

Page numbers in italics indicate illustrations.


Acanthoceras: 77
Actinomma: 49
Africa: 87
Agnatha: 87
Alaska: 7
Alectryonia lugubris: 68
algae: 44, 46, 47
“algal biscuits”: 44
alligators: 95
Allorisma: 67
Allosaurus: 90, 97, 98
Allotheria: 100
allotherians: 100
Amarillo College: 27
amber: 7
amblypods: 102
Ambocoelia: 57
Amelanchier: 48
American Museum of Natural History: 2, 15, 96
ammonites: 11, 75, 76, 77, 78
Ammonoidea: 66
ammonoids: 75, 76, 77, 78
Amphibia: 89
amphibians: 87, 92
Amphineura: 56
Amphiscapha: 61
Ancilla: 64
Angulotreta: 55, 56
ankylosaurs: 90, 97, 99
Annelida: 78
annelids: 78
Anomia: 74
anteaters: 100
Anthozoa: 49, 51
Apsotreta: 55, 56
aragonite: 11
Archelon: 91
Archetectonica: 64
Archaeopteryx: 100
Archeozoic, derivation and pronunciation: 33
Archer County: 89
Archimedes: 54
arietina, Exogyra: 70
Aristotle: 3
Arizona: 7
Arkansas: 37
Arlington State College: 1, 27
armadillos: 100, 102
Aronow, Saul: 1
Arthropoda: 78, 79, 80
arthropods: 10, 78, 79, 80
crustaceans: 79, 80
insects: 7, 79
ostracodes: 79, 80
trilobites: 78, 80
Articulata: 56
Artiodactyla: 106
artiodactyls: 106
camels: 106
entelodonts: 101, 106
ash, volcanic: 5
Astacodes: 79
Astartella: 67
Asteroidea: 82
asteroids: 82, 83
Asterozoa: 82
Astraeospongium: 50
Astrhelia: 53
Astylospongia: 50
Aulosteges tuberculatus: 12, 13
Austin: 14, 17, 19, 87
Austin College: 27
Australia: 87
author, of a fossil: 22
autopores: 51
Aves: 89, 100
Avonia: 12, 13
signata: 12, 13
subhorrida: 12, 13
bacteria: 47
Baculites: 77
bags, collecting: 17, 18
Balcones fault zone: 36, 37
baluchitheres: 104, 106
Baluchitherium: 106
Barbatia: 74
Baylor County: 89
Baylor University: 1, 2, 27, 90, 91, 95
Beaumont: 1, 34
clay: 34
Beaver, Harold: 1
Belemnites: 77, 78
Belemnoidea: 78
belemnoids: 77, 78
Bellerophon: 61
Big Bend area: 35, 36
National Park: 35, 97, 102
Big Spring: 89
binomial nomenclature: 21-22
Bird, R. T.: 2, 15, 96
birds, fossil: 5, 100
Blastoidea: 81
blastoids: 26, 28, 81
Blinn College: 27
bone, permineralized: 9
Books About Fossils: 108-110
Boon, Jack: 1
Brachiopoda: 54, 55, 56
brachiopods: 26, 29, 54, 55, 56
articulate: 54, 55, 56, 57, 58
Cambrian: 55
Cretaceous: 56
inarticulate: 55, 56
Mississippian: 55
Pennsylvanian: 57, 58
Permian: 12, 13
Recent: 56
silicified: 12, 13
symmetry: 24, 26, 29
Brachiosaurus: 90
Brewster County: 11, 12, 35, 41
brittle stars: 82
Bronaugh, Richmond L.: 1
Brontosaurus: 90, 97, 98
Brontotherium: 104, 105, 106
Brown, L. F., Jr.: 1
Bryophyta: 44
Bryozoa: 51, 54, 55
bryozoans: 26, 27, 28, 30, 51, 54, 55, 84
Mississippian: 54
Pennsylvanian: 55
bulla, Venericardia: 72
Bureau of Economic Geology: 2, 19
burrows: 14
“button corals”: 49, 53
ddt">gastropods: 59, 62
nautiloids: 76
pelecypods: 59, 66, 68-71
shark teeth: 88
worms: 78
tubes: 9
of central Texas, Edwards Plateau, Gulf Coastal Plain, High Plains, north Texas, and Trans-Pecos Texas: 42
“Pyrite Fossil Zone” of: 11
crinoidal limestone: 41, 82, 83
Crinoidea: 81
crinoids: 26, 28, 41, 81, 82, 83
calyx: 81, 82, 83
morphology: 81
stems: 26, 28, 81, 82, 83
Crockett County: 42
Crockett formation: 43
crocodiles: 95, 96
crossopterygians: 87
crustaceans: 79, 80
Culberson County: 35
cuttlefish: 78
cycads: 47, 48
Cymatoceras: 75, 76
Cystoidea: 81
cystoids: 81, 82, 83
“Dark Ages”: 3
da Vinci, Leonardo: 3
Davis, Darrell: 1
Decapoda. See Coleoidea.
deer: 106
Del Mar College: 27
dendrites: 14
Dendrograptus: 86
Denver, Colorado: 19
Derbya: 57
derivation and pronunciation: 34
fossils: 41
placoderms: 87, 88
Psilophyton: 48
of El Paso and Van Horn regions, Llano and Marathon uplifts: 41
Diablo Mountains: 41
diatoms: 10
petrifaction: 10
repl @56315-h@56315-h-4.htm.html#Page_58">58
keys. See 71
paleobotany: 4
paleobotanists: 44
definition: 4
divisions of: 4
history of: 3
invertebrate: 4
vertebrate: 4
Paleoscincus: 90, 97, 99, 100
derivation and pronunciation: 33
periods of: 34
rocks of Texas: 40-42
Palo Pinto County: 20
Paluxy Creek: 14, 15
Pan American College: 27
Pantodonta: 102
pantodonts: 102
Parasaurolophus: 90
Parasmilia: 53
Parker County: 20
Pawpaw formation: 11
pearly nautilus: 66
morphology: 75
Pecos County: 42
Pecos River valley: 35
Pecten: 59, 68, 74
pedicle: 54, 56
foramen: 54, 56
valve, brachiopod: 54
Pelycosaurs: 89, 92
Pelecypoda: 56, 59, 65-66
pelecypods: 26, 29, 30, 56, 59, 60, 66
Cretaceous: 59, 66, 68-71
dentition: 66
morphology: 59, 60, 65, 66
ornamentation: 66
Pennsylvanian: 66, 67
teeth: 60, 65, 66
Tertiary: 72, 73, 74
Pelmatozoa: 80, 51, 55
Rice University: 27
Rio Grande valley, of Trans-Pecos: 35, 95
road metal: 19
Robulus: 49
Rock and Mineral Clubs: 23
rock units: 34
rockymontanus, Spirifer: 58
Rodda, Peter U.: 1
rudistids: 26, 27, 28, 29, 30
Rugosa: 51
saber-tooth cat: 102, 103
St. Mary’s University: 27
salamanders: 89
Salenia: 85
San Angelo College: 27
San Antonio College: 27
sand dollars: 82
sapiens, Homo: 22
Sarcodina: 47
Saurischia: 97
saurischians: 90, 97, 99
Sauropoda: 97
sauropods: 90, 97, 98
scale trees: 46, 47
scallops: 56, 59
Scaphopoda: 56
scaphopods: 26, 27, 28, 29, 56
Schizodus: 67
scientific names: 21-23
Scleractinia: 51
sclerites, holothurian: 83, 84
scolecodont: 78
scouring rushes: 47, 48
Scyphozoa: 49, 84
sea anemones: 49
sea cucumbers: 82
“sea lily”: 81, 82
“sea mats”: 51, 54
“sea-mice”: 56
sea urchins: 82
sedimentary rocks: 5, 19
sellaeformis, Ostrea:

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