A works foreman of mine who had been employed as assistant superintendent in another dynamite factory told me the following story: He one day intercepted an Irish laborer who was taking a barrel, which had been used for settling nitroglycerin, down to the soda dry-house, with the intention of filling it with hot nitrate of soda from the drying-pans. The foreman scolded Pat roundly, and told him that, should he do such a reckless thing again, he would be instantly discharged. The foreman then went to the superintendent’s office and reported the matter. In the meantime, Patrick, utterly ignoring the injunction, simply waited for the foreman to disappear, then proceeded to the dry-house with the barrel and began to fill it with the hot nitrate of soda. Over in the superintendent’s office the foreman had just completed his narration of Pat’s carelessness, when there was a thun The superintendent dryly remarked, |