AethelflÆd of Mercia, 29, 32, 57 Aethelstan, 35-6 Alfred the Great, 25-8 Altar-ring, 26, 89 Althing, 116 Anlaf Godfreyson, 35; Sihtricsson (Cuaran), 34, 36, 56, 60-1, 90 Arabic historians, references in, 20, 76, 109 AuÐr the deep-thoughted, 20, 66, 68, 85, 89 bautasteinar, 110 BjÖrkÖ, 86, 96, 98 BjÖrn Ironside, 22, 44, 46 Black Foreigners, 10 Brian Borumha, 56, 62-4 Brunanburh, 35, 61, 64 Burial ceremonies, 99-100, 108-10 carucates, 132-3 Christianity, 16, 37, 41, 83, 86-93 Clontarf, 63-4, 67, 98, 120 Cnut, 41-2, 87, 101 Daci, 10, 134 Danegeld, 38-9, 48 Danelagh boundaries, 27, 128-9; reconquest, 29-32 Danes, passim Denmark, 5, 16, 22-3, 44, 86-7 drengs, 135-6 Dubh-gaill, 10 Dublin, 15, 23, 33-4, 55, 59-60, 64, 89, 103, 120-2 East Anglia, 11, 14, 27-8, 32, 134-5 Eddaic poems, 2, 93-4 Edmund Ironside, 40-1 Edward the Elder, 29, 31 England, invasion of, 12, 22-43; influence in, 123-37 Eric Blood-axe, 36-7 Ethelred the Unready, 37-40 Faroes, 6, 98 Fin-gaill, 10 Five Boroughs, 11, 30, 36, 134-6 Frisia, 15-8, 49 France, invasions of, 17-21, 43-53; influence in, 138-42 Frisians, 8 Gaill-Gaedhil, 56, 65, 67 Galloway, 65, 116 Gokstad ship, 99 Greenland, 99 Guthrum of East Anglia, 26-7 HÁsteinn (Hastingus), 28, 44, 46, 50 Hafrsfjord, 7, 56 HÁkon AÐalsteinsfÓstri, 35-6, 88 Halfdanr, 22, 25, 33, 58 Harold Bluetooth, 37, 70-2, 87 Harold Fairhair, 7, 35, 58, 67, 142 Harold Hardrada, 42, 81, 99 Harold of Mainz, 16, 18-9, 86 Heathenism, 83, 86-93 Hebrides, 5, 60, 65, 67-8, 114 Hiruath, 11 holds, 135 HÖrÐaland, HÖrÐai, 5, 11 hows, 108 Iceland, 83, 85, 117, 142-4 Ireland, attacks on, 12-13, 15, 54-64; Danes and Norsemen in, 54-8; influence in, 116-23 Ívarr the boneless, 22, 24-5, 57-8 jarls, 103, 134 Jellinge stone, 111 JÓmsborg, JÓmsvikings, 70-2, 98, 102 jury, presentation by, 136 Ketill Finn, 67 Ketill Flatnose, 56, 67 lawmen, 103, 116, 136 Limerick, 59, 62, 98, 120 Lochlann, 10 Ludwigslied, 47 Madjus, 20 Maeshowe, 23, 113 Maldon, battle of, 38 Man, Isle of, 12, 39, 63, 65-8, 114-5 nithing, 137 Noirmoutier, 17, 19, 21 Norsemen, Norwegians, passim Northumbria, 11, 24-5, 28, 83-4, 37, 41, 60, 63, 126-8 Normandy, 52-3, 138-42 Norway, 7, 16; Christianity in, 88-9 Odin, 88, 95, 115 Ohthere, Óttarr, 96, 99 Olaf Tryggvason, 4, 38, 87, 89, 101 Olaf the White, 20, 57-8, 66, 68 ore, 133 Orkneys, 23, 63, 65, 112-3, 117 Ornamentation, style of, 79, 106-7 Ornaments, 104-6 Oseberg ship, 99-100 Ostmen, 122 OÐal, 67, 113 Paris, 21, 49-50 Place-names, influence on Scottish, 114; Irish, 118-9; English, 123-9 prime-signing, 91 Ragnarr LoÐbrÓk, 21-4, 44, 57, 102 RhÔs, 19, 47, 73-4 ridings, 131 Rollo, 9, 53, 103 Runic inscriptions, 23, 81, 85-6, 110-1, 113-5 Rus, 73-9 Russia, founding of, 73-80 St Anskar, 70, 86 St Edmund, 25 St Olaf, 41, 89 Scaldingi, 11 Scandinavian loan-words in English, 130-1CAMBRIDGE: PRINTED BY JOHN CLAY, M.A. AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. 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