Fig. 74.—Photograph of a model of my machine, showing the fore and aft horizontal rudders and the superposed aeroplanes. In my early “whirling table” Fig. 75.—The fabric-covered aeroplane experimented with. The efficiency of this aeroplane was only 40 per cent. of that of a well-made wooden aeroplane. Fig. 76.—The forward rudder of my large machine, showing the fabric attached to the lower side. The top was also covered with fabric. This rudder considered as an aeroplane had a very high efficiency and worked very well indeed. These facts taken into consideration with my other experiments with large aeroplanes, demonstrated to my mind that it would not be a very easy matter to make a large and efficient aeroplane. If I obtained the necessary rigidity by making it of boards, it would be vastly too heavy for the purpose, while if I obtained the necessary lightness by making the framework of steel and covering it with a silk or cotton fabric in the usual way, the distortion would be so great that it would require altogether too much power to propel it through the air. I therefore decided on making a completely new form of aeroplane. I constructed a large steel framework arranged in such a manner that the fore and aft edges consisted of tightly drawn steel wires. This framework was provided with a number of light wooden longitudinal trusses, similar to those shown in Fig. 76. The bottom side was then covered with balloon fabric secured at the edges, and also by two longitudinal lines of lacing through the centre. It was stretched very tightly and slightly varnished, but not sufficiently to make it absolutely air-tight. The top of this framework was covered with the same kind of material, but varnished so as to make it absolutely airtight. The top and bottom were then laced together forming very sharp fore and aft edges, and the top side was firmly secured to the light wooden trusses before referred to. Upon running this aeroplane, I found that a certain quantity of air passed through the lower side and set up a pressure between the upper and lower coverings. The imprisoned air pressed the top covering upward, forming longitudinal corrugations which did not offer any perceptible resistance to the air, whereas the bottom fabric, having practically the same pressure on both sides, was not distorted in the least. This aeroplane was found to be nearly as efficient as it would have been had it been carved out of a solid piece of wood. It will be seen by the illustration that this large or main aeroplane is practically octagonal in shape, its greatest width being 50 feet, and the total area 1,500 square feet. EXPERIMENTS WITH A LARGE MACHINE.Upon running my large machine over the track (Fig. 77) with only the main aeroplane in position, I found that a lifting effect of 3,000 to 4,000 lbs. could be obtained with a speed of 37 to 42 miles an hour. It was not always an easy matter to ascertain exactly what the lifting effect was at a given speed on account of the wind that was generally blowing. Early in my experiments, I found if I ran my machine fast enough to produce a lifting effect within 1,000 lbs. of the total weight of the machine, that it was almost sure to leave the rails if the least wind was blowing. It was, therefore, necessary for me to devise some means of keeping the machine on the track. The first plan tried was to attach some very heavy cast-iron wheels weighing with their axle-trees and connections about 11/2 tons. These were constructed in such a manner that the light flanged wheels supporting the machine on the steel rails could be lifted 6 inches above the track, leaving the heavy wheels still on the rails for guiding the machine. This arrangement was tried on several occasions, the machine being run fast enough to lift the forward end off the track. However, I found considerable difficulty in starting and stopping quickly on account of the great weight, and the amount of energy necessary to set such heavy wheels spinning at a high velocity. The last experiment with these wheels was made when a head wind was blowing at the rate of about 10 miles an hour. It was rather unsteady, and when the machine was running at its greatest velocity, a sudden gust lifted not only the front end, but also the heavy front wheels completely off the track, and the machine falling on soft ground was soon blown over by the wind. I then provided a safety track of 3 × 9 Georgia pine placed about 2 feet above the steel rails, the wooden track being 30 feet gauge and the steel rails 9 feet gauge (Fig. 77). The machine was next furnished with four extra wheels placed on strong outriggers and adjusted in such a manner that when it had been lifted 1 inch clear of the steel rails, these extra wheels would engage the upper wooden track. Fig. 77.—View of the track used in my experiments. The machine was run along the steel railway which was 9 feet gauge, and was prevented from rising by the wooden track which was 35 feet gauge. Fig. 78.—The machine on the track tied up to the dynamometer. Fig. 79.—Two dynagraphs, one for making a diagram of the lifting effect off the main axle-tree, and the other for making a diagram of the lift off the front axle-tree. By this arrangement, I was able to ascertain the exact lifting effect at all speeds, and to arrange my aeroplanes in such a manner that the center of lifting effect was directly over the center of gravity. The paper-covered cylinders made one rotation in 2,000 feet. When fully equipped, my large machine had five long and narrow aeroplanes projecting from each side. Those that are attached to the sides of the main aeroplanes are 27 feet long, thus bringing the total width of the machine up to 104 feet. The machine is also provided with a fore and an aft rudder made on the same general plan as the main aeroplane. When all the aeroplanes are in position, the total lifting surface is brought up to about 6,000 square feet. I have, however, never run the machine with all the planes in position. My late experiments were conducted with the main aeroplane, the fore and aft rudders, and the top and bottom side planes in position, the total area then being 4,000 square feet. With the machine thus equipped, with 600 lbs. of water in the tank and boiler and with the naphtha and three men on board, the total weight was a little less than 8,000 lbs. The first run under these conditions was made with a steam pressure of 150 lbs. to the square inch, in a dead calm, and all four Fig. 80.—The outrigger wheel that gave out and caused an accident with the machine. Fig. 81.—Shows the broken planks and the wreck that they caused. It will be observed that the wheels sank directly into the ground without leaving any track. Fig. 82.—The condition of the machine after the accident. One of the broken planks that formed the upper track is shown. It will be observed that the wheels have sunk directly into the ground without leaving any tracks, showing that the machine did not run along the ground, but came directly down when it stopped. In my experiments with the small apparatus for ascertaining the power required to perform artificial flight, I found that the most advantageous angle for my aeroplane was 1 in 14, but when I came to make my large machine, I placed my aeroplanes at an angle of 1 in 8 so as to be able to get a great lifting effect at a moderate speed with a short run. In the experiments which led to the accident above referred to, the total lifting effect upon the machine must have been at least 10,000 lbs. All the wheels which Fig. 83.—This shows the screw damaged by the broken planks; also a hole in the main aeroplane caused by the flying splinters. The advantages arising from driving the aeroplanes on to new air, the inertia of which has not been disturbed, are clearly shown in these experiments. The lifting effect of the planes was 2·5 lbs. per square foot. A plane loaded at this rate will fall through the air with a velocity of 22·36 miles per hour, according to the formula v200 × P = V. But as the planes were set at an angle of 1 in 8, and as the machine travelled at the rate of 40 miles an hour, the Fig. 84.—This shows a form of outrigger wheels which were ultimately used. Engineers and mathematicians who have written to prove that flying machines were impossible have generally computed the efficiency of aeroplanes moving through the air, on the basis that the lifting effect would be equal to a wind blowing against the plane at the rate at which the air was pressed down by the plane while being driven through the air. According to this system of reasoning, my 4,000 square feet of aeroplanes would have lifted only ·125 lb. per square foot, and in order to have lifted With aeroplanes of one-half the width of those I employed, and with a velocity twice as great, the angle could be much less, and the advantages of continually running on to fresh air would be still more manifest. With a screw thrust of 2,000 lbs., the air pressure on each square foot of the projected area of the screw blades is 21·3 lbs., while the pressure on the entire discs of the screws is 4 lbs. per square foot, which would seem to show with screws of this size, that four blades would be more efficient than two. Fig. 85.—One pair of my compound engines. This engine weighed 310 lbs. and developed 180 H.P., with 320 lbs. of steam per square inch. The engines, as before stated, are compound (Fig. 85). The area of the high-pressure piston is 20 square inches, and that of the low-pressure piston is 50·26 square inches. Both have a stroke of 12 inches. With a boiler pressure of 320 lbs., the pressure on the low-pressure piston is 125 lbs. to the square inch. This abnormally high pressure in the low-pressure cylinder is due to the fact that there is a very large amount of clearance in the high-pressure cylinder to prevent shock in case water should go over when the machine pitches; moreover, the steam in the high-pressure cylinder is cut off at three-quarters stroke, while the steam in the low-pressure cylinder is cut off at five-eighths stroke. If 2,000 × 16 × 37533,000 = 363·63, we find that we have 363·63 horse-power in actual effect delivered on the screws of the machine, which shows that there is rather less than 22 per cent. loss in the engines, due to cutting off before the end of the stroke, to back pressure, and to friction. The actual power applied to the machine being 363·63 horse-power, it is interesting to know what becomes of it. When the machine has advanced 40 miles (which it would do in an hour), the screws have travelled 68·1 miles (375 × 16 × 605,280) = 68·1; therefore, 150 horse-power is wasted in slip, and 213·63 horse-power consumed in driving the machine through the air. Now, as the planes are set at an angle of 1 in 8, the power actually used in lifting the machine is 133·33, and the loss in driving the body of the machine, its framework and wires through the air is 90·30 horse-power.
THE ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF VERY NARROW PLANES.Fig. 86.—The path that the air has to take in passing between superposed aeroplanes in close proximity to each other. By this arrangement the drift is considerably increased. My experiments have demonstrated that relatively narrow aeroplanes lift more per square foot than very wide ones; but as an aeroplane, no matter how narrow it may be, must of necessity have some thickness, it is not advantageous to place them too near together. Suppose that aeroplanes should be made 1/4-inch thick, and be superposed 3 inches In regard to the curvature of narrow aeroplanes, I have found that if one only desires to lift a large load in proportion to the area, the planes may be made very hollow on the underneath side; but when one considers the lift in terms of the screw thrust, I find it advisable that the planes should be as thin as possible, and the underneath side nearly flat. I have also found that it is a great advantage to arrange the planes after the manner shown in Fig. 87. In this manner the sum of all the spaces between the planes is equal to the whole area occupied by the planes; consequently, the air neither has to be compressed, spun out, nor driven forward. I am, therefore, able by this arrangement to produce a large lifting effect per square foot, and, at the same time, to keep the screw thrust within reasonable limits. Fig. 87.—The position of narrow aeroplanes arranged in such a manner that the air has free passage between them, and this arrangement has been found superior to arranging one above the other after the manner of a Venetian blind. A large number of experiments with very narrow aeroplanes have been conducted by Mr. Horatio Philipps at Harrow, in England. Fig. 88 shows a cross-section of one of Mr. Philipps’ planes. Mr. Philipps is of the opinion that the air, in striking the top side of the plane, is thrown upwards in the manner shown, and a partial vacuum is thereby formed over the central part of the plane, and that the lifting effect of planes made in this form is therefore very much greater than with ordinary narrow planes. I have experimented with these “sustainers” (as Mr. Philipps calls them) myself, and I find it is quite true that they lift Fig. 88.—The very narrow aeroplanes, or sustainers, employed by Mr. Philipps. It has been supposed that the air in striking at A was deflected in the manner shown, but such is not the case. The air in reality follows the surface, as shown in the dotted line in the second illustration. In my experiments with narrow superposed planes, I have always found that with strips of thin metal made sharp at both edges and only slightly curved, the lifting effect, when considered in terms of screw thrust, was always greater than with any arrangement of the wooden aeroplanes used in Philipps’ experiments. It would, therefore, appear that there is no advantage in the peculiar form of “sustainer” employed by this inventor. If an aeroplane be made perfectly flat on the bottom side and convex on the top, and be mounted in the air so that THE EFFICIENCY OF SCREW PROPELLERS, STEERING, STABILITY, &c.Before I commenced my experiments at Baldwyn’s Park, I attempted to obtain some information in regard to the action of screw propellers working in the air. I went to Paris and saw the apparatus which the French Government employed for testing the efficiency of screw propellers, but the propellers were so very badly made that the experiments were of no value. Upon consulting an English experimenter, who had made a “life-long study” of the question, he assured me that I should find the screw propeller very inefficient and very wasteful of power, and that all screw propellers had a powerful fan-blower action, drawing in air at the centre and discharging it with great force at the periphery. I found that no two men were agreed as to the action of screw propellers. All the data or formulÆ available were so confusing and contradictory as to be of no value whatsoever. Some experimenters were of the opinion that, in computing the thrust of a screw, we should only consider the projected area of the blades, and that the thrust would be equal to a wind blowing against a normal plane of equal area at a velocity equal to the slip. Others were of the opinion that the whole screw disc would have to be considered; that is, that the thrust would be V² × ·005 = P 18² × ·005 × 94 = 152·28 lbs. If, however, we should have considered the whole screw disc, it would have been 18² × ·005 × 500 = 810 lbs. However, when the machine was run over the track at this rate, the thrust was found to be rather more than 2,000 lbs. When the machine was secured to the track and the screws revolved until the pitch in feet, multiplied by the turns per minute, was equal to 68 miles an hour, it was found that the screw thrust was 2,164 lbs. In this case, it was of course, all slip, and when the screws had been making a few turns they had established a well-defined air-current, and the power exerted by the engine was simply to maintain this air current. It is interesting to note that, if we compute the projected area of these blades by the foregoing formula, the thrust would be—68² × ·005 × 94 = 2,173·28 lbs., which is almost exactly the observed screw thrust. When I first commenced my experiments with a large machine, I did not know exactly what sort of boiler, gas generator, or burner I should finally adopt; I did not know the exact size that it would be necessary to make my engines; I did not know the size, the pitch, or the diameter of the screws which would be the most advantageous; neither did I know the form of aeroplane which I should finally adopt. It was, therefore, necessary for me to make the foundation or platform of my machine of such a character that it would allow me to make the modifications necessary to arrive at the best results. The platform of the machine is, therefore, rather larger than is necessary, and I find if I were to design a completely new machine, that it would be possible to greatly reduce the weight of the framework, and, what is still more, to greatly reduce the force necessary to drive it through the air. Fig. 89.—One of the large screws being hoisted into position. Its size may be judged by comparison with the man. At the present time, the body of my machine is a large platform, about 8 feet wide and 40 feet long. Each side is In regard to the screws, I am at the present time able to mount screws 17 feet 10 inches in diameter (Fig. 89). I find, however, that my machine would be much more efficient if the screws were 24 feet in diameter and I believe with such very large screws, four blades would be much more efficient than two. My machine may be steered to the right or to the left by running one of the propellers faster than the other. Very convenient throttle valves have been provided to facilitate this system of steering. An ordinary vertical rudder placed just after the screws may, however, prove more convenient if not more efficient. The machine is provided with fore and aft horizontal rudders, both of which are connected with the same windlass. In regard to the stability of the machine, the centre of weight is much below the centre of lifting effect; moreover, the upper wings are set at such an angle that whenever the machine tilts to the right or to the left the lifting effect is increased on the lower side and diminished on the higher side. This simple arrangement makes it automatic as far as rolling is concerned. I am of the opinion that whenever flying machines come into use, it will be necessary to steer in a vertical direction by means of an automatic steering gear controlled by a gyroscope. It will certainly not be more difficult to manoeuvre and steer such machines than it is to control completely submerged torpedoes. When the machine is once perfected, it will not require a railway track to enable it to get the necessary velocity to rise. A short run over a moderately level field will suffice. As far as landing is concerned, the aerial navigator will touch the ground when moving forward, and the machine will be brought to a state of rest by sliding on the ground for a short distance. In this manner very little shock will result, whereas if the machine is stopped in the air and allowed to fall directly to the earth without advancing, the shock, although not strong enough to be dangerous to life or limb, might be sufficient to disarrange or injure the machinery. THE COMPARATIVE VALUE OF DIFFERENT MOTORS.So far I have only discussed the navigation of the air by the use of propellers driven by a steam engine. The engines that I employ are what is known as compound engines—that is, they have a large and a small cylinder. Steam at a very high pressure enters the high-pressure cylinder, expands and escapes at a lower pressure into a larger cylinder where it again expands and does more work. A compound engine is more economical in steam than a simple engine, and therefore requires a smaller boiler to develop the same horse-power, so that when we consider the weight of water and fuel for a given time, together with the weight of the boiler and the engine, the engine motor with a compound engine is lighter than a simple engine. However, if only the weight of the engine is to be considered then the simple engine will develop more power per unit of weight than the compound engine. For instance, if, instead of allowing the steam to enter the small cylinder, and the exhaust from this cylinder to enter the large or low-pressure cylinder—which necessitates that the high-pressure piston has to work against a back pressure equal to the full pressure on the low-pressure cylinder—I should connect both cylinders direct with the live steam, and allow both to discharge their exhaust directly into the air, I should then have a pair of simple engines, and instead of developing 363 H.P. they would develop fully 500 H.P., or nearly 1 H.P. for every pound of their weight. I mention this fact to show that the engines are exceedingly light, and that when compared with simple engines their power should be computed on the same basis. It will, therefore, be seen that if we do not take into consideration the steam supply or the amount of fuel and water necessary, the simple steam engine is an exceedingly light motor. But, as before stated, great improvements have recently been made in oil engines. I have thought much on this subject, and am of the opinion that if one had an unlimited supply of money, a series of experiments could be very profitably conducted with a view of adapting the oil engine for use on flying machines. If we use a steam The great advances that have been made of late years in electrical science and engineering have led many to believe that almost any knotty scientific question may be solved by the employment of electrical engineering, and a great deal has been written and said in regard to navigating the air by flying machines driven by electric motors. Before I commenced my experiments, I made enquiries of all the prominent electrical engineering establishments where there was any likelihood of obtaining light and efficient electric motors, and found that it was impossible ENGINES.There is no question but what birds, and for that matter all animals, when considered as thermo-dynamic machines, are very perfect motors; they develop the full theoretical amount of energy of the carbon consumed. This we are quite unable to do with any artificial machine, but birds, for the most part, have to content themselves with food which is not very rich in carbon. It is quite true that a bird may develop from ten to fifteen times as much power from the carbon consumed as can be developed by the best steam engine, but, as an off-set against this, a steam engine is able to consume petroleum, which has at least twenty times as many thermal units per pound as the ordinary food of birds. The movement of a bird’s wings, from long years of development, has without doubt attained a great degree of perfection. Birds are able to scull themselves through the air with very little loss of energy. To imitate by mechanical means, the exact and delicate motion of their wings would certainly be a very difficult task, and I do not believe that we should attempt it in constructing an artificial flying machine. In Nature it is necessary that an animal should be made all in one piece. It is, therefore, quite out of the question that any part or parts should revolve. For land animals there is no question but what As artificial machines for terrestrial and aquatic locomotion have been made immensely stronger and larger than land or water animals, so with flying machines, it will be necessary to construct them much heavier and stronger than the largest bird. If one should attempt to propel such a machine with wings, it would be quite as difficult a problem to solve as it would be to make a locomotive that would walk on legs. What is required in a flying machine is something to which a very large amount of power can be directly and continuously applied without any intervening levers or joints, and this we find in the screw propeller. .......... When the Brayton gas engine first made its appearance, I commenced drawings of a flying machine, using a modification of the Brayton motor which I designed expressly for the purpose; but even this was found to be too heavy, and it was not until after I had abandoned the vertical screw system that it was possible for me to design a machine which, in theory, ought to fly. The next machine which I considered was on the kite or aeroplane system. This was also to be driven by an oil engine. Oil engines at that time were not so simple as now, and, moreover, the system of ignition was very heavy, cumbersome, and uncertain. Since that time, however, gas and oil engines have been very much improved, and the ignition tube which is almost universally used has greatly simplified the ignition, so that at the present time, I am of the opinion that an oil engine might be designed which would be suitable for the purpose. In 1889 I had my attention drawn to some very thin, strong, and comparatively cheap tubes which were being made in France, and it was only after I had seen these tubes that I seriously considered the question of making a flying machine. I obtained a large quantity of them and found that they were very light, that they would stand enormously high pressures, and generate a very large quantity of steam. Upon going into a mathematical calculation of the whole subject, I found that it would be possible to make a machine on the aeroplane system, driven by a steam engine, which would be sufficiently strong to lift itself into the air. I first made drawings of a steam engine, and a pair of these engines was afterwards made. These engines are constructed, for the most part, of a very high grade of cast steel, the cylinders being only 3/32 of an inch thick, the crank shafts hollow, and every part as strong and light as possible. They are compound, each having a high-pressure piston with an area of 20 square inches, a low-pressure piston of 50·26 square inches, and a common stroke of 1 foot. When first finished, they were found to weigh 300 lbs. each; but after putting on the oil cups, felting, painting, and making some slight alterations, the weight was brought up to 320 lbs. each, or a total of 640 lbs. for the two engines, which have since developed 362 horse-power with a steam pressure of 320 lbs. per square inch. A photograph of one of these engines is shown in Fig. 85. .......... When first designing this engine, I did not know how much power I might require from it. I thought that in some cases it might be necessary to allow the high-pressure steam to enter the low-pressure cylinder direct, but as this would involve a considerable loss, I constructed a species of an injector. This injector may be so adjusted that when the steam in the boiler rises above a certain predetermined point, say 300 lbs. to the square inch, it opens a valve and escapes past the high-pressure cylinder instead of blowing off at the safety valve. In escaping through this valve, a fall of about 200 lbs. pressure per square inch is made to do work on the surrounding steam and to drive it forward in the pipe, producing a pressure on the low-pressure piston considerably higher than the back pressure on the high-pressure piston. In this way a portion of the work which .......... Boiler Experiments.—The first boiler which I made was constructed something on the Herreshoff principle, but instead of having one simple pipe in one very long coil, I used a series of very small and light pipes, connected in such a manner that there was a rapid circulation through the whole—the tubes increasing in size and number as the steam was generated. I intended that there should be a pressure of about 100 lbs. more on the feed water end of the series than on the steam end, and I believed that this difference in pressure would be sufficient to ensure a direct and positive circulation through every tube in the series. This first boiler was exceedingly light, but the workmanship, as far as putting the tubes together was concerned, was very bad, and it was found impossible to so adjust the supply of water as to make dry steam without overheating and destroying the tubes. Fig. 90.—Steam boiler employed in my experiments. With this boiler, I had no trouble in producing all the steam that I could possibly use, and at any pressure up to 400 lbs. to the square inch. Fig. 91.—The burner employed in my steam experiments. This produced a dense and uniform blue purple flame 20 inch deep. Before making another boiler I obtained a quantity of copper tubes, about 8 feet long, 3/8 inch external diameter, and 1/50 of an inch thick. I subjected about 100 of these tubes to an internal pressure of 1 ton per square inch of cold kerosine oil, and as none of them leaked I did not test any more, but commenced my experiments by placing some of them in a white-hot petroleum fire. I found that I could evaporate as much as 261/2 lbs. of water per square foot of heating surface per hour, and that with a forced circulation, although the quantity of water passing was very small but positive, there was no danger of over-heating. I conducted many experiments with a pressure of over 400 lbs. per square inch, but none of the tubes failed. I then mounted a single tube in a white-hot furnace, also with a water circulation, and found that it only burst under steam at a pressure of 1,650 lbs. per square inch. A large boiler, having about 800 square feet of heating surface including the feed-water heater, was then constructed. It is shown in Fig. 90. This boiler is about 41/2 feet wide at the bottom, 8 feet long and 6 feet high. It weighs with the casing, the dome, the smoke stack and connections, a little less than 1,000 lbs. The water first passes through a system of small tubes—1/4 inch in Water may be considered as 2,400 times as efficient as air, volume for volume, in condensing steam. When a condenser is made for the purpose of using water as a cooling agent, a large number of small tubes may be grouped together in a box, and the water may be pumped in at one end of the box and discharged at the other end through relatively small openings; but when air is employed, the tubes or condensing surface must be widely distributed, so that a very large amount of air is encountered, and the air which has struck one tube and become heated must never strike a second tube. In order to accomplish this, I make my condenser something in the form of a Venetian blind, the tubes being made of very thin copper and each tube in the form of a small aeroplane. These were driven edgewise through the air, so that the actual volume of air passing between them is several thousand times greater than the volume of water passing through a marine condenser. I find that with such a condenser I can recover the full weight of the copper tubes in water every five minutes, and if I use aluminium, in half that time. Moreover, experiments have shown that a condenser may be made to sustain considerably more than its own weight and the weight of its contents in the air, and that all the steam may be condensed into water sufficiently cool to be pumped with certainty. I find that the most advantageous position for the condenser is immediately after the screw propellers. In this case, if the machine is moving through the air at the rate of 50 miles an hour, and the slip of the screws is .......... EXPERIMENTS WITH SMALL MACHINES ATTACHED TO A ROTATING ARM.These experiments demonstrated most conclusively that as much as 133 lbs. could be sustained and carried by the expenditure of one horse-power, and that a screw was a fairly efficient air propeller. They also demonstrated that a well made aeroplane, placed at an angle of 1 in 14, would lift practically fourteen times the thrust required to drive it through the air, and that the skin friction on a smooth and well finished aeroplane or screw was so small as not to be considered. A large number of aeroplanes were experimented with, and it was found that those which were slightly concave on the underneath side and convex on the top, both edges being very sharp and the surface very smooth and regular, were the most efficient; also that with small screw propellers, two blades having slightly increasing pitch were the most efficient. Since writing the foregoing, great progress has been made with flying machines, and great disasters have happened to airships or balloons. Count Zeppelin’s gigantic airship encountered a squall or thunder shower, and the work of years, which had cost over £100,000, was reduced to scrap metal in a few minutes. Similar disasters have happened to other balloons. The British Dirigible No. 2 has not attempted a long flight, but the Wright Brothers, Farman, and De la Grange have all met with a certain degree of success. A few months ago, the remarkable feats of the Wright Brothers in the States were discredited in Europe. It was claimed that “the accounts were not authentic,” “too good to be true,” etc., but recent events have shown that the Wright Brothers are able to outdo anything that was reported in the American Press. On many occasions they have remained in the air for more than an hour, and have travelled at the rate of 30 to 40 miles an hour; in fact, the remarkable success of the Wright Brothers has placed the true flying machine in a new category. It can no longer be ranked with the philosopher’s stone or with perpetual motion. Success is assured, and great and startling events may take place within the next few years. Fig. 92.—Count Zeppelin’s aluminium-covered airship coming out of its shed on Lake Constance. Fig. 93.—Count Zeppelin’s airship in full flight. Fig. 94.—The new British war balloon “Dirigible” No 2. Fig. 95.—The Wright aeroplane in full flight. |