destruction of, 116.

Surgery, Antiseptic, 191.

Sussex, Duke of, 4, *5, *30, *37.

Sydney, views in, *119.

Tait, Archbishop, *152.

Tantia Topee, 102, 106.

Tasmania, 70;
views in, and statistics of, *131.

Tchernaya, Battle of, 89.

Telegraph Instruments, early, *15.

Telegraph Office, Central, *31.

Telegraphs, 9, *14, *15, *31.

Telephone, the, 186.

Telescope, Lord Rosse’s, *91.

Tel-el-Kebir, Battle of, 159, *160, *161.

Temple Bar, *147.

Tennyson, Lord, *111.

Terrible, H.M.S., *65.

Teutonic Steamship, *62.

Thackeray, *109;
May-day Ode, 60, 62.

Thames, the, *147.

Thanksgiving Service for recovery of Prince of Wales, *140;
for Jubilee of Her Majesty, 172, *173.

Three generations afloat, *184.

Throne Room, Windsor, *19.

Tien-tsin, Treaty of, *113, 114;
occupation of, 115.

Too Late! *166.

Toronto, *115.

Torpedo boats, *65;
stores, *72.

Tower Bridge, *171.

Tractarian movement, 42, 57.

Tracts for the Times, 42.

Trade Unions, 20.

Trafalgar Square, meetings in, 129.

Transportation Act repealed, 71.

Transvaal, the, War with, 156;
Dr. Jameson invades, 182, *183.

Treason Felony Act, 49.

Trent Affair, the, 118.

Trooping the Colours, *97.

Truro Cathedral, *189.

Tunnel, Channel, 185;
Southwark, *186;
Blackwall, *186.

Turkey, proposed division of, 71;
custody of Holy Places, 75;
invasion by Russia, 75, 145;
destruction of fleet, 76;
atrocities in Bulgaria, 144;
in Armenia, 180;
War with Greece, 182.

United States, friendly action of, 16, 132;
Civil War in, 117, 118;
threatened rupture with, 120, 121, 183.

Vancouver Harbour, *115.

Venezuela, dispute as to Boundary of, 183.

Victoria, Princess, 3, *4, *6, *7.

Victoria, Queen, portraits of, *2, *4, *6, *7, *8, *19, *27, *34, *49, *52, *59, *80, *93, *107, *120, *124, *127, *139, *175, *177, *180, *191, *192;
Accession, 3, 7, *8;
first Council, 4;
youth of, 5;
her name, 7;
prorogues Parliament (1837), 7;
impressions as to her character, 8;
Coronation, 10;
confidence in Lord Melbourne, 18;
sends for Duke of Wellington, 21;
Bedchamber Question, 22;
attends review at Windsor, *25;
betrothal, 26;
opens Parliament (1840), 27;
marriage, *28;
fired at, 28, 52;
receives Louis Philippe, *41;
growing popularity, 52;
visits Ireland, 52;
on Papal Titles, 58;
on opening of Great Exhibition, 62;
on Napoleon’s coup d’État, 63;
invests Napoleon with Garter, *88;
distributes medals, *89;
visits France, *90, *91;
at Aldershot, *116;
in the Highlands, *117;
on Prince Consort’s last writings, 120;
at Osborne, *127;
proclaimed Empress of India, 144, *145;
Jubilee, 172, *173;
opens Imperial Institute, *173;
influence of character, 189, 192.

Victoria, H.M.S., *65.

Victoria Cross pictures, *82, *87, *89, *98.

Victoria, Australia, views in, and statistics of, *125.

Vienna, Conferences of Ambassadors at, 75.

Villiers, Rt. Hon. C. P., *17, 21, 35, *112.

Volunteer movement, 111;
uniforms, *110.

Wales, Prince of, portraits, *48, *79, *107, *124, *144, *175, *191;
christening of, *37;
marriage, 122, *123;
illness, recovery, and thanksgiving, *140;
visits India, 144;
organizes Jubilee Institute, 173;
hand of, *192.

Wales, Princess of, *124, *175;
marriage, 122, *123.

War correspondents, 82.

Warrior, H.M.S., *69.

War-ships. See Navy.

Waterloo Bridge, *147.

Wellington, Duke of, *5, *25;
at the Coronation, 10;
declines Premiership, 21;
moves amendment to address on Queen’s betrothal, 27;
as CÆsar’s Ghost, *36;
on Corn Laws, 38;
advises recall of Lord Russell, 59;
presents casket to Prince Arthur, *59;
death, 67;
funeral, *67, *68.

West Australia, statistics of, *128.

Who? Who? Ministry, 67.

William IV., death of, 3.

William Fawcett Steamship, *21.

Windsor Castle, *3;
Throne Room, *19.

Winnipeg City Hall, *116.

Wolseley, Sir Garnet, afterwards Viscount, portrait, *160;
in Ashanti, 140;
in South Africa, 149;
in Egypt, 160, *161, 165.

Wood, Sir Charles, *112.

Woolwich Arsenal, *70.

Wordsworth, William, *110.

York, Duke of, *175;
marriage of, *181.

York, Prince Edward of, *180.

Zulu War, 148.

***All the illustrations in this Work are copyright.


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