SECT. I. | | Chap. 1. | Of God. Page | 1 | 2. | Of Nature. | 4 | 3. | Of Man. | 6 | 4. | Of the Soul. | 8 | 5. | Of the Faculties of the Soul. | 13 | 6. | Of the Humane Body. | 16 | 7. | Of the Formation of the Embryo. | 20 | 8. | Of the Animation of the Foetus. | 24 | 9. | Of the Maturation of the Infant. | 29 | 10. | Of the Nutrition and Posture of the Infant. | 30 | 11. | Of the Membranes and Waters. | 32 | 12. | Of the Secundine or After-Birth. | 33 | 13. | Of the Umbilical Vessels, or Navel-String. | 34 | | SECT. II. | | Chap. 1. | Of the Symptoms peculiar to the State of Maiden-Hood. Page | 37 | 2. | Of Virginity. | 38 | 3. | Of the Virgin-Disease, commonly call’d the Green-Sickness. | 42 | 4. | Of Love. | 49 | 5. | Of Copulation. | 53 | 6. | Remarks upon Copulation. | 55 | 7. | Of the Power of the Imaginative Faculty. | 57 | 8. | Of the Similitude of Children. | 63 | | SECT. III. | | Chap. 1. | Of Conception. Page | 70 | 2. | Of the Signs of Conception. | 72 | 3. | Of the Diet and Regimen of the Pregnant Woman. | 74 | 4. | Of the Symptoms of the first three Months. | 77 | 5. | Of Vomitings, or Nauseating. | 79 | 6. | Of Fastidy, or Loathing. | 80 | 7. | Of the Pica or Longing. | 81 | 8. | Of Cholicks and Gripes. | 84 | 9. | Of a Diarrhea, or Looseness. | 86 | 10. | Of the Tooth-Ach. | 85 | 11. | Of the Head-Ach. | 87 | 12. | Of the Megrim, or Vertigo. | 88 | 13. | Of the Symptoms of the Middle Three Months. | 92 | 14. | Of Coughs. | 93 | 15. | Of Heart-Beatings and Swooning-Fits. | 94 | 16. | Of Watchings. | 95 | 393 | 3. | Of the Strangulation of the Womb. | 398 | | With a conclusive Application of the whole Work. |