>. Guarda-barrancas, 13, 119. Humming-birds, 110. Jays, blue and grey, 48, 110, 120. Macaws (Ara macao), 147. Mocking-birds or sensontes, 93, 106, 110, 203. Mot-mots, 110, 121, 203. Orioles (Icterus), see also Oropendula, 110, 120. Oropendulas (Ostinops MontezumÆ-Waglerii), 120, 147. Owls, 121. Parras, 216. Parroquets, 110, 119. Parrots, 81, 110, 118, 147. Partridges, 251. Pelicans, 4. Pheasants, 251. Pito-reales, 93. Puhuyak, or Night-jar, 121. Quetzal (Pharomacrus mociuno), 120. Sensontes, see Mocking-birds, supra. Spoonbills, see Chocolateras, 216. Teal, ib. Toucans (Rhamphastos carinatus), 120. Turkeys, Peten (Meleagris ocellata), 178. Whip-poor-will, 48, 121. Woodpeckers, 110, 121. Wrens, 110. Zopilotes (Cathartes atratus), 13, 90, 111, 121. Blackbirds (Quiscalus), 110, 121. Black Christ, shrine of, at Esquipulas, festival of, and pilgrims to, 49, 50, 58. Blancancaux, Mr., 179, 182. Blockley, Mr., 149, 151. Blue Mountains, 183. Boats: Canoes, 57, 193, 236, 239, Cayueos, 239, Doreys, 188, Pit-pans, 186. Boca del Cerro, 236. Bogran, General, President of the Republic of Honduras, 125. Chixoy River or Rio Negro (q. v.), 87, bridge across, 88-9, 167-8. Chocolateras (birds), 216. Chol Indians, missionary effort amongst, 248. Christmas market, Guatemala city, 10. Chronicles, the, of the Cachiquel Indians, 61. Chuaca, old Spanish settlement at, 196. ChuntuchÍ, 248, 250. Churches in Guatemala city, 12. Chute fern, use made of, 91. Cicadas, 77. Ciguatecpan, 245. Cimientos, or foundation mounds, 169, see Mounds. Cinder ridge, on Fuego mountain, 40. ’Citas, 198. Ciudad Vieja near Antigua, the former capital, 24. Clergy, celibacy of, past, 90, and present, 25. Coban, Indians of, 87, 158; bad road to, 90; welcome of Mr. and Mrs. Thomac, ib., cottages and gardens of the natives, 91, their family saints and family settlements, 92, divisions of the town, ib., religious ceremonies at, 93, curious dances at, 94-5; decline of ecclesiastical power in, 94; market at, 95; Spanish missionaries to, 95-99; foreigners in at present time, 99, the Calvario at, ib., track from to Cujabon, mapped, 157. — river, 105. Cochineal trade, formerly the staple of Antigua, 27. Cockroaches, 123. Cockscomb Mountains, 183. Cocoanuts, 10. Coco-palms, 3, 4, 7, 8, 23, 107, 109. Coffee bushes, 23, 27, 30, 53, 57, 91, 108. — trees, San CristÓbal, 89. Cofradias, the, of Coban, organization of, 92, and suppression, 95. Colima, Devil-fish at, 5. "Colima" steamship, wreck of, 3. Coloradillo insect, 122. Colorado Casa, ChichÉn ItzÁ, 251. Cocoanuts, 10. Coco
.htm.html#Page_10" class="pginternal">10, 20. Weapons, present day, 237. Wedding ceremonies at Coban bridge (pre-Christian), 97-8. Women of Santa Maria, 31. dress of, see Costumes, Enaguas, and Huipils. dulness of their life, 58. unattractiveness of, 31. weaving of, 56. Worship, see Baptism, Pilgrims, &c. Indians of British Honduras and Yucatan, 189-90, of Guatemala, 10, of Santa Cruz, Yucatan, their status akin to slavery, 198. Indigo trade, 49. Insects, troublesome, at Copan, 122, at Laguna, 214, on the river Usumacinta, 215, at YaxchÉ, 178. Insects:— Ants, 102, 109, 122. Parasol, 148. Bees, 27, 147. Centipedes, 123. Cockroaches, ib. Coloradillos, 122. Fireflies, 77. Flies, passim. Garrapatas (Ticks), 122. Mosquitos, 147, 150, 215, 226. Scorpions, 123, 150. Spiders, 123. Wasps, 109. Irrigation at PanajachÉl, 57, at San GerÓnimo, 107. Irving, Washington, cited on Columbus and the Maya Indians, 193. ItzÁ Indians, 70, their former headquarters, 245, missionary effort among, 246-9, buildings of, 249, migration and decay of, ib. IximehÉ or Guatemala, 60, 66, 67, 69, 70. Ixkun, ruins at, 174-7, cuÉs or temples at, 177, carved stela at, 243. Izalco, Volcano, see Volcan. Izamal, see Yzamal. Jaguars, use made of skulls of, 236. Jamet y Sastre, Messrs., 168, 215, 235. Jasmin, yellow, 23. Jays, blue and grey, 48, 110, 118, 120. Je
f="@public@vhost@g@html@files@47693@47693-h@47693-h-7.htm.html#Page_127" class="pginternal">127. Palenque, 61, 146, 215, 244; ruins of, 70, 215, 218, savannah near, 217-8, preparations for work at, 219, carnival hindrances, 220-1, muleteers and guide to, 219, 221-2 progress of work at, 224, dense vegetation at, cleared, 225, principal buildings, 225-8, first historic accounts of, 228-9, travellers who have visited and described the ruins at, 226, work remaining to be done at, ib. Palisada, village, 215. Palms, see Cocoanut-palms and Coroza palms. leaves of as food for horses and mules, 171. Palmilla, 145. PanajachÉl, irrigation at, 57; comfortable inn at, 57, vegetation and fruits of, 57-8, pilgrims at, 58-9, road from, to SololÁ, 71. Pan dulce, 10, 19. Panuco, Rio, need for further exploration of, 252. Panzos, port of, export of coffee from, 241. Parasol-ants, 148. Parras (birds), 216. Parrera, Pablo, overseer, 199, 220. Parroquets, 110, 119. Parrots, 81, 110, 119, 147. Partridges, 251. Pasion, Rio de la, and its branches, 157, 167, 169, forest along, 173, divide near, 176, 235; Spanish expedition to, 247. Paso Real, 168, 230, 235, 240. PatÁl, El, pastures of, 106. Patients at Coban, 124, 134. Patinamit, 60. Patzun, poor accommodation at, 42, dress of inhabitants, 42-3; religious procession at, 43, plain of, 229. Rock, Mr. Miles, additions made by to map of religion, 84. Rockets, Indian habit of firing, 74. Rockstroh, Prof., survey expeditions of, 84, 163, 235-6. Roof of vaulted stone, at Utatlan, 69. Roof-construction at SacabajÁ, 78, at Zacapa, 113. Roses, 1, 22, 23, 91. Roza, Indian method of cultivation, 44. Ruatan Islands, landing of Columbus on one of, 193. Ruins:—see Benque Viejo, ChacujÁl (Rio Tinaja), ChichÉ, ChichÉn ItzÁ, IximchÉ, Ixkun, LabnÁ, MenchÉ, Mixco, Palenque, Piedras Negras, Quirigua, Rabinal, SalÍsipuede, TakinsakÚn, Teotihuacan (Mexico), TikÁl, Uspantan, Utatlan, Uxmal, YaxchÉ. Sacapulas, Las Casas and the Dominicans at, 96-8. Sacluc, condition of Indians of, 230-1, wood-cutters of, 231; Englishman at, 231-2; 240. Sacrificatorio, El, at Utatlan, 68. Sahagun, Padre, 206. St. Vincent, Island of, Carib negroes from, at Belize, 188, at Livingston, 155. SalamÁ, 101, dried-up plain of, 106, writer at, 106-7. Salinas, river, 240-1. SalÍsipuede, ruins near, 181. Salvias, scarlet, 32. San AndrÉs, SacabajÁ, approach to, 77; foraging expedition and writer’s quarters at, 78. San Antonio, NiÑa Chica’s Saint, 136, his Novena, 137. — — village, road to, 51, views of, 52-3; Cabildo and school-house at, ib., costumes at, 51-3, 56; Ladino inhabitants of, 53, Sunday-night custom at, ib., school-boys and master at, 54; Indians photographed at, 55-6; looms at, 56. — — village, founded by refugees from San Luis, 173. San Antonio village, 182. — Blas, roadstead of, 4. — CristÓbal (Vera Paz), coffee-culture at, 89. — — (Chiapas), 218. San Felipe, Castle of, 154. San Francisco, 1. San GerÓnimo, ruins near, 104; writer’s welcom
@public@vhost@g@html@files@47693@47693-h@47693-h-13.htm.html#Page_248" class="pginternal">248. Vera Cruz, landing of CortÉs on Isle of, THE END.PRINTED BY TAYLOR AND FRANCIS, RED LION COURT, FLEET STREET. |