- Stamen
- Anther
- Filament
- Sepal
- Receptacle
- Petal
- Pistil
- Stigma
- Style
- Ovary
- Peduncle
Sepals collectively designated as calyx.
Petals collectively designated as corolla.
The ripened ovary comprises the fruit.
Ripened ovules of the ovary comprise the seed of the fruit.
A flower lacking either calyx, corolla, stamens, or pistil is an incomplete flower. If the male and female flower parts occur in separate flowers on the same tree the species is said to be monoecious. If the male and female flowers occur on separate trees, the species is said to be dioecious.
- Spike
- Catkin or ament
- Cylindrical cyme
- Flat-topped cyme
- Raceme
- Panicle
- Corymb
- Umbel
- Compound umbel
- Head
- Acorn (Oak)
- Multiple Fruit (Mulberry)
- Nuts in Prickly Bur (Beech)
- Drupe (Cherry)
- Pod (Locust)
- Samara (Elm)
- Samara (Ash)
- Samara (Maple)
- Cone (Pine)
- Hairy Seed (Willow)
- Nuts in Bladder-Like Bracts (Hophornbeam)
- Berry (Persimmon)
- Nut in Husk (Hickory)
- A Nut-Like Drupe (Basswood)
- Drupe (Hackberry)
- Winged Seed (Pine)
- Multiple Fruit—Achene Enlarged (Sycamore)
- Nuts in Spiny Bur (Chinkapin)