(Enter Mme. de Ronchard, M. PetitprÉ, M. Martinel, and LÉon C.) MME. DE RONCHARD Well, what are they doing? Are they going away now? PETITPRÉ Why, what does it mean? GILBERTE Yes; father, I am going away. I am going with my husband; but I shall be here to-morrow to ask pardon for this hurried flight, and to explain to you the reason for it. PETITPRÉ Were you going without saying good-bye to us—without embracing us? GILBERTE Yes, in order to avoid more discussions. LÉON She is right. Let them go. GILBERTE [throws herself upon PetitprÉ's neck] Till to-morrow, father; till to-morrow, my dear Aunt. Good night, all; I have had enough of emotion and fatigue. MME. DE RONCHARD [goes to Gilberte and embraces her] Yes, run along, darling—there is a little one over there who waits for a mother! Curtain.