CHAPTER | PAGE | I.? | The Aeroplane How a Scientist Who Liked Boys and a Boy Who Liked Science Followed the Fascinating Story of the Invention of the Aeroplane. | 3 | | II.? | Aeroplane Development How the Inventors Carried On the Art of Aviation Until It Became the Greatest of All Sports and Then a Great Industry. | 49 | | III.? | Aeroplanes To-day Our Boy Friend and the Scientist Look Over Modern Aeroplanes and Find Great Improvements Over Those of a Few Years Ago. A Model Aeroplane. | 91 | | IV.? | Artificial Lightning Made and Harnessed To Man's Use Our Friends Investigate Nikola Tesla's Invention for the Wireless Transmission of Power, by Which He Hopes to Encircle the Earth With Limitless Electrical Power, Make Ocean and Air Travel Absolutely Safe, and Revolutionize Land Traffic. | 129 | | V.? | The Motion Picture Machine Machines That Make Sixteen Tiny Pictures Per Second and Show Them at the Same Rate Magnified Several Thousand Times. Motion Pictures in School. Our Boy Friend Sees the Whole Process of Making a Motion Picture Play. | 164 | | VI.? | Adventures With Motion Pictures Perilous and Exciting Times in Obtaining Motion Pictures. How the Machine Came to Be Invented and the Newest Developments in Cinematography. | 195 | | VII.? | Steel Boiled Like Water and Cut Like Paper Our Boy Friend Sees How Science Has Turned the Greatest Known Heats to the Everyday Use of Mankind. | 224 | | VIII.? | The Tesla Turbine Dr. Nikola Tesla Tells of His New Steam Turbine Engine, a Model of Which, the Size of a Derby Hat, Develops More Than 110 Horse Power. | 263 | | IX.? | The Romance of Concrete The One Piece House of Thomas A. Edison and Other Uses of the Newest and Yet the Oldest Building Material of Civilized Peoples, Seen By the Boy and His Scientific Friend. | 288 | | X.? | The Latest Automobile Engine Our Boy Friend and the Scientist Look Over the Field of Gasoline Engines and See Some Big Improvements Over Those of a Few Years Ago. | 320 | | XI.? | The Wireless Telegraph Up To The Minute The Scientist Talks of Amateur Wireless Operators. The Great Development of Wireless That Has Enabled It to Save Three Thousand Lives. Long Distance Work of the Modern Instruments. | 332 | | XII.? | More Marvels of Science Color Photography, the Tungsten Electric Lamp, the Pulmotor, and Other New Inventions Investigated by Our Boy Friend. | 352 |